Introduction To Islam (Articles of Faith)
Introduction To Islam (Articles of Faith)
Introduction To Islam (Articles of Faith)
Articles of Faith:
1. A Muslim believes in One God, Supreme and
Eternal, Infinite creator and Provider.
God has no father nor mother, no sons nor
daughters. He has not fathered anyone nor was He
fathered. None equal to Him.
He is God of all mankind, not of a special tribe or
God is High and Supreme but He is very near to the
pious thoughtful believers; He answers their prayers
and helps them.
Introduction to Islam
Articles of Faith:
He loves the people who love Him and forgives their
He gives them peace, happiness, knowledge and
In return for all the great favors and mercy, God does
not need anything from us, because he is Needless and
God asks us to know Him, to love Him and to enforce
His Law for our own benefit and our own good.
Introduction to Islam
Articles of Faith:
2. A Muslim believes in all the Messengers and
Prophets of God without any discrimination.
All messengers were mortals, human beings, endowed
with Divine revelations and appointed by God to teach
The Holy Quran mentions the names of 25 messengers
and prophets and states that there are others.
These include Noah,Abrahim,Ishmael,Isaac,Moses,
Jesus, and Muhammad.
Introduction to Islam
Articles of Faith:
2. A Muslim believes in all the Messengers and
Prophets of God without any discrimination.
Their message is the same and it is Islam and it
came from One and the Same Source; God, and it is
to submit to His will and to obey his law, ie, to
become a Muslim.
Introduction to Islam
Articles of Faith:
3.A Muslim believes in all scriptures and revelations of
God, as they were complete and in their original
Revelations were given to guide the people to the right
path of God.
The Quran refers to the books revealed to Abrahim,
Moses, David, Jesus and Muhammad
Today, the books before the Quran do not exist in their
original form. They are lost or corrupted or concealed.
Today the Quran is the only authentic and complete book
of God.
Introduction to Islam
Articles of Faith:
3. A Muslim believes in all scriptures and revelations
of God, as they were complete and in their
original versions.
No scholar has questioned the fact that the Quran
today is the same as it was more than 1400 years
Muslims till today memorize the Quran word by
word as a whole or in part.
God who revealed the Quran is protecting it from
being lost, corrupted, or concealed.
Introduction to Islam
Articles of Faith:
4. A Muslim believes in the angels of God.
They are purely spiritual and splendid beings
created by God. They require no food or drink or
sleep. They have no physical desires nor material
Angels spend their time in the service of God. Each
charged with a certain duty. Angels cannot be seen
by the naked eyes.
Introduction to Islam
Articles of Faith:
5.A Muslim believes in the day of Judgment.
This world as we know it will come to an end and the dead will
rise to stand for their final and fair trial.
Everything we do, say, make, intend and think are accounted for
and kept in accurate records.
They are brought up on the day of Judgment.
People with good records will be generously rewarded and
warmly welcomed to God's Heaven.
People with bad records will be fairly punished and cast into
Introduction to Islam
Articles of Faith:
5. A Muslim believes in the day of Judgment.
The real nature of Heaven and Hell are known to
God only, but they are described by God in man's
familiar terms in the Quran.
If some good deeds are seen not to get full
appreciation and credit in this life, they will receive
full compensation and be widely acknowledged on
the Day of Judgment.
Introduction to Islam
Articles of Faith:
5. A Muslim believes in the day of Judgment.
The real nature of Heaven and Hell are known to God only,
but they are described by God in man's familiar terms in
the Quran.
If some good deeds are seen not to get full appreciation
and credit in this life, they will receive full compensation
and be widely acknowledged on the Day of Judgment.
The time of the Day of Judgment is only known to God and
God alone.
Introduction to Islam
Articles of Faith: (Other Important Believes)
6. A Muslim believes that the purpose of life is to
worship of God.
Worshipping God does not mean we spend our
entire lives in constant seclusion and absolute
To worship God is to live life according to His
commands, not to run away from it.
To worship God is to know Him, to love Him, to
obey His commands, to enforce His laws in every
aspect of life,
Introduction to Islam
Articles of Faith: (Other Important Believes)
7. A Muslim believes that man enjoys an especially
high ranking status in the hierarchy of all known
Man occupies this distinguished position because
he alone is gifted with rational faculties and
spiritual aspirations as well as powers of action.
Man is not a condemned race from birth to death,
but a dignified being potentially capable of good
and noble achievements.
Introduction to Islam
Articles of Faith: (Other Important Believes)
8. A Muslim believes that every person is born
Every person is endowed by God with spiritual
potential and intellectual inclination that can make
him a good Muslim.
Every person's birth takes place according to the
will of God in realization of His plans and in
submission to His commands.
Introduction to Islam
Articles of Faith: (Other Important Believes)
9. A Muslim believes that every person is born free
from sin.
When the person reaches the age of maturity and if
he is sane, he becomes accountable for all his deeds
and intentions.
Man is free from sin until he commits sin.
There is no inherited sin, no original sin. Adam
committed the first sin, he prayed to God for
pardon, and God granted Adam pardon.
Introduction to Islam
Articles of Faith: (Other Important Believes)
10. A Muslim believes that God does not hold any
person responsible until he has shown him the
Right Way.
If people do not know and have no way of knowing
about Islam, they will not be responsible for failing
to be Muslim. Every Muslim must preach Islam
words and in action.
Introduction to Islam
Articles of Faith: (Other Important Believes)
11.A Muslim believes that the Quran is the word of
God revealed to prophet Muhammad through the
Angel Gabriel.
The Quran was revealed from God on various
occasions to answer questions, solve problems,
settle disputes and to be man's best guide to the
The Quran was revealed in Arabic and it is still in its
original and complete Arabic version until today. It
is memorized by millions.
Introduction to Islam
Articles of Faith: (Other Important Believes)
12.A Muslim believes in a clear distinction between
the Quran and the Traditions of the Prophet
Whereas the Quran is the word of God, the
Traditions of Prophet Muhammad (his teachings,
sayings, and actions) are the practical
interpretations of the Quran.
Both the Quran and the Traditions of the Prophet
Muhammad are the primary sources of knowledge
in Islam.