Chnge MGT
Chnge MGT
Chnge MGT
Managers must be
prepared to handle both
External Forces for Change
Globalization Workforce
Changing Ethical
Technology Behavior
Treatment Changes
Environment in work
Society Technological
Changes in
Changing organizational
Technology structure
Internal Forces for Change
Declining Crisis
Changing Employee
Work Climate Expectations
Scope of Change
Advantages Disadvantages
know past history, may be associated
limited knowledge of
organization’s history
objective view
may be viewed with
• What are the forces for change?
• What are the forces preserving the status quo?
• What are the most likely sources of resistance?
• What are the goals to be accomplished by change?
OD Intervention Methods:
Organizational/Group Techniques
Survey Feedback - a widely
used method of
intervention whereby
employee attitudes are
solicited by Anonymous
questionnaire Group reporting format
No repercussions
Clear purpose
Follow up
OD Intervention Methods:
Organizational/Group Techniques
Management by Objective -
an organization-wide
intervention technique of
joint goal setting
between employees and Initial objectives
managers Periodic progress reviews
Problem solving to
remove obstacles to
goal achievement
OD Intervention Methods:
Organizational/Group Techniques
Quality Program - a
program that embeds
product and service
quality excellence into
the organizational
culture Raise aspirations about
product/service quality
Embed product/service
quality excellence in the
organizational culture
OD Intervention Methods:
Organizational/Group Techniques
Team Building - an
intervention designed to
improve the
effectiveness of a work
group Seek feedback
Discuss errors
Reflect on successes & failures
Experiment with new ways of
Climate of psychological safety
OD Intervention Methods:
Organizational/Group Techniques
Large Group Interventions -
events that bring all of
the key members of a
group together in one
room for an extended
period of time Outside consultants determine
participants & goals
Participants = critical mass
supporting change
OD Intervention Methods:
Organizational/Group Techniques
Process Consultation - an
OD method that helps
managers and employers
improve the processes Outside consultant:
Enters organization
that are used in Defines the relationship
organizations Chooses an approach
Gathers data
Diagnoses problem
Leaves organization
OD Intervention Methods:
Individual-Focused Techniques
Skills Training -
increasing the job
knowledge, skills,
and abilities that are
necessary to do a job
In formal classroom settings
effectively On the job (Continual updating)
OD Intervention Methods:
Individual-Focused Techniques
Sensitivity Training - an
intervention designed to
help individuals under-
stand how their behaviorOutside trainer who
affects others intervenes only to move
the group forward.
Training can:
• help employees
understand each other
•recognize their own feelings
•improve communication
OD Intervention Methods:
Individual-Focused Techniques
Development Training
- a host of techniques
for enhancing
managers’ skills in anVerbal information
organization Intellectual skills
OD Intervention Methods:
Individual-Focused Techniques
Role Negotiation - a
technique whereby
individuals meet and
clarify their
psychological contract Outcomes:
• Better understanding of
what each can be
expected to give & receive
• Less ambiguity
OD Intervention Methods:
Individual-Focused Techniques
Job Redesign - an OD
intervention method
that alters jobs to
improve the fit
between individual
Realign task demands and
skills and the demands
individual capabilities
of the job Redesign jobs to fit new
techniques or organization
OD Intervention Methods:
Individual-Focused Techniques
Ex. Stress reduction education,
Health Promotion employee assistance
Match individual’s career
Career Planning aspirations with organizational
Ethical Considerations in
Organizational Development