Amblyopia Gwap As I Gela
Amblyopia Gwap As I Gela
Amblyopia Gwap As I Gela
Strabismic Amblyopia
Strabismus is the most common cause of amblyopia. To
avoid double vision causes by poorly aligned eyes, the
brain ignores the visual imput from the misaligned eye,
leading to amblyopia in that eye (lazy eye).
Refractive Amblyopia
• Ambyopia is caused by unequal refractive errors in two
eyes, despite perfect eye alignment. Caused by a
difference in refractive error between the eye and may
result from a difference as little as 1.O D sphere.
• The eye with less refractive error provides the brain with a
clearer image; and is favoured by the brain.
• Refractive amblyopia is diagnosed when there is a wide
disparity in VA between 2 eyes.
• If anisometropia is presents, it’s refractive.
• Treated by correcting the refractive error early with
prescription lenses. Vision therapy and/or eye patching
can also be used to improve visual abilities, BV, and depth
Deprivation Amblyopia
• a. near penalization: normal eye atropinized and fully corrected with +2 or +3D.
• b. distance penalization: normal eye atropinized and over corrected by 4-5D,
amblyopic eye at full correction.
• c. total penalization: normal eye atropinized and undercorrected by 4-5D,
amblyopic eye fully corrected.
• 2. Optical penalization –
• prescribing more pluses to good eye to force amblyopic eye to fix for distance
• Endpoint: spontaneous alternation of fixation or equal VA in both eyes.
• Pharmacological manipulation
• Levadopa, a precursor for catecholamine dopamine has been
studied as an adjunct to patching, but remains controversial.
• Prognosis
• Improvement or recovery of VA depends on the type of amblyopia,
its duration and age of onset, the type of treatment and patients
• The younger the child, the better prognosis.
• Deprivation amblyopia carries poorest prognosis.
• Strabismic amblyopia has best prognosis.
• Hyperopes has poorer prognosis that myopes.
• Occlusion therapy is better that other methods.