Pinguin Chick First Pages

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What is the title

of the story ?

•Genre : Expository text
• It is a selection that gives information about
penguins and how they are adopted to live in
their habitat.
• So the author’s purpose is{to inform us}

•Theme :
• Smart solutions
•Life and time of penguins in Antarctica
from laying eggs ,father’s care of egg ,
mother bringing food back , and care
for chicks .
Strong hit Pronoun ‘’it’’means that the
P.210 author used the 3rd point of
# male

• Penguins can’t build nests ………

• Because there are no twigs ,leaves ,grass or mud

in Antarctica.
• What are the problems which face penguin in
Antarctica ?
• 1- Freezing cold. 2-Having no food.
•How did the author succeed to draw a
visual picture of Antarctica?

•How does the penguin father keep his egg?

•The penguin father uses his beak to scoop
the egg onto his webbed feet.
The structure of penguin which help him to
adapted in his environment .

• beak [to scoop the egg to his webbed leg]

•webbed feet [to keep egg between them to stay

• Through your reading which body part help the
penguin to solve his problem’ ’keep the egg warm’’?
• Beak

• to scoop the egg onto his

webbed feet
• Setting

• Time place
• All the year Frozen places
Put in # over-on

The place that keeps the egg


Compound word

•Why one of the penguin parents must
stay with the egg ?
•To keep it warm.
• How
The structure of penguin which help him to
adapted in his environment .
• beak [to scoop the egg to his webbed leg]
• feather [fuzzy feather to keep warm]

•Brood patch [keep the egg warm]

• webbed feet [to keep egg between them to stay
•Why does penguin mother leave ?
•To find food.

•Why one of the penguin father must

stay with the egg ?
•To keep it warm.
•The cold would kill it.
• Do you understand Why the father not the
mother stays with the egg ?

• What is the place where penguin father keeps

his egg?
• brood patch
• Can you write a main idea about the
previous page?
• How penguins care about their egg.

• Give details :
# after P.212
Singular: leaf
Singular : penguin
Nest’’group of penguin
Past of ‘lay’
•Words have the same meaning .

• Ski = slide = slip = tobogganing
The structure of penguin which help him to
adapted in his environment .
• beak [to scoop the egg to his webbed leg]
• feather [fuzzy feather to keep warm]
•Belly [to slide] flipper
[to push herself over ice and swim]
•Brood patch [keep the egg warm]
• webbed feet [to push herself over ice and swim]
• Why does mother penguin use her belly ?
• to slide

•Why does mother penguin use her

flippers and webbed feet ?
•To push herself forward over ice and

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