New BM
New BM
New BM
Functional benchmarking:
• This type of benchmarking study is undertaken if
non-competitor organization exhibits some
excellence in certain areas of the business such as
use of IT, admin Procedures, logistic processes.
• This benchmarking approach allows co-operation
between the organisations because there is no risk
of competition among them.
External benchmarking:
• This is competitive benchmarking. T
• he goal is to compare an organization to its
competitor in the same industry (e.g., COAA
• It helps organization to understand where it is
standing in regards to performance.
Internal benchmarking:
• The objective is to determine the overall internal
performance standard of an organization and can
only be used to compare different departments in
an organization and not external competition.
• This type of benchmarking can also be applied to
government sector organisation where a
systematic comparison of best practices can be
Striving for superiority
•Focus on external environment and
emphasis on increasing process
•Present climate of dynamic change and
fiercely competitive markets; essential
for survival
• Based on Critical Success Factors (CFS) (Camp, 1989) Key Performance
Indicator (KPI) then to be identified based on CSF (McCabe, 2001).
Critical Success Factors (CSF) is limited number of factors that highly
impact the company’s competitiveness (Andersen & Pettersen, 1996).
• Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurement on the progress
being made to insure that the critical success factors are being
achieved. It represents the measures of progress in achievement of
the CSF (McCabe,2001)
• Based on the business function of the company (Zairi,1996)
• Factors are being crucial to the development of the organization’s
ability to provide excellence service and standards to customers
(Andersen & Pettersen, 1996)
• Being those that are in most need of radical change and
improvement (McCabe, 2001)
Prestige Economics Conducts Benchmarking t o Reduce Costs and Drive Growth
in it iatives that
portfolio of assets In t
• Examine operational
efficiency to identify
internal best practices
• Ensure consistency High variability
across the company in performance IQ
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Richard Delbridge, James Lowe, Nick Oliver, (1995) "The process of benchmarking: A
study from the automotive industry", International Journal of Operations & Production
Management, Vol. 15 Iss: 4, pp.50 - 62
Contextualisation – Application in
Construction Industry
“The benefits of adopting benchmarking approach are numerous. Some examples are;
increasing productivity, generating more revenue, saving cost, improving
processes and being more creative, helping organization to understand what
could be doing better, helping to identify room for growth organization are
unaware of, helping organization to know where they stand in relation to
others, helping organization in budgeting and planning”
(Ikpe, Kumar & Jargeas, 2015)
✓ Don't try and benchmark too many things to begin with. Select
two or three key areas, and then gradually add others over time.