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Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory: Field-Effect Transistors

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Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory


Field-Effect Transistors

Chapter 6

Dr. Nasser H. Almofari 1

FETs vs. BJTs
• Amplifiers
• Switching devices
• Impedance matching circuits

• FETs are voltage controlled devices. BJTs are current
devices.(In BJT The current IC is a direct function of the level of
IB . For the FET the current ID will be a function of the voltage
VGS applied to the input circuit ).
• BJT is bipolar while FET is unipolar !!
• FETs have a higher input impedance. BJTs have higher gains.
• FETs are less sensitive to temperature variations and are
more easily integrated on ICs.
FET Types

•JFET: Junction FET

•MOSFET: Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor


E-MOSFET: Enhancement
JFET Construction
There are two types of JFETs

The n-channel is more widely


There are three terminals:

•Drain (D) and Source (S) are

connected to the n-channel
•Gate (G) is connected to the p-
type material
Water analogy for the
JFET control mechanism.
JFET Operating Characteristics:
VGS = 0 V , VDS some positive value
When VGS = 0 and VDS is increased from 0 to a more positive voltage:

• The depletion region between p-

gate and n-channel increases.
• Increasing the depletion region,
decreases the size of the n-
channel which increases the
resistance of the n-channel.
• Even though the n-channel
resistance is increasing, the
current (ID) from source to drain
through the n-channel is
increasing. This is because VDS is
JFET Operating Characteristics:
VGS = 0 V , VDS some positive value

ID versus VDS for VGS = 0 V.

JFET Operating Characteristics: Pinch Off

If VGS = 0 and VDS is further increased to a

more positive voltage, then the depletion
zone gets so large that it pinches off the

As VDS is increased beyond |VP|, the level

of ID remains the same (ID=IDSS).

IDSS is the maximum drain current

for a JFET and is defined by the
conditions VGS=0 and VDS > |VP|.
JFET Operating Characteristics ,
•As VGS becomes more negative,
the depletion region increases.
•The more negative VGS, the
resulting level for ID is reduced.
•Eventually, when VGS=VP (-ve)
[VP=VGS(off)], ID is 0 mA. (the device
is “turned off”.

•The level of VGS that results in ID=0

mA is defined by VGS=VP, with VP
being a negative voltage for n-
channel devices and a positive
voltage for p-channel JFETs. Application of a negative
voltage to the gate of a JFET.
JFET Operating Characteristics

n-Channel JFET characteristics with IDSS = 8 mA and VP = -4 V.

JFET Operating Characteristics:
Voltage-Controlled Resistor
•The region to the left of the
pinch-off point is called the
ohmic region.

•The JFET can be used as a

variable resistor, where VGS
controls the drain-source
resistance (rd).
As more negative, the
resistance (rd) increases.

rd 
 2 where ro is the resistance
1 VGS 
 VP  VGS = 0 and r d is the resistance at a
 particular level of VGS.
p-Channel JFETS

The p-channel JFET behaves

the same as the n-channel JFET,
except the voltage polarities and
current directions are reversed.
p-Channel JFET Characteristics

As VGS increases more positively

• The depletion
zone increases
• ID decreases (ID <
• Eventually ID = 0
Also note that at high levels of VDS the JFET reaches a breakdown situation:
ID increases uncontrollably if VDS > VDSmax.
JFET Symbols

JFET symbols: (a) n-channel; (b) p-channel.

• A number of important parameters and
relationships were introduced in this section.
• The maximum current is defined as IDSS and
occurs when VGS = 0 V and,
• For gate-to-source voltages VGS is less than
(more negative than) the pinch-off level, the
drain current is 0 A.
(a) VGS = 0 V, ID = IDSS; (b) cutoff (ID = 0 A) VGS less than (more negative than) the
pinch-off level; (c) ID is between 0 A and IDSS for VGS ≤ 0 V and greater than the
pinch-off level.
JFET Transfer Characteristics
In a BJT,  indicates the relationship between IB (input)
and IC (output).

In a JFET, the relationship of VGS (input) and ID (output)

is a little more complicated (Shockley’s equation):

 2
 V GS 
ID  I DSS  1 
 VP 

William Bradford Shockley

JFET Transfer Curve

This graph shows the value of ID for a given value of VGS.

Plotting the JFET Transfer Curve
Using IDSS and Vp (VGS(off)) values found in a specification sheet, the transfer
curve can be plotted according to these three steps:
Step 1
 2
ID  I  1 VGS 
DSS   VP 
Solving for VGS = 0V
Conversely , for a given
Step 2
ID, VGS can be
 V 
I D  I DSS  1  GS 
 VP obtained:
Solving for V 
GS = Vp (VGS(off)) ID  VGS  VP  1 ID/IDSS

Step 3 = 0A
 2
Solving for VGS = 0V to Vp I D  I DSS  1 VGS 
  VP 
 1  2  4.5mA
i.e. For VGS = -1 V I D  8mA 4 
Example 6.1
Sketch the transfer curve defined by IDSS=12 mA and VP= -6V.

 2
ID  I  1 VGS 
DSS   VP 

 ID 
VGS  VP  1 I 
 DSS 
MOSFETs have characteristics similar to JFETs and
additional characteristics that make then very

There are two types of MOSFETs:

• Depletion-Type
• Enhancement-Type
Depletion-Type MOSFET Construction
The Drain (D) and Source
(S) connect to the to n-doped
 These n-doped regions
are via an n-channel.
This n-channel is connected to
the Gate (G) via a thin insulating
layer of SiO2.
The n-doped material lies on a
p-doped substrate that may have
an additional terminal connection
called Substrate (SS).
n-Channel depletion-type MOSFET.
Depletion-Type MOSFET :
Basic Operation and Characteristics

 VGS=0 and VDS is applied across

the drain to source terminals.
This results to attraction of free
electrons of the n-channel to the
drain, and hence current flows.

n-Channel depletion-type MOSFET with

VGS = 0 V and applied voltage VDD.
Depletion-Type MOSFET :
Basic Operation and Characteristics

VGS is set at a negative voltage such

as -1 V.
The negative potential at the gate
pressures electrons toward the p-type
substrate and attract holes from the p-
type substrate.
This will reduce the number of free
electrons in the n-channel available
for conduction.
The more negative the VGS, the
resulting level of drain current ID is
When VGS is reduced to VP (Pinch-
off voltage), then ID=0 mA.
Depletion-Type MOSFET :
Basic Operation and Characteristics

 When VGS is reduced to VP (Pinch-off ) [i.e. Vp=-6V], then ID=0 mA.

 For positive values of VGS, the positive gate will draw
electrons (free carriers) from the p-type substrate and hence ID increases.
Basic MOSFET Operation
A depletion-type MOSFET can operate in two modes:

• Depletion mode
• Enhancement mode
D-Type MOSFET in Depletion Mode
Depletion Mode

The characteristics are

similar to a JFET.
• When VGS = 0 V, ID =
• When VGS < 0 V, ID
• The formula used to
 2
plot  I DSS  1 VGS 
I Dthe
transfer curve  stillVP 
D-Type MOSFET in Enhancement Mode
Enhancement Mode

• VGS > 0 V
• ID increases above IDSS
• The formula used to plot
the transfer curve still

 2
I D  I DSS  1 VGS 
  VP 

Note that VGS is now a positive polarity

D-Type MOSFET Symbols

(a) n-channel depletion-type MOSFETs ,(b) p-channel depletion-type MOSFETs

Enhancement-Type MOSFET Construction
• The Drain (D) and Source (S) connect
to the to n-doped regions.

• The Gate (G) connects to the p-doped

substrate via a thin insulating layer of

• There is no channel

• The n-doped material lies on a p-

doped substrate that may have an
additional terminal connection called
the Substrate (SS)
Enhancement-Type MOSFET Construction
• For VGS=0, ID=0 (no channel).
• For VDS= some positive voltage,
and VGS=0, two reverse biased p-n
junctions and no significant flow
between drain and source.
• For VGS>0 and VDS>0, the positive
voltage at gate pressure holes to enter
deeper regions of the p-substrate, and
the electrons in p-substrate will be
attracted to the positive gate.
• The level of VGS that results in the
significant increase in drain current is
called threshold voltage (VT).
• For VGS<VT, ID=0 mA.
Basic Operation of the E-Type MOSFET
The enhancement-type MOSFET operates only in the enhancement mode.

• VGS is always positive.

• As VGS increases, ID

• As VGS is kept constant

and VDS is increased,
then ID saturates (IDSS)
and the saturation
level, VDSsat is
can be calculated by:

VDsat  VGS  VT
E-Type MOSFET Transfer Curve

To determine ID given VGS: I D  k(V GS  VT ) 2

Where: VT = threshold voltage or voltage at which the MOSFET turns on

k, a constant, can be determined by using values at a specific point and the

formula: I D(ON)
(V GS(ON)  V T ) 2
E-Type MOSFET Transfer Curve

k I D(ON)
I D  k(V GS  VT ) (V GS(ON)  V T ) 2
Substituting ID(on) =10 mA when VGS(on)=8V from the characteristics:

10 mA
2 3
  2V
k  (8  2)  0.27810
A/V  I =0.27810

V 2
MOSFET Symbols

Symbols for (a) n-channel enhancement-type MOSFETs and

(b) p-channel enhancement-type MOSFETs.

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