Cheat Lesson Plan
Cheat Lesson Plan
Cheat Lesson Plan
• Let us all stand and feel the presence of our almighty god.
Hail Mary
Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
Good morning class!
Before you take your seat, kindly check if there any piece of paper and trash under your chair.
Kindly pick and put it inside you’re bag and throw in the trash can later. If you are done, please
be seated.
Secretary of the class, is there any absent today?
I’m glad that all of you are present so no one can miss our lesson for today.
• Do you still remember our lesson yesterday?
• Anyone, what was our lesson yesterday?
• Yes! Zedy
• Exactly! Its all about sentence and its 2 parts.
• Anyone, what is a sentence?
• Yes, edie
• Very well said. sentence is a group of word that expresses a complete
• How about the two parts of the sentence?
• Exactly! The two parts of the sentence are subject and predicate
• What is a subject?
• Yes! Edd
• Excellent! The subject is the topic or the one that is being talked
about in the sentence.
• How about the predicate? Anyone?
• Yes! Edrie
• Very well said edrie. Predicate is the part of the sentence that
expresses what is said about the subject.
• Let’s see if you are really understood our lesson
• I have prepared sentences, all you need to do is
underline the subject and encircle the predicate
• Before you start answering the exercises I want you to
read it first.
1. My father is dancing.
2. She is a dancer.
3. My teacher is a journalist.
4. The house is big
5. My bag is new.
Exercise #1
underline the subject and encircle the
predicate in the following sentence.
1. My father is dancing.
2. She is a dancer.
3. My teacher is a journalist.
4. The house is big
5. My bag is new.
• In sentence no.1, kindly underline the subject and encircle the
• Anyone? Yes! ellie
• My father is dancing.
• Is he correct? Very good!
• How about the sentence no.2?
• Anyone? yes! Zedy, kindly read before you answer.
• She is dancer.
• Very good! Next sentence
• Yes! Ella.
• My teacher is a journalist. Excellent!
• How about sentence no.4? Who wants to try?
• Yes! Dilan
• The house is big
• Nice answer!
• How about you darlin do you want to try?
• Nice one!
• I think that all of you really understand our
lesson yesterday.
• Class, I will divide you into 4 groups the first row will be the group 1, the
second row will be the group 2, third row will be the group 3, and the
row 4 will be the group 4.
• I have here 4 popsicles, each group has their own popsicle, inside each
popsicle there is a pieces of paper, all you need to do is arrange those
words to form a sentence. When you already arrange the pieces of paper
you need to write it on the board. Place it on the number according to
your group.
• The first group who will finish the task will be the winner.
• Do you understand?
• Okay! In the count of 3 you may start.
• Ready 1, 2, 3 go!
• Who is our winner?
• Congratulation group 1, kindly read the
sentence that you have formed.
• Thank you! The girl is beautiful.
• How about in group 2?
• Kindly read? How old are you?
• In group 3? Kindly read! Kindly get me a cup of
• And the last group. Please read. Hurray! i won.
• Class, what have you noticed on the sentence that you have formed?
• Okay! Nice observation, (they read it with different emotion)
• How about the others what have you noticed on the sentences written
on the board? (the sentences used different punctuation marks.)
• Excellent! Class do you have any idea about our lesson for today?
• Very well said!
Lesson proper
• Our lesson for today is all about the four kinds of sentences according to
• Do you have any idea what are the four kinds of sentences according to
• Class look at the first sentence on the board. Kindly read. Yes, din.
• What have you notice in sentence no.1?(the girl is beautiful)
• Anyone! Diane
• Very good! Its state something and it is punctuated by period.
• A sentence that state something and punctuated by period is called
declarative sentence.
• Sentence no.1 is an example of declarative sentence because
its stated about the girl.
• Another example is “the teacher is intelligent.”
• That sentence stated about the teacher. Am I right?
• Who wants to give an example of declarative sentence.
• Yes. Charles.
• That’s correct! My favorite food is adobo.
• Do you understand what is declarative sentence?
• Let’s proceed to the next!
• Read sentence #2
• Anyone? Yes, Claris (how old are you?)
• Thank you. What have you noticed in sentence no.2?
• Excellent! It is asking a question and punctuated by question mark.
• Do you have any idea about the sentence that ask question?
• That’s right!
• That sentence is called interrogative sentence.
• Will you please read what is interrogative sentence?
• Yes!
• Thank you!
• I think that you really understand what is interrogative sentence. Lets
proceed to the next sentence.
• Kindly read the sentence no.3? What have you noticed?
• This sentence gives a request or command and its end with a period.
• That sentence is called imperative sentence.
• Will you please read what is imperative sentence? Anyone?
• Yes! Edrie
• Okay.thank you!
• (powerpoint)
• That sentence use the word kindly so meaning to say it is a request sentence.
• Another example of imperative (please leave me alone)
• Is that expresses a request? This sentence use the word please meaning to say
it is also expresses a request.
• Do you understand what is request sentence? So now lets proceed to
command sentence.
• Open the door is this sentence giving an order?
• Another example “get my notebook” is this giving an order?
• Do you understand what is imperative sentence?
• Ok, who can give an example of imperative sentence?any volunteer?
• Yes! Cha. Nice example.
• I think all of you understand what is imperative sentence, lets proceed to our
• Kindly read no.4? What have you notice? Yes, bae
• Very good! This sentence expresses strong feeling and it is called
exclamatory sentence.
• Kindly read the exclamatory sentence. Anyone? Ok, lance.
• Thank you. Example… is it expresses a strong feeling? Yes, correct..
Another example
• Class those are the four kinds of sentences..
• Do you understand?
• Valuing
• Class may I ask question?
• What do you think will happen when we don’t know what are the four kinds of
sentences and if we don’t know how to use it?
• Yes,, camie
• Exactly! We wont understand what other people needs to portray to us. We
don’t know what other people want to say.
• For example, when you are in school and you have a quiz or examination then
you need to ask question to your teacher, how can you ask if you don’t know
how to ask.
• How can give you order if you don’t know how to give an order.
• Class please bare in mind that those 4 kinds of sentences are very important in
our everyday communication it help us how to communicate with other people.
• Do you have any question regarding to our topic today?
• Generalization
• Lets do the recap!!
• If you don’t have question I am the one who ask you.
• What is declarative sentence?anyone from the group. Yes, cat exactly
• Will you please give an example of declarative sentence? Yes boy. Very
• How about you rain, what is interrogative sentence? Very well said.
• Kindly give me an example of interrogative sentence. Yes rboy, nice one!
• Anyone from the group.. Kindly define what is imperative..yes bimbim
• How about the exclamatory. Very good!
• I think all of you really understand our lesson.
• Lets have an activity.
• Class, your activity will be group activity. You already have your group am I right?
• I have here 4 charts namely declarative chart, interrogative chart, imperative chart, and
exclamatory chart. I need 2 volunteer in each group to do this activity. All you need to do is
write a sentences as many as you can in the kinds of sentences that you have assigned.
• Is it clear?class?
• So before we start we need to have a draw lots to find out what kind of sentence will be
assigned to your group. I need 1 volunteer in each group, kindly proceed here in front for the
draw lots.
• I give you 1 minute to do your activity. The group who will write most sentences will be the
• Volunteers go to your charts here is your marker.
• In the count of 3, you may start.
• Ready 1,2,3, go!