Reserve Bank of India Bulletin: Weekly Statistical Supplement
Reserve Bank of India Bulletin: Weekly Statistical Supplement
Reserve Bank of India Bulletin: Weekly Statistical Supplement
Vol. 25 No. 34
1. Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets (Rs. crore)
2009 2010 Variation
Aug. 14 Aug. 6 Aug. 13# Week Year
1 2 3 4 5 6
Notes Issued 7,04,020 8,41,739 8,46,830 5,091 1,42,810
Notes in Circulation 7,04,002 8,41,720 8,46,812 5,092 1,42,810
Notes held in Banking Department 18 19 18 –1 —
Central Government 38,595 100 101 — –38,494
Market Stabilisation Scheme 19,689 — — — –19,689
State Governments 41 41 41 — —
Scheduled Commercial Banks 1,99,660 2,95,325 2,95,251 –74 95,592
Scheduled State Co-operative Banks 3,098 4,112 3,967 –145 869
Other Banks 10,490 14,442 14,201 –241 3,711
Others 13,110 13,299 13,053 –245 –57
Other Liabilities 4,10,666 3,62,180 3,38,043 –24,137 –72,623
TOTAL LIABILITIES/ASSETS 13,99,369 15,31,239 15,11,489 –19,750 1,12,119
Foreign Currency Assets (1) 12,56,274 12,02,636 11,96,364 –6,272 –59,910
Gold Coin and Bullion (2) 46,576 89,564 89,564 — 42,988
Rupee Securities (Including Treasury Bills) 64,619 2,21,809 2,09,129 –12,680 1,44,511
Loans and Advances
Central Government — — — — —
State Governments 12 — — — –12
NABARD — — — — —
Scheduled Commercial Banks — 1,280 1,132 –148 1,132
Scheduled State Co-operative Banks — — — — —
Industrial Development Bank of India — — — — —
Export-Import Bank of India — — — — —
Others 9,059 25 25 — –9,033
Bills Purchased and Discounted
Commercial — — — — —
Treasury — — — — —
Investments (3) 2,750 2,750 2,750 — —
Other Assets 20,080 13,174 12,524 –650 –7,556
(1) Includes foreign securities, balances held abroad and investments in foreign shares/bonds. This also includes investments in foreign currency denominated bonds
issued by IIFC(UK) since March 20, 2009.
(2) Effective October 17, 1990, gold is valued close to international market price.
(3) Excludes investments in foreign shares and bonds and in Government of India rupee securities.
2. Foreign Exchange Reserves
Variation over
Item As on Aug. 13, 2010 Week End-March 2010 End-December 2009 Year
Rs. Crore US$ Mn. Rs. Crore US$ Mn. Rs. Crore US$ Mn. Rs. Crore US$ Mn. Rs. Crore US$ Mn.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Total Reserves 13,17,004 282,791 –6,255 –4,565 57,339 3,734 –6,231 –679 8,873 11,766
(a) Foreign Currency Assets + 11,95,200 256,591 –6,286 –4,488 * 45,550 1,906 –11,865 –1,992 –59,867 –3,419
(b) Gold $ 89,564 19,278 — — 8,376 1,292 4,177 986 42,988 9,607
(c) SDRs @ 23,220 4,985 23 –56 624 –21 –908 –184 23,219 4,985
(d) Reserve Position in the IMF** 9,020 1,937 8 –21 2,789 557 2,365 511 2,533 593
+ : Excludes Rs.1,165 crore /US$ 250 million invested in foreign currency denominated bonds issued by IIFC (UK).
* : Foreign currency assets expressed in US dollar terms include the effect of appreciation/depreciation of non-US currencies (such as Euro, Sterling, Yen) held in
reserves. For details, please refer to the Current Statistics section of the RBI Bulletin.
** : Reserve Position in the International Monetary Fund (IMF), i.e., Reserve Tranche Position (RTP) which was shown as a memo item from May 23, 2003 to March 26,
2004 has been included in the reserves from the week ended April 2, 2004 in keeping with the international best practice.
@ : Includes SDR 3,082.5 million (equivalent to US$ 4,883 million) allocated under general allocation and SDR 214.6 million (equivalent to US $ 340 million) allocated
under special allocation by IMF done on August 28, 2009 and September 9, 2009, respectively.
$ : Includes Rs.31,463 crore (USD 6,699 million) reflecting the purchase of 200 metric tonnes of gold from IMF on November 3, 2009.
4. Cash Reserve Ratio and Interest Rates (per cent per annum)
2009 2010
Item / Week Ended
Aug. 7 Jul. 2 Jul. 9 Jul. 16 Jul. 23 Jul. 30 Aug. 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Cash Reserve Ratio (per cent)(1) 5.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
Bank Rate 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
I.D.B.I.(2) 10.25 10.25 10.25 10.25 10.25 10.25 10.25
Base Rate(3) 11.00-12.00 7.50-8.00 7.50-8.00 7.50-8.00 7.50-8.00 7.50-8.00 7.50-8.00
Deposit Rate(4) 6.50-7.75 6.00-7.50 6.00-7.50 6.00-7.50 6.00-7.50 6.00-7.50 6.00-7.50
Call Money Rate (Low / High)(5)
- Borrowings 1.25/4.00 2.00/6.50 2.85/6.15 3.25/5.80 2.90/5.85 2.90/5.81 2.90/6.10
- Lendings 1.25/4.00 2.00/6.50 2.85/6.15 3.25/5.80 2.90/5.85 2.90/5.81 2.90/6.10
(1) Cash Reser ve R atio relates to Scheduled Commercial Banks (e xcluding Regional Rural Banks). (2) Minimum Term L ending R ate (MTLR).
(3) Base Rate relates to five major banks since July 1, 2010. Earlier figures relate to Benchmark Prime Lending Rate (BPLR). (4) Deposit Rate relates to major banks
for term deposits of more than one year maturity. (5) Data cover 90-95 per cent of total transactions reported by participants.
U.S. Dollar 46.0700 46.3000 46.5400 46.9400 46.5800 — 3.26 3.01 3.00 3.35
Euro 61.2600 60.9300 60.7800 60.5400 60.0500 — 11.32 11.62 12.87 14.30
U.S. Buying 46.0600 46.2900 46.5250 46.9300 46.5700 — 3.24 3.03 3.04 3.36
Dollar { Selling 46.0700 46.3000 46.5350 46.9400 46.5800 — 3.24 3.03 3.04 3.36
Sterling { Buying
{ Buying
100 Yen Buying 53.8325 53.9075 54.5100 54.9725 54.0750 — –8.86 –9.23 –7.93 –7.49
{ Selling 53.8525 53.9375 54.5300 55.0225 54.0925 — –8.87 –9.20 –7.96 –7.49
Components (i+ii+iii+iv)
(i) Currency with the Public 7,68,033 8,14,057 –14,486 –1.7 10,513 1.6 46,024 6.0 84,494 14.3 1,38,093 20.4
(ii) Demand Deposits with Banks 7,22,739 6,85,291 42,031 6.5 –2,543 –0.4 –37,448 –5.2 72,756 14.2 99,146 16.9
(iii) Time Deposits with Banks 41,05,151 42,86,544 12,034 0.3 2,47,270 7.0 1,81,393 4.4 7,04,702 22.9 5,04,170 13.3
(iv) "Other" Deposits with
Reserve Bank 3,839 5,110 863 20.3 –1,320 –23.7 1,271 33.1 –836 –16.4 860 20.2
Sources (i+ii+iii+iv-v)
(i) Net Bank Credit to
Government (a+b) 16,67,096 17,38,039 2,307 0.1 1,44,967 11.3 70,942 4.3 4,51,536 46.5 3,15,739 22.2
(a) Reserve Bank 2,11,586 2,22,635 –4,084 –33,734 11,049 1,04,419 1,94,789
(b) Other Banks 14,55,511 15,15,404 6,391 0.4 1,78,701 14.7 59,893 4.1 3,47,117 33.1 1,20,950 8.7
(ii) Bank Credit to
Commercial Sector (a+b) 34,92,781 36,06,610 –3,319 –0.1 28,194 0.9 1,13,829 3.3 4,03,092 15.3 5,63,523 18.5
(a) Reserve Bank 1,328 1,325 –250 — –2,164 — –3 — 10,276 — –10,331 —
(b) Other Banks 34,91,453 36,05,285 –3,069 –0.1 30,358 1.0 1,13,831 3.3 3,92,816 14.9 5,73,854 18.9
(iii) Net Foreign Exchange
Assets of Banking Sector* 12,81,469 13,41,454 1,510 0.1 1,670 0.1 59,986 4.7 39,749 3.0 –12,400 –0.9
(iv) Government's Currency
Liabilities to the Public 11,270 11,508 — — 362 3.6 238 2.1 903 9.5 1,091 10.5
(v) Banking Sector's Net
Non-Monetary Liabilities 8,52,854 9,06,609 –39,944 –4.2 –78,727 –9.2 53,755 6.3 34,164 4.6 1,25,683 16.1
of which :
Net Non-Monetary
Liabilities of RBI 3,01,615 3,58,236 –916 –0.3 33,960 8.8 56,622 18.8 1,35,984 47.6 –63,653 –15.1
* : Includes investments in foreign currency denominated bonds issued by IIFC(UK) since March 20, 2009.
Note : Government Balances as on March 31, 2010 are after closure of accounts.
Reserve Money 11,55,686 11,76,608 4,387 0.4 –55,534 –5.6 20,922 1.8 –28,190 –2.9 2,44,144 26.2
Components (i+ii+iii)
(i) Currency in Circulation 7,99,549 8,58,320 5,092 0.6 23,265 3.4 58,771 7.4 94,279 15.2 1,43,902 20.1
(ii) Bankers' Deposits with RBI 3,52,299 3,13,420 –460 –0.1 –78,027 –26.8 –38,879 –11.0 –1,22,296 –36.4 1,00,173 47.0
(iii) "Other" Deposits with RBI 3,839 4,868 –245 –4.8 –772 –13.9 1,029 26.8 –172 –3.5 70 1.5
Sources (i+ii+iii+iv-v)
(i) Net RBI Credit to Government 2,11,586 2,09,123 –12,714 –55,170 –2,463 80,519 2,02,713
of which : to Centre 2,11,581 2,09,164 –12,714 –55,322 –2,417 80,507 2,02,725
(ii) RBI Credit to Banks &
Comm. Sector 2,497 2,457 –148 –13,819 –40 3,375 –7,901
o/w : to Banks
(includes NABARD) 1,169 1,132 –148 –10,357 –37 –5,394 1,132
(iii) Net Foreign Exchange
Assets of RBI* 12,31,949 12,85,910 –6,272 –0.5 22,716 1.8 53,961 4.4 36,939 2.9 –16,922 –1.3
(iv) Government's Currency
Liabilities to the Public 11,270 11,508 — — 362 3.6 238 2.1 903 9.5 1,091 10.5
(v) Net Non-Monetary
Liabilities of RBI 3,01,615 3,32,390 –23,522 –6.6 9,624 2.5 30,775 10.2 1,49,926 60.5 –65,164 –16.4
* : Includes investments in foreign currency denominated bonds issued by IIFC(UK) since March 20, 2009.
Note : Government Balances as on March 31, 2010 are after closure of accounts.
Aug. 9, 2010 1 1 3,000 1 3,000 5.75 2 180 2 180 4.50 2,820 –2,820
Aug. 10, 2010 1 1 2,500 1 2,500 5.75 2 215 2 215 4.50 2,285 –2,285
Aug. 11, 2010 1 8 16,530 8 16,530 5.75 2 190 2 190 4.50 16,340 –16,340
Aug. 12, 2010 1 6 12,540 6 12,540 5.75 2 120 2 120 4.50 12,420 –12,420
Aug. 13, 2010 $ 3 7 8,350 7 8,350 5.75 27 6,345 27 6,345 4.50 2,005 –7,105
@ : Net of repo. $ : Second LAF. $$ : Special Fixed Rate Repo under LAF. ~ : Under forex swap facility. & : Additional LAF ' — ' : No bid was received in the auction.
Note : The second LAF (SLAF) is being conducted on Reporting Fridays with effect from May 8, 2009.
11. Cash Balances of Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding Regional Rural Banks) with Reserve Bank of India
(Rs. crore)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Jul. 31 Aug. 1 Aug. 2 Aug. 3 Aug. 4 Aug. 5 Aug. 6 Aug. 7 Aug. 8 Aug. 9 Aug. 10 Aug. 11 Aug. 12 Aug. 13
Average daily cash reserve
requirement for the fortnight 2,93,362 2,93,362 2,93,362 2,93,362 2,93,362 2,93,362 2,93,362 2,93,362 2,93,362 2,93,362 2,93,362 2,93,362 2,93,362 2,93,362
ending August 13, 2010
Cash Balance with RBI 3,07,486 3,07,486 3,13,806 2,97,743 2,99,148 2,98,124 2,95,187 2,93,507 2,93,507 2,81,314 2,82,413 2,99,249 3,00,165 2,95,422
Note : Figures indicate here are the scheduled commercial banks' aggregate cash balances maintained with RBI on a daily basis during the fortnight.
15. BSE Sensitive Index and NSE Nifty Index of Ordinary Share Prices - Mumbai
2009 2010
Aug. 13 Aug. 9 Aug. 10 Aug. 11 Aug. 12 Aug. 13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
BSE SENSEX (1978-79=100) 15518.49 18287.50 18219.99 18070.19 18073.90 18167.03
S & P CNX NIFTY (3.11.1995=1000) 4605.00 5486.15 5460.70 5420.60 5416.45 5452.10
+ : Market closed.
16. Average Daily Turnover in Call Money Market* (Rs. crore)
Week Ended
Jul. 2, 2010 Jul. 9, 2010 Jul. 16, 2010 Jul. 23, 2010 Jul. 30, 2010 Aug. 6, 2010 Aug. 13, 2010
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Banks
(a) Borrowings 6,901 8,162 9,326 9,393 9,543 6,283 5,986
(b) Lendings 7,696 8,772 9,830 10,021 10,241 7,348 7,248
2. Primary Dealers
(a) Borrowings 802 610 504 628 698 1,065 1,262
(b) Lendings 7 — — — — — —
3. Total
(a) Borrowings 7,703 8,772 9,830 10,021 10,241 7,348 7,248
(b) Lendings 7,703 8,772 9,830 10,021 10,241 7,348 7,248
Notes : 1. Data are the average of daily call money turnover for the week (Saturday to Friday). * : Data cover 90-95 per cent of total transactions reported by participants.
2. Since August 6, 2005 eligible participants are Banks and Primary Dealers.
Merchant Inter-bank
Position Date
Spot Forward Forward Spot Forward Forward Spot Swap Forward Spot Swap Forward
Cancel- Cancel-
lation lation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Jul. 26, 2010 1,825 994 950 165 994 1,270 5,669 6,558 807 4,451 1,496 66
Jul. 27, 2010 2,174 1,878 1,184 126 585 479 7,941 8,212 1,604 3,187 1,041 70
Jul. 28, 2010 3,499 2,230 2,768 296 1,060 1,192 7,739 7,973 1,471 3,713 1,946 276
Jul. 29, 2010 3,908 1,646 1,093 192 918 967 8,341 8,147 493 3,652 1,441 208
Jul. 30, 2010 3,924 1,598 1,826 137 967 1,035 7,934 8,977 628 3,307 1,543 201
Jul. 26, 2010 2,089 1,516 389 147 1,281 986 5,734 5,205 830 4,432 1,822 72
Jul. 27, 2010 2,184 2,554 870 119 619 504 8,175 7,120 1,301 3,190 1,316 84
Jul. 28, 2010 2,825 3,266 2,105 309 1,057 1,174 7,727 6,807 1,627 3,749 2,651 237
Jul. 29, 2010 2,831 2,601 1,456 199 903 913 8,092 7,536 608 3,650 1,890 211
Jul. 30, 2010 2,911 3,115 1,979 134 1,022 983 7,758 8,740 826 3,301 1,947 204
Week Ended
Jul. 9, 2010 Jul. 16, 2010 Jul. 23, 2010 Jul. 30, 2010 Aug. 6, 2010 Aug. 13, 2010
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Amount 521.22 628.37 274.72 578.65 2014.35 775.38
@ : The data pertain to week ended March 31, 2010 as markets were closed on April 1, 2010 and April 2, Source : National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.
20. Government of India : Treasury Bills Outstanding (Face Value) (Rs. crore)
$ : Includes Rs.33,000 crore of MSS desequestering. @ : Includes Rs 28,000 crore of MSS desequestering.
* : RBI's sales and purchases include transactions in other offices and transactions on behalf of the State Governments and others.
I. Outright Transactions
1. Govt. of India Dated Securities
Maturing in the year
2010-11 856 6.1235 8.3290 1,935 6.1421 8.3536
2011-12 450 6.2231 6.3533 410 6.2938 6.4338
2012-13 6,001 6.7414 7.1428 1,401 6.8587 7.0288
2013-14 4,365 6.9178 7.3710 1,070 7.1381 7.3968
2014-15 645 7.3982 7.9521 410 7.3494 7.6827
2015-16 7,460 7.4977 7.7438 7,696 7.5423 7.7445
2016-19 3,647 7.7018 7.9448 6,678 7.5533 8.4240
2019-20 146 5.9378 8.0406 94 5.9518 7.9492
Beyond 2020 30,212 7.7602 8.3894 54,533 7.7676 8.4629
2. State Government Securities 734 7.7905 8.4200 419 8.0853 8.4194
3. Treasury Bills (Residual Maturity in Days)
(a) Upto 14 Days 656 5.0000 5.8494 426 5.2599 5.8000
(b) 15 - 91 Days 3,393 5.2003 5.9841 3,508 5.0199 6.1495
(c) 92 - 182 Days 972 5.7500 6.1599 769 5.8000 6.3000
(d) 183 - 364 Days 914 6.0999 6.2999 1,060 6.2000 6.3501
II. RBI* : Sales 267 86
: Purchases 268 85 +
III. Repo Transactions (Other than with RBI)
Amount Rates (%PA) Rates (%PA) Amount Rates (%PA) Rates (%PA)
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
1. Govt. of India Dated Securities 66,371 2.00 (1) 5.75 (17) 72,235 3.50 (1) 5.80 (3)
2. State Govt. Securities 226 4.60 (1) 5.35 (3) 153 4.95 (1) 5.70 (1)
3. 91 Day Treasury Bills 3,383 4.60 (1) 5.75 (3) 4,437 4.70 (1) 5.80 (3)
4. 182 Day Treasury Bills 733 4.60 (1) 5.75 (3) 1,662 4.60 (1) 5.80 (3)
5. 364 Day Treasury Bills 16,378 4.50 (1) 5.75 (3) 11,264 4.60 (1) 5.80 (3)
IV. RBI : Repo ^ 18,935 — 5.75 48,020 — 5.75
: Reverse Repo ! 17,075 — 4.50 7,050 — 4.50
@ : As reported in Subsidiary General Ledger Accounts at RBI, including 'When Issued' transactions.
* : RBI's sales and purchases include transactions in other offices and transactions on behalf of the State Governments and others.
** : Minimum and maximum YTMs (% PA) indicative have been given excluding transactions of Non-standard lot size (Less than Rs.5 crore).
: Represent the first leg of transactions.
^ : Data relate to Repo auctions under Liquidity Adjustment Facility effective from June 5, 2000 (See Table 9).
! : Includes Reverse Repo auctions under Liquidity Adjustment Facility.
+ : Includes purchase of Oil Marketing Companies Government of India Special Bonds (Oil bonds) of Rs. NIL (face value) under Special Market
Operation (SMO).
Note : Figures in brackets indicate Repo Period.
Due to rounding off of figures, the constituent items may not add up to the totals.
The symbols used in WSS are: .. = Not available. — = Nil/Negligible. # = Provisional.
One year and three year subscription rates (inclusive of postage) for the Weekly Statistical Supplement are :
Rs.800 and Rs.2,000 in India, and US$ 50 and US$ 125 abroad, respectively.
Printed and Published by Mohua Roy on behalf of Reserve Bank of India and Printed at Onlooker Press, 16, Sassoon Dock, Colaba, Mumbai - 400 005 and Published
by Reserve Bank of India, Shahid Bhagat Singh Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001, Editor Mohua Roy.