E-Learning & Virtual Learning: BY Thilak.T Gurunanak College
E-Learning & Virtual Learning: BY Thilak.T Gurunanak College
E-Learning & Virtual Learning: BY Thilak.T Gurunanak College
Gurunanak College
Concept of E-Learning
Introduction of E-Learning
Education in E-Learning
Importance of E-Learning
Benefits of E-learning
E-Learning Tools and Materials
Advantages of E-Learning
Disadvantage of E-Learning
What is Virtual Learning
Features of VLE
Problems in Current VLE
Conclusion of Future Works.
E-learning is an abbreviation of the term Electronic learning.
E-learning is a technology which supports teaching and learning using a
computer web technology.
Focus on Learner – Designing, developing, delivering and assessing learning.
Understanding the Learning is simple. E-Learning is learning utilizing electronic
technologies to access instructional programmer outside of a standard
Introduction on E-Learning
It takes learning and development (L&D) outside the rigid four walls of a traditional
classroom, and offers a flexible learning environment where learners get to learn any
time, anywhere.
Importance of E-Learning
The Most Important Benefits Of E-Learning For Students.
Today’s learners wish relevant, mobile, self-paced, and personalized
content. This need is fulfilled with the online mode of learning; here,
students can learn at their own comfort and requirement.
It seems that the state of the art could be a lot of forgiving to the shortage of
bound infrastructures, than past methodologies. And, even a lot of
significantly for developing nations, much more cost effective.
E-learning is like that, in this it reduces prices historically related to
education (such as for lecture rooms and academic material), to the purpose
that it becomes reasonable to a developing nation.
Benefits of E-Learning
Your schedule, your pace, your place. If you’ll maintain the mandatory self-discipline,
the advantages of e-Learning area unit nearly too various to count. You can cowl the
fabric after you have time, re-evaluate it as usually as you wish, all while not traveling to
the schoolroom there aren’t any parking issues or expenses, transportation fees, athletic
fees, housing and food service fees, and you’ll take the category from any location with
net access.
There have been many studies showing that e Learning students retain the material to a
significantly greater degree than face-to-face instructor led classes.
Well talking about today’s learners need relevant, mobile, self-paced, and personalized
This need is fulfilled with the online mode of learning; here students can learn at their
own comfort and requirement.
Online Learning Accommodates:
The online methodology of learning is best suited to everybody.
This digital revolution has diode to exceptional changes in however the content is
accessed, consumed, discussed, and shared.
Online instructional courses is obsessed by workplace goers and housewives too, at the time that suits
Lectures Can Be Taken Any Time:
Unlike room teaching, with on-line learning you’ll access the content a vast range of times.
This is particularly needed at the time of revision once making ready for Associate in nursing
In ancient type of learning, if you cannot attend the lecture, then you have got to arrange for that topic on
your own; in e-Learning, you’ll attend the lectures
Whenever you want with ease.
M is now developing a virtual brain
Less Impact on Environment:
As e-Learning could be a paperless manner of learning, it protects the surroundings to tons of extent.
As per a study done on e-Learning courses, it has been found that distance-based learning programs consumed
around 90% less power and generated 85% less amount of CO2 emissions as compared to traditional campus-
based educational courses. With e-Learning, there ought not to cut trees for getting paper.
Thus, e-Learning could be an extremely e-co-friendly manner of learning.
Cost effective:
E-Learning is value effective as compared to ancient kinds of learning. The reason for this step-down is as a result
of learning through this mode happens quickly and simply. A lot of coaching time is reduced with relevancy
trainers, travel, course materials, and accommodation. This cost effectiveness also helps in enhancing the
profitability of an organization.
E-Learning Tools
BYJU’s – The learning app personalises learning based on size and style of
learning of every student. The app merges videos, interactives and teachers to
bring concepts to life which makes understanding concepts easy and relatable.
Case in point – Students will understand the concept of ‘Heat’ better if they could
visualize it with a teacher explaining the entire process to them over a video
rather than reading it in a book.
A learning management system is a software application for the administration,
documentation, tracking, reporting, and delivery of educational courses, training programs, or
learning and development programs.
Advantages of E-Learning:
Individualized Instructions
Easy Access
Effective Media
Different Learning Styles
Playway spirit and learn by doing
Interesting and motivating
On-line, off-line and Live Interactions
Self Learning and Self Improvement
Evaluation and Feedback
Disadvantages ( Challenges ) of E-Learning
Changing the Learning Culture: Migrating to the electronic learning environment calls
for a change in the attitude of learners. The learners need to be trained in handling of the
new media.
Training of Teachers: Teachers need to upgrade their skills in developing and delivering
the course content through networks.
Courseware/software Development: Web based learning does not refer to just putting the
learning material on the network.
Equal Access to Technology: It must be assured that learners have equal access to the
material provided on the net, immaterial of where they live or placed
Conclusion and future works
This can help instructors to design courses more effectively, detect anomalies, inspire and
direct further research, and help students to use resources more efficiently.
Additionally, quantitative and qualitative data will be collected to evaluate the outcome and
effectiveness of the online courses.
The purpose for using the VLE can vary from being like a textbook or scientific material to
be more like demonstration or even a game.
Society is changing rapidly, our students are ‘digital natives’ having grown up surrounded
by technology. They are already engaged in many online social groups (through facebook,
myspace, bebo, online forums etc).
We believe that university, apart from knowledge, must prepare students for the real world;
we know our students use the technology in their free time (Internet, electronic mail, social
networks, chats, messenger…), and we want them to use it in their academic lives as well.
Virtual Learning
Virtual Learning Environments Ros OÕLeary and Andy Ramsden, University of Bristol
Edited by Dr Peter Davies, University of Staffordshire
Virtual Learning Environments for European Schools: A Survey and Commentary,
European School Net, January 2003. Available at http://insight.eun.org
Submitted by: Archana M. Nair I B.Ed, English ST. John The Baptist College of
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