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Republic of the Philippines

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Peñaranda – Off Campus
Peñaranda,Nueva Ecija

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

 Identify the type of multi – media resource to be used in the given situations.
 Arrange the application/file to its appropriate multi – media resource.
 Show appreciation to the effects of multi – media resource in this time of


Topic: Multimedia Resources for Oral Communication
Reference: Materials:
Materials: Laptop and Mobile Phone.
Valuing: Responsible use of multi – media resource.


Teacher’s Activity Students Activity
A. Preparatory Activities

1. Daily Routine:
a. Prayer

Okay class let us first offer a

moment of silence as we pray
to our Lord almighty. It is
important that we keep our faith
with Him especially in this time
of pandemic.

Let us bow our head and feel

the presence of our Lord Jesus
Christ. Please, lead us a prayer Dear Lord and father of all, Thank you
Princess. for today. Thank you for the ways in
which you provide for us all. For Your
protection and love we thank you. Help
us to focus our hearts and minds now on
what we are about to learn. Inspire us by
Your Holy Spirit as we listen and write.
Guide us by your eternal light as we
discover more about the world around
us. We ask all this in the name of Jesus.
b. Greetings

Good Morning Class!

Good Morning Ma’am!

How are you today?

We are good ma’am.

It is good to hear that you are

all feeling good now meaning to
say you are all ready for the fun
that we will be having from
today’s activities.

c. Classroom Management

Class, is my audio clear? Yes, ma’am

Is my presentation visible to
your screen? Yes, ma’am

Before we start, I would like to

give you a few reminders, that
we need to follow in our online

1. Be prepared and ready to

2. Be responsible in the chat
3. Remove distractions, Treat
online class time as “real” class
4. Don’t be afraid to ask

If you have questions or

concerns, you can type it in our
chat box.
Yes, ma’am

Is that clear class?

d. Checking of Attendance

Okay class, as proof of your

attendance today kindly give 2 (Student will answer)
adjective and type them in our
chat box.

Wow, I noticed that we have a

perfect attendance today, I can
assume that you are all eager
to learn. Please give yourself a
virtual clap.

B. Developmental Activity

1. Review

Ma’am it is all about Print and Non –

Class, who among you could Print Media.
still remember our previous
lesson? Yes, Davilyn?

Any written or pictorial form of
communication like newspaper and
Who would like to define magazine.
Print Media? Yes, Jester?

Materials that are not in written form like

print strip and video tapes
Thank you, Jester! How about
Non- Print Media? Yes, Marie.

Very good! I’m glad that you

really understand our previous
lesson. Give yourselves a
virtual clap!

2. Motivation
Before we proceed to our
lesson, you are going to play a
fun and exciting game.
Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters to
The game is entitled “Ready, form a word using the given images.
Get Set, Arrange” Kindly read
the directions. Yes, Ericka.
Yes ma’am

Is the direction clear?


Ma’am Graphics

Ma’am Video Presentation

Ma’am Text Materials


2. Ma’am Animation

Ma’am Audio

Yes, Ma’am it’s enjoyable!

I think our lesson for today is about


Ma’am, kinds of multimedia resources.

Multi -media is exactly what sounds like
multi (many) media (pictures, video,
etc.). An example of multi-media is a
web page with an animation. Besides
multiple types of media being integrated
with one another, multi-media can also
stand for interactive types of media such
3. as video games, CD ROMs that teach a
foreign language, or an information
Kiosk at a subway terminal. Other terms
that are sometimes used for multi-media
include hypermedia and rich media

Basic types of Multimedia

1. Text Materials

An important component used in many

multimedia applications. They are
characters that are used to create words
sentences and paragraphs.

Hypertext, eBooks, Digital Newspaper,


A Ma’am I read novel on my cellphone, like
N Wattpad.

2. Graphics/Photograph Digital
5. representations of non-text information
such as drawing, chart, or photograph.
O Example: JPEG, Graph, Chart

Well done. Class, did you enjoy

the game?

It’s nice to hear that you

enjoyed it.

Ma’am, I think line graph.

Ma’am, Bar graph.

C. Presentation of the Lesson

Now class, from the game you had Ma’am pie graph.
played earlier, do you have any idea
what is our lesson for today? Yes

Nice answer. How about the others? 3. Sound/Audio

Yes, Emelyn. Any spoken explanation that stimulates
imagination and can be Added and
combine with all types of media.
Example:MP4, Music, Recordings,
D. Discussion of the lesson

Those images are all example of

multimedia, and this is our lesson
for today. This time we will learn
more about multimedia its correct
use and the appropriate
multimedia resources to be use in
different situation.

To better understand multimedia

let us define first what is Yes, ma’am.
multimedia. Kindly read the
definition. Yes, Angelica.

I cannot understand the movie because I

can't hear what the characters are

Ma’am I cannot understand the movie

This multimedia definition tells us

that materials on the internet
involve several forms of
communication to connect, that is
to be in the middle of the sender
and receiver any multimedia
system consist of at least two and
maybe all the following basic
types of multimedia. 4. Video/Presentation

It is the clips of full video that shows

information they are the collection of
Let us now proceed to the 5 basic moving pictures combined with audio
types of multimedia. Kindly read the files
first one. Yes, Edgar?
Example:MP4, MOV, AVI files

Yes ma’am

(Answer may vary)

Thank you, Edgar!

Text is good at providing basic (Answers may vary)

information and it is also the
simplest and often the most
effective way to get one’s
attention. Internet started as a
means of sending written
message. Text is still a primary
5. Animation -Flipping through a series
way to transmit information.
of still images. It is a series of graphics
that create an illusion of motion to
display pieces of information with moving
Who among you read electronic
or still images and it's easily
books or newspaper on your
mobile phone? Yes, Nina
Example: GIF, 2D Animation, 3D
Thank you, Nina! Animation

Electronic book or newspaper is

also a text but in a digital form.
Ma’am, GIF means Graphics Image
Next, we have Graphics. Kindly
read the definition. Yes, Angelica.

Thank you, Angelica

Graphics make the multimedia

application attractive. It represents Yes ma’am.
non-text information like drawing,
chart to explain concept and to
represent background information.
Ma’am, I am using animation when I
Class, can you give me an create presentation.
example of graphics? Yes

(Answers may vary)

Nice answer! What more? Yes

Good answer! How about you


Very Good, Joed! None ma’am

Let us move on to the third one

which is Sound or Audio. Kindly
read the definition. Yes Erika?

Thank you, Ericka.

Ma’am it means easy to use

When we say audio. It requires
the use of speech, music, and
sound effect. It helps deliver
information, it evokes emotional
response and emphasizes what’s
on the screen.

Class, did you experience

watching movies without sound?
Yes Vanessa? 2. Multisensorial

What did you feel while watching

Vanessa? Ma’am multisensorial means involving
several bodily senses.

Thank you, Vanessa, how about

the others? Yes, Mina.

Like Vanessa and Mina watching

movies or videos without sound
lacks understanding and 3. Integrated and Inactive
emotional impact.

Let's proceed to the 4th type of Ma’am it is the transformative ways that
multimedia video presentation people share information and ideas
please read Romalyn through creative uses of technology.

Thank you for reading. Class it is 4. Flexible

a moving feature accompanied by
sound like television picture.

Are you familiar with these An online class is an example of being

examples? flexible because we can learn through
the use of internet and gadgets wherever
Kindly share us your experience we are.
using it. Anyone? Yes, Dave.

Thank you for sharing, Dave. How

about others? Yes, Alex. 5. Used for a wide variety of audiences.

Alright it seems that you enjoy

using and watching video
presentation. Lastly kindly read It can be used by various audiences
the definition of Animation. ranging from one person to another.

Class what is the meaning of GIF

Yes ma’am
Animation is a continuous series
of still images that are displayed in
The advantages of multimedia are: user-
friendly, multisensorial, integrated and
Have you already used interactive, flexible and used for a variety
animation? of audiences.

Where did you use it? Yes

1. It takes times to compile.

Very good! How about the others?

Yes, Edgar. We will get confused because of too
much information.
Thank you for sharing it seems
like you are all familiar with

Do you have any questions so 2. Too much makes it impractical.

If none let us proceed to the Even though it is flexible, it takes time to
Advantages and Disadvantages of put the original draft together.
Using Multimedia.

Let us have first the Advantage.

Kindly read the first one. Yes,

Thank you, Davilyn. What comes 3. It can be expensive.

to your mind when you hear the
word user-friendly? Yes, Khit.

Very well said. Just like Khit said,

Yes Ma’am, because I need to buy load
user-friendly means it's easy to
to have internet connectivity to access
use and you don't have to use too
different multimedia platforms.
much of your energy.

OK let us move on to next one

who wants to read? Yes Abby.

What is your idea about

multisensorial? Yes Mina.

Great Answer! Multisensorial uses

a lot of senses like hearing and
seeing. When we are using
gadgets, it involves our two or
three of our sense.
No ma’am

Let’s proceed to the third one.

Kindly read Alex.

What is your idea about integrated

and interactive? Yes, Edgar.

Ma’am I set boundaries for using device

and internet
Excellent Edgar. Multimedia is
integrated and Interactive. When
we say interactive means allowing Ma’am be responsible
two-way information between a
computer and computer user. It
creates solutions to problems and
enhance user’s experience. Kindly
read the next one Paula.
Will you give a situation where it
can be seen as multimedia as
flexible? Yes, Alex.

Very well said! Alex. Multimedia

can be used anytime and None ma’am
anywhere. Let's move to the last

Why can we say, that when we

used multimedia, that is for a wide
variety of audiences? Yes, Multi-media is exactly what sounds like,
Angelica. multi (many) media (pictures, video,
Excellent! Every people from
different countries different
countries, different age groups,
different social class used Text Materials, Graphics, Sound or
multimedia. We use this because Audio, Video Presentation, and
it becomes easier to express our Animation
knowledge and ideas. Every
people from different countries are
using multimedia. We use this
because it makes our lives easy.
Ma'am, it is user-friendly, Multisensorial,
Integrated and interactive, Flexible, Use
Do you understand the advantage for a wide variety of audiences.
of multimedia, class?

Could you repeat the five

advantages of Multimedia?
Ma’am, Information overload, too much
makes it impractical, it can be expensive
and takes time to compile.

Thank You! Okay let’s move on to

its disadvantage Kindly read
number 1. Yes Joed.

What will happen if there is too

much information?

Excellent! When there is so much

Directions: Identify what is being
information that is no longer
describe in each of the following
possible to use it can cause also
poor decision- making. statements.

Kindly read number 2. Yes


Why do you think that is

impractical if one overused a
multimedia? Yes Axcel.

Nice answer, especially if there

are many changes and computer
storage is not enough for the file.

How about the next

disadvantage? Kindly read Mina.

Class, have you spent a lot of

money just to access different
multimedia platforms? Yes Khit?

Thank you Khit. Just like you said,

these technologies have caused a
large amount of money I know
most of you are having gadgets to
use in your online class.


We can do a lot of things online

nowadays. We can't imagine life
without an Internet anymore. Direction: Arrange each application file
to the multimedia resource it belongs to
Can you imagine your life without your answers from the box below.
the Internet? Yes, Angelica.

Thank you, Angelica.

Since we are all using technology

and Internet I have a question for
“How can you be a responsible
user of technology and the
Internet? “Yes, Jester.
Precisely! How about the others?
Yes, Mina.

Always remember class that we

need to be responsible user of an
Internet. We must think first before
clicking or sharing information.


Do you any question so far?

If you don't have a question, I

will be the one to ask some

What is multimedia? Yes


Excellent how about the 5 types

of Multimedia? Yes Princess.

Very good! Princess. How

about the advantages of using
Multimedia? Yes Dave.

Very well said! Dave.

What are the disadvantages of

using multimedia? Yes, Mina

Very good Mina I'm glad that all

of you seem to understand our
lesson for today and with that
give yourselves 5 claps.

Now class let's do this activity.

Kindly read the directions.

Directions: Identify what

is being described in each of
the following statements.
_____1. It presents moving
pictures and typically combines
image and sounds for a
compelling multi-media

_____2. It is music, speech or

any other sound.

_____3. It involves the

appearance of motion caused
by displaying still image and
one after another

_____4. It expresses the

information the developer is
trying to get across to their

_____5. It catches the viewer’s

attention much more quickly
than just plain, old text.


Now let us have this short activity to

further gauge and deepen your
understanding about our topic.
Jester, please read the direction.

Direction: Arrange each

application/file to the multimedia
resource it belongs. Choose your
answers from the box below.
PNG Quick Time TEXT


Directions: Choose the correct and appropriate multi-media resource to use
based on the given situations. Justify your answer in two sentences.

1. The students were asked to make a jingle about Health Awareness. What
is the multimedia that can help them finish the project? Why?
2. Frank’s group was assigned to do a research project. In order for them to
present it, they need to use PowerPoint Presentation. What are the multi-media
resources that they can use to make a good presentation of their topic? Why?
3. The English Club will organize a campus activity. For them to inform the
students, they need to post an announcement on the bulletin board. What do
you think is the most appropriate multi-media resource to use by the English
Club? Why?
4. Mr. Santos wants to amaze his students during his demonstration
teaching. What kind of multi-media can he use to make an amazing
presentation? Why?
5. The teachers are requested to make a Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) for
the students. What are the multi-media resources that they can use to produce
an informative Learning Activity Sheet? Why?
Class take a closer look at the pictures on
the screen.

What can you say about the pictures?

Yes, Vanessa? Ma’am the pictures are all about online

Good observation Vanessa. How about the

Others? Yes, Clarissa. Ma’am the pictures show online classes

Nice Answer! These pictures have

something to do with your assignment.
Kindly read the direction. Yes, Dave.

Directions: Write a narrative essay about your most unforgettable
experience/moment using multi-media resource/s during online class. Your
narrative essay must include 5 sentences in each paragraph.
You can present it through:
1. Text
2. Text and image
3. Video Presentation
4. PowerPoint Presentation

Criteria 4 3 2 1

Content Creates a specific, Crafts a clear Attempts to Does not tell a

focused, and very description of the describe the personal story;
detailed picture of experience; experience, but details given go
the experience; Details help not give off in several
expresses fresh convey key ideas complete directions without
insights about a and insights to the details; details a sense of
sense of personal reader. are general or purpose.
belonging. unrelated to the

Visual/Text Presents an Offers an original Attempts to Lacks originality

impeccable and concept and a exhibit care and neatness; is
pleasing output. focused, neat generally illegible.
in originality
and neatness.
Organization Unfolds a carefully Shows a well - Crafts an Writing is
organized narrative, planned narrative incomplete extremely hard to
in a sequence that strategy; story is story structure follow; story
moves the reader easy to follow; or may have sequence, if any,
smoothly through ideas are evenly trouble tying is disorganized or
the text; ideas, tied together; ideas together; incomplete; ideas
sentences, and events and details reader may be and details are not
paragraphs are tied fit where they are confused by tied together.
together. placed. poorly placed
events or

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Master Teacher II –

MANINGAS Cooperating Teacher Pre- Service Teacher
Pre-Service Teacher Adviser

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