Audit (CH 17) - G7
Audit (CH 17) - G7
Audit (CH 17) - G7
Occu Abuse:
Naila Thalla Anisa (0230018011114)
Maurizka Shafira (023001801063)
ud an d
Fr a ic t u r e
B i g P
Table of Contents
Section 1 Section 4
Defining Abusive The Corporate
Conduct Sentencing
Section 3
Understanding Fraud
Section 2 Section 5
Measuring the Level The Ethical
of Occupational Connection
Fraud and Abuse
01 Abusive
Definition of
Abusive Conduct
include repeated infliction of verbal abuse,
such as the use of derogatory remarks, insults,
and epithets; verbal or physical conduct that a
reasonable person would find threatening,
intimidating, or humiliating; bullying; or the
gratuitous sabotage or undermining of a
person's work performance.
The concept
02 Level of
Fraud and Abuse
Unreasonable Expectations
e r c e p t ion of
The p n axiom
de te c t io
Six positive steps to increase
the perception of detection
01 03
Employee Education a Higher Stance
Organizations should provide at least
Proactive fraud policies begin
some basic antifraud training at the
simply with a higher stance by
time workers are hired and should be management, auditors, and fraud
factual rather than accusatory. Point out
examiners. A higher stance also
that fraud in any form is eventually means making sure that “hidden”
very unhealthy for the organization and controls don’t remain that way.
the people who work there.
Where Feasible 1.
Fraud, waste, and abuse occur at some level in
nearly every organization
this conduct costs jobs, raises, and profits
The threat of surprise audits, 3. the organization actively encourages employees to
come forward with information
especially in businesses that are 4. there are no penalties for furnishing good-faith
currency-intensive, may be a information
5. there is an exact method for reporting, such as a
powerful deterrent to occupational telephone number or address
fraud and abuse. 05 6. a report of suspicious activity does not have to be
made by the employee to his immediate supervisor
7. reports of wrongdoing can be submitted
The Corporate
04 Sentencing
Definition of Corporate Sentencing
1 2 3
7 After detection of an
offense, take all
reasonable steps to
appropriately respond to
this offense and to
prevent further similar
05 The Ethical
A formal ethics policy is recommended for all
organizations, regardless of size. They certainly don’t do
any harm, and they just may provide some deterrence.
Furthermore, having an ethics policy makes enforcement of
conduct easier to legally justify. Three things are important
(1) Set out specific conduct that violates the policy
(2) State that dishonest acts will be punished
(3) Provide information on your organization’s mechanism
for reporting unethical conduct.
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Mercury Venus
Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful name
planet to the Sun and and is the second planet
the smallest one from the Sun
Bullet Points Could Be Useful!
Write here important notes!
To - Do: Don’t
Venus Saturn
Venus has a beautiful name Saturn is a gas giant planet
and is the second planet composed of hydrogen and
from the Sun helium and the ringed one
Jupiter Mars
A Picture Is
Worth a
This is a graph
Mercury is the
closest planet
Mars is actually,
If you want to modify this graph, click on it, follow a cold place
the link, change the data and replace it
Review of Concepts
Mars Venus
red and as a
M ars i s
ce Venus h me
cold pla beautifu
l na
01 02 03 04
Saturn Jupiter
Saturn is the Jupiter is the
ringed planet biggest planet
Important Numbers
Mercury is the 4,879
smallest planet
Mercury is the
Mars Mercury
Mars is actually, Mercury is the
a cold place
1 4 closest planet
Jupiter 2 3 Venus
Jupiter is the Venus has a
biggest planet beautiful name
To do Lists
1 2 3 Analyze data
Your Priorities
Mars is actually,
a cold place
Calendar Project
Photos Vectors
● Tired young man sitting near laptop again ● Post-its boards infographics in flat
st wall with notes design
● Thoughtful young redhead woman sitting ● Flat post-its boards infographics
at laptop against wall with notes ● Flat post-its boards infographics
● Portrait of man presenting business plan ● Hand drawn arrow collection
● Woman with headset working from home
● Business woman working with notes
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