Educational System in Moldova

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Educational system in

Less stress/pressure on students
One of the biggest flaws in the Moldovan education system is the amount of pressure that students have on them to do
well in school, so they can get into a good college. Because students have this kind of pressure on them they purely focus
on doing well rather than actually learning and taking something valuable away from what they are being taught.

It furthers learning and achievement through reinforcement, practice, application,

and enrichment of what is learned in school. It also allows for the completion of
unfinished work.
It relates school learning to problems in the home, community, and nation. It
encourages a sense of civic responsibility and an appreciation of community.
It fosters a close relationship between the home and the school. It acquaints parents
with their children’s school work.
It develops independent work and study habits in the child. It fosters discipline,
responsibility, and initiative.
It fosters an appreciation for school and learning.


There is no evidence that homework fosters achievement. The assignments are

often meaningless tasks since they are not geared to the individual needs of
It interferes with important family and community participation. It cuts into time
that children should have for pursuing leisure, playing, contributing to home life,
and pursuing community activities.
Parents may confuse the child or be unqualified to help with the work. This can
cause tension and stress for both parent and child, which may result in disruptions
of family life.
Not all homes have conditions that are conducive for study. Some parents end up
doing the assignments for their children.
It makes students less enthusiastic about school and learning tasks.
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One topic that should not be unsaid are the

priorities and conditions of admission in colleges
and universities . In Moldova , at this moment is a
very serious problem , because student with
greater potential and higher knowledge are
replaced with students that have little to none
knowledge and little potential , just because they
don’t have a family member or if their father went
in military operations to defend the country . In
my opinion this is not enough to be accepted in
studies , you need to work your way up by
showing of your intellectual power and level and
these people who are getting accepted for their
family issues or of someone’s success are not
going to be good specialist. As a result , some
good potent student don’t get accepted or even get
expelled .
By Muntean Loredana
Parental Involvement

Parental involvement is essential for student Parental involvement not only enhances Parental involvement has been shown to be
development and offers many benefits. ... It academic performance, but it also has a a very important variable that positively or
also helps improve student behavior in the positive influence on student attitude and negatively influences children's education.
classroom. Having parents and teachers behavior. A parent's interest and Lack of involvement or over-involvement
communicate more helps students feel more encouragement in a child's education can may have a negative impact on student's
motivated in their classes; their self-esteem and affect the child's attitude toward school, performance in and out of the classroom
attitudes in class improve. Research from the classroom conduct, self-esteem, absenteeism, and ultimately affects their educational
National Coalition for Parent Involvement in and motivation. Parents can demonstrate development and success.
Education shares that “no matter their income or involvement at home-by reading with their
background, students with involved parents children, helping with homework, and
are more likely to have higher grades and test discussing school events-or at school, by
scores, attend school regularly, have better social attending functions or volunteering in
skills, show improved behavior and adapt well to classrooms.
Thank you for your attention!!
Working group: Paraschiv Cristian , Tacu Igor , Muntean Loredana and Valeria Pojoga;

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