Career Development: Creating Favorable Conditions: - Management Participation - Setting Goals
Career Development: Creating Favorable Conditions: - Management Participation - Setting Goals
Career Development: Creating Favorable Conditions: - Management Participation - Setting Goals
Favorable Conditions
• Management Participation • Setting Goals
Provide top management Plan human resources
support strategy
Provide collaboration • Changing HR Policies
between line managers Provide for job rotation
and HR managers
Provide outplacement
Train management
• Announcing the Program
Explain its philosophy
Figure 7.2
Identifying Career Opportunities and
• Competency Analysis
Measures three basic competencies for each job:
know-how, problem solving, and accountability.
• Job Progressions
The hierarchy of jobs a new employee might
experience, ranging from a starting job to jobs that
require more knowledge and/or skill.
• Career Paths
Lines of advancement in an occupational field
within an organization.
Typical Line of Advancement in HR
Figure 7.3
Career Changes
• Promotion
A change of assignment to a job at a higher level
in the organization.
Principal criteria for determining promotions are
merit, seniority, and potential.
• Transfer
The placement of an individual in another job for
which the duties, responsibilities, status, and
remuneration are approximately equal to those of
the previous job.
Career Change Organizational
• Relocation services
Services provided to an employee who is
transferred to a new location:
Helpin moving, in selling a home, in orienting to a
new culture, and/or in learning a new language.
• Outplacement services
Services provided by organizations to help
terminated employees find a new job.
Alternative Career Moves
Figure 7.4
Dual Career Tracks: Xenova System
Senior Scientist
Source: Adapted from Alan Garmonsway of Xenova and Michael Wellin of Behavioral
Transformation, “Creating the Right Natural Chemistry,” People Management 1, no. 19
(September 21, 1995): 36–39. HRM 2
Human Capital Profiles for Two Different
• Fast-track Program
A program that encourages young managers with
high potential to remain with an organization by
enabling them to advance more rapidly than those
with less potential.
• Career Self-Management Training
Helping employees learn to continuously gather
feedback and information about their careers.
Encouraging them to prepare for mobility.
• Mentors
Executives who coach, advise, and encourage
individuals of lesser rank.
• Mentoring functions
Functions concerned with the career
advancement and psychological aspects of
the person being mentored.
Top Ten Myths about Mentors
1. Mentors exist only for 6. Mentor relationships just
career development. happen.
2. You need only one 7. Highly profiled people
mentor. make the best mentors.
3. Mentoring is a one-way 8. Once a mentor, always
process. a mentor.
4. A mentor has to be 9. Mentoring is a
older than the protégé. complicated process.
5. A mentor has to be the 10. Mentor-protégé
same gender and race expectations are the
as the protégé. same for everyone.
Figure 7.6
Mentoring Functions
Source: Matt Starcevich, Ph.D. and Fred Friend, “Effective Mentoring Relationships from
the Mentee’s Perspective,” Workforce, supplement (July 1999): 2–3. Used with permission
of the Center for Coaching and Mentoring, Inc., Figure 7.7
Forming a Mentoring Relationship
Source: Excerpted with permission of the publisher from Connecting with Success: How to Build Your
Mentoring Network to Fast-Forward Your Career, by Kathleen Barton; Davis-Black Publishing, 800.624.1765.
Career Networking Contacts
• Your college alumni association or career office networking
• Your own extended family
• Your friends’ parents and other family members
• Your professors, advisors, coaches, tutors, clergy
• Your former bosses and your friends’ and family members’
• Members of clubs, religious groups, and other organizations
to which you belong
• All of the organizations near where you live or go to school
Career Development for Women
• The “Glass Ceiling”
Artificial barriers based on attitudinal or
organizational bias that prevent qualified women
from advancing upward in their organizations into
management level positions.
• Eliminating Barriers to Advancement
Development of women’s networks
Online e-mentoring for women
Diminishing stereotyping of women
Presence of women in significant managerial
Glass-Ceiling Audits
• Glass ceiling audit factors:
Upper-level management and executive training
Rotational assignments/International
Opportunities for promotion
Opportunities for executive development
programs at universities
Desirable compensation packages
Opportunities to participate on high-profile
project teams
Upper-level special assignments
Career Development for Minorities
• Career development for minorities is advanced
Organizational support for the advancement
of minorities to significant management
Provision of internships to attract minorities
to management careers.
Organization of training courses to foster the
development of minority’s managerial skills
and knowledge.
Dual-Career Couples
• Dual-Career Partnerships
Couples in which both members follow their own
careers and actively support each other’s career
Flexiblework schedules
Adaptive leave policies
On-premises day care
Job sharing
Stages of Career Development
Stage 5: Late Career (ages 55–retirement):
Remain productive in work, maintain self-esteem, prepare for effective
Avoid Develop
Low High
Figure 7.10
Presentation Slide 7–6
The Plateauing Trap
• Career Plateau
Situation in which for either organizational or
personal reasons the probability of moving up the
career ladder is low.
• Types of Plateaus
Structural plateau: end of advancement
Content plateau: lack of challenge
Life plateau: crisis of personal identity
Twelve Steps for Starting a New
Source: From Business in a Changing World, 3rd edition, by W. Cunningham, R. Aldag, and S. Block: 139 © 1993.
Reprinted with permission of South-Western College Publishing, a division of Thomson Learning. Fax 800-730-2215. Figure 7.12
Keeping a Career in Perspective