Social Responsibility Theory: Saniya Jahan Nazla Id-1831317630

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Social Responsibility Theory

Saniya Jahan Nazla

Id- 1831317630
Beginning of Social Responsibility Theory

Content Final
Writer Consumer
Social Responsibility theory of mass media
is relatively a new concept which started in
the mid-20th century and is used mostly by 1
developing and least developed countries. 
The model was designed formally by
Siebert, Peterson and Schramm in 1956 in
their book.

It encourages total freedom to press and no

censorship, but it should be regulated according to
social responsibilities and external controls. Content
is also filtered through public obligation and
The topic hinges on the question of what is right or
wrong, good or bad, acceptable or not, in the ways
that the media collects and publishes information.
Concept of Social Responsibility Theory
• The social responsibility theory of mass media changed the way press
published news from objective reporting to interpretative reporting. Before this
theory, facts were presented without any interpretation.
• The audience interpreted it the way they wanted to. This caused problems as
interpretation was not based on reality and it affected the social order.
Interpretative reporting and investigative reporting started to uncover the reality
behind every case.
• In Social Responsibility Theory, the press is taken to be for the people and
• The media is taken as a place for the voiceless to have a voice and develop
public opinions where each and every person has the right to speak, express
and publish
Major Features of Social Responsibility Theory

Media role of criticizing Social benefit

Media is allowed to criticize the Media must work for the
government roles, works and society and only do the
policies. It is done to help the things that are beneficial to
government get better. the society.

Helps democracy prosper

Public participation
Media helps in maintaining
Public must get to participate
democracy and does not
through comments, response,
encourage authoritarianism
write and get involved in all
or communism.
aspects of media’s work.
Bangladesh Media Fall Under Which

The press media of Bangladesh fall under social

responsibility theory

Right to talk Democracy Social benefit
We public has the right to Media does not encourage Press is owned privately. Definitely our press media
comment, vote on any authoritarianism The government does not work for the social benefit
content or news of media. or communism. Ex- talk own the press. Ex- TV by publishing beneficial
Ex-post comment, live show where people are free channels like ATN Bangla, news. Ex-covid awareness
comment to criticize govt. shomoy news news, educational news
Examples of Social Responsibility in The Bangladesh
Health news reporting: The press to be socially responsible and in the
interest of improving the media’s service toward society, studies have
underlined the profound influence that health news reporting can have
on citizens’ lives.
Providing examples of how the media’s actions can tangibly impact
audiences, both negatively and positively.
• The covid -19 virus and precautionary measures to prevent covid
were constantly shown on all television channels, which helped
people stay aware of this deadly virus.
• Fake cosmetics were created in Bangladesh with dangerous colors
and ingredients, which journalists investigated and exposed on
media platforms.
How Media Helped to Create Covid
This type of little preventive poster was issued by the Bangladeshi press
media in order to keep people safe and sound. This was advantageous to
society's citizens.


Mercury is the closest Saturn is composed Jupiter is a gas giant
planet to the Sun and mostly of hydrogen as well and it is also
is only a bit larger than and helium. It’s the the biggest planet in
the Moon ringed planet the Solar System
People Made Aware of Fake Products Via Media
News of a fake cosmetics manufacturer many television channels in Bangladesh
broadcasted advertisements for this product, which helped people become aware of

it and avoid skin cancer, burns, and other skin disorders .


Mercury is the closest Saturn is composed Jupiter is a gas giant
planet to the Sun and mostly of hydrogen as well and it is also
is only a bit larger than and helium. It’s the the biggest planet in
the Moon ringed planet the Solar System

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