Educational System in Moldova
Educational System in Moldova
Educational System in Moldova
Less stress/pressure on students
One of the biggest flaws in the Moldovan education system is the amount of pressure that students have on them to do
well in school, so they can get into a good college. Because students have this kind of pressure on them they purely focus
on doing well rather than actually learning and taking something valuable away from what they are being taught.
Parental involvement is essential for student Parental involvement not only enhances Parental involvement has been shown to be
development and offers many benefits. ... It academic performance, but it also has a a very important variable that positively or
also helps improve student behavior in the positive influence on student attitude and negatively influences children's education.
classroom. Having parents and teachers behavior. A parent's interest and Lack of involvement or over-involvement
communicate more helps students feel more encouragement in a child's education can may have a negative impact on student's
motivated in their classes; their self-esteem and affect the child's attitude toward school, performance in and out of the classroom
attitudes in class improve. Research from the classroom conduct, self-esteem, absenteeism, and ultimately affects their educational
National Coalition for Parent Involvement in and motivation. Parents can demonstrate development and success.
Education shares that “no matter their income or involvement at home-by reading with their
background, students with involved parents children, helping with homework, and
are more likely to have higher grades and test discussing school events-or at school, by
scores, attend school regularly, have better social attending functions or volunteering in
skills, show improved behavior and adapt well to classrooms.
Thank you for your attention!!
Working group: Paraschiv Cristian , Tacu Igor , Muntean Loredana and Valeria Pojoga;