Mini Case: Mrs. Watanabe and The Japanese Yen Carry Trade

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Chapter 6

Mini Case

Mrs. Watanabe
and the
Japanese Yen
Carry Trade
Mini-Case: Mrs. Watanabe and
the Japanese Yen Carry Trade

At more than ¥1,500,000bn (some $16,800bn), these

savings are considered the world’s biggest pool of
investable wealth. Most of it is stashed in ordinary
Japanese bank accounts; a surprisingly large amount is
kept at home in cash, in tansu savings, named for the
traditional wooden cupboards in which people store
their possessions. But from the early 2000s, the
housewives—often referred to collectively as “Mrs.
Watanabe”, a common Japanese surname — began to
hunt for higher returns.
—“Shopping, Cooking, Cleaning… Playing The Yen Carry
Trade,” Financial Times, February 21, 2009.

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Mrs. Watanabe and the Japanese
Yen Carry Trade
• Over the past 20 years, Japanese yen interest rates have remained extremely low by global
o For years the monetary authorities at the Bank of Japan have worked tirelessly fighting equity
market collapses, deflationary pressures, liquidity traps, and economic recession, all by keeping
yen-denominated interests rates hovering at around 1% per annum or lower.
o Combined with a sophisticated financial industry of size and need, these low interest rates have
spawned an international financial speculation termed the yen carry trade.
• In the textbooks, this trading strategy is categorized more formally, as uncovered interest
arbitrage (UIA).
o It is a fairly simple speculative position: borrow money where it is cheap and invest it in a
different currency market with higher interest returns.
o The only real trick is to time the market correctly so that when the currency in the high-yield
market is converted back to the original currency, the exchange rate has either stayed the same
or moved in favor of the speculator.
• “In favor of” means that the high-yielding currency has strengthened against the borrowed
currency. And as Shakespeare stated, “ay, there’s the rub.”
• But why the focus on Japan?
o First, Japan has consistently demonstrated one of the world’s highest savings rates for
decades. This means that an enormous pool of funds has accumulated in the hands of private
savers, savers who are traditionally very conservative.
o Those funds, whether stuffed in the mattress or placed in savings accounts, earn little in
return. (In fact, given the extremely low interest rates offered, there is little effective
difference between the mattress and the bank.)

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Mrs. Watanabe and the Japanese
Yen Carry Trade
• A second factor facilitating the yen carry trade is the sheer size and
sophistication of the Japanese financial sector.
o Not only is the Japanese economy one of the largest industrial economies in the world,
it is one that has grown and developed with a strong international component. One
only has to consider the size and global reach of Toyota or Sony to understand the
established and developed infrastructure surrounding business and international
finance in Japan.
o The Japanese banking sector, however, has been continuously in search of new and
diverse investments with which to balance the often despondent domestic economy. It
has therefore sought out foreign investors and foreign borrowers who are attractive
o Multinational companies have found ready access to yen-denominated debt for years—
debt which is, once again, available at extremely low interest.
• A third expeditor of the yen carry trade is the value of the Japanese yen itself.
o The yen has long been considered the most international of Asian currencies, and is
widely traded. It has, however, also been exceedingly volatile over time.
o But it is not volatility alone, as volatility itself could undermine interest arbitrage
overnight. The key has been in the relatively long trends in value change of the yen
against other major currencies like the U.S. dollar, or as in the following example, the
Australian dollar.
• Exhibit A illustrates the movement of the Japanese yen/Australian dollar
exchange rate over a 13-year period, from 2000 through 2013.
o This spot rate movement and long-running periodic trends have offered a number of
extended periods in which interest arbitrage was highly profitable.

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Exhibit A The Trending JPY and AUD
Spot Rate

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Mrs. Watanabe and the Japanese
Yen Carry Trade
• The two periods of Aussie dollar appreciation are clear. During those periods, an investor
who was short yen and long Aussie dollars (and enjoying relatively higher Aussie dollar
interest) could and did enjoy substantial returns.
• But what about shorter holding periods, say a year, in which the speculator does not
have a crystal ball over the long-term trend of the spot rate—but only a guess?
• Consider the one-year speculation detailed in Exhibit B. An investor looking at the
exchange rate in January 2009 (Exhibit A) would see a yen that had reached a recent
historical “low”—a strong position against the Aussie dollar.
• Betting that the yen would likely bounce, weakening once again against the Aussie
dollar, she could borrow ¥50 million at 1.00% interest per annum for one year. She could
then exchange the ¥50 million yen for Australian dollars at ¥60.91/A$, and then deposit
the A$820,883 proceeds for one year at the Australian interest rate of 4.50% per annum.
• The investor could even have rationalized that even if the exchange rate did not change,
she would earn a 3.50% per annum interest differential. As it turned out, the spot
exchange rate one year later, in January 2010, saw a much weaker Japanese yen against
the Aussie dollar, ¥83.19/A$. The one-year Aussie-Yen carry trade position would then
have earned a very healthy profit of ¥20,862,296.83 on a one-year investment of
¥50,000,000, a 41.7% rate of return.
• The global financial crisis of 2008–2009 has left a marketplace in which the U.S. Federal
Reserve and the European Central Bank have pursued easy money policies. Both central
banks, in an effort to maintain high levels of liquidity and to support fragile commercial
banking systems, have kept interest rates at near-zero levels.
• Now global investors who see opportunities for profit in an anemic global economy are
using those same low-cost funds in the U.S. and Europe to fund uncovered interest
arbitrage activities. But what is making this “emerging market carry trade” so unique is
not the interest rates, but the fact that investors are shorting two of the world’s core
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currencies: the dollar and the euro.
Exhibit B The Aussie-Yen Carry

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Mrs. Watanabe and the Japanese
Yen Carry Trade
• Consider the strategy outlined in Exhibit C. An investor
borrows EUR 20 million at an incredibly low rate, say 1.00%
per annum or 0.50% for 180 days.
• The EUR 20 million are then exchanged for Indian rupees
(INR), the current spot rate being INR 60.4672 = EUR 1.00.
The resulting INR 1,209,344,000 are put into an interest-
bearing deposit with any of a number of Indian banks
attempting to attract capital.
• The rate of interest offered, 2.50%, is not particularly high,
but is greater than that available in the dollar, euro, or even
yen markets.
• But the critical component of the strategy is not to earn the
higher rupee interest (although that does help), it is the
expectations of the investor regarding the direction of the
INR per EUR exchange rate.

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Exhibit C The Euro-Rupee Carry

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Mrs. Watanabe and the Japanese
Yen Carry Trade

1. Why are interest rates so low in the

traditional core markets of USD and EUR?
2. What makes this “emerging market carry
trade” so different from traditional forms of
uncovered interest arbitrage?
3. Why are many investors shorting the dollar
and the euro?

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Mrs. Watanabe and the Japanese
Yen Carry Trade
1. Why are interest rates so low in the traditional core markets
of USD and EUR?
– Following the global financial crisis in 2008-2009, central banks in both the United States
(the U.S. Federal Reserve) and Europe (European Central Bank) have kept interest rates
extremely low to provide liquidity in the system, sustain commercial banks which are in or
near-crisis in terms of capital, and provide as much monetary stimulus to the economies
as possible.
2. What makes this “emerging market carry trade” so different
from traditional forms of uncovered interest arbitrage?
– First, in who is doing it. Much of the Japanese civilian population, in an attempt to gain greater
returns on their large savings, have been undertaking carry trade speculation.
– Secondly, is that the speculators are shorting the dollar and the euro – betting on the dollar
and the euro to fall in value – the two largest and most widely used and held currencies on
3. Why are many investors shorting the dollar and the euro?
– Both currency and economic systems, the dollar and the euro, have been slowly recovering
from a massive financial crisis. Because their interest rates are so low, and expected to stay
relatively low for years to come, while other countries and currency markets – some emerging
markets – are pushing interest rates up to attract capital, the medium-term to long-term
expectation is for the dollar and euro to remain weak.

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