Content Fraud Brainstorming
Content Fraud Brainstorming
Content Fraud Brainstorming
Fraud brainstorming
Planning to find fraud
Audit plans have to be designed to find fraud. Here’s help for your
team on fraud brainstorming: delving into the details, thinking like
a fraudster and using the knowledge of the processes to increase
awareness of where frauds may be hiding.
46 FRAUD MAGAZINE JULY/AUGUST 2012 FRAUD-MAGAZINE.COM © 2012 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc.
“Routine exams failed Auditing Standards all refer to proper
audit planning and consideration of
Assembling the right people
to uncover the scam,” the indictment fraud schemes. For the most part, the audit team mem-
claimed. The scam represented possi- The “Statement on Auditing bers will be the primary individuals in-
bly the largest potential loss to the Na- volved in a fraud brainstorming session
Standards No. 99: Consideration of
tional Credit Union Share Insurance in advance of an audit so the objectives
Fraud,” also referred to as SAS 99,
Fund (NCUSIF). The frauds, which will remain relatively confidential.
specifically requires fraud brain-
ran through a single credit union, This also will minimize the possibility
storming sessions when reviewing that the target group gets wind of the
resulted in more than $170 million financial statements. Unfortunately, impending audit, especially steps de-
in potential losses, involving bribery, merely having a sentence in the audit signed to detect fraud. Therefore, care-
money laundering, fraudulent loans, scope that states “the audit staff will fully manage and safeguard the inclu-
corruption, kickbacks and even a remain vigilant for fraud during the sion of others in this process.
Ponzi scheme (Credit Union Journal, course of the audit” isn’t enough. CFEs in a fraud brainstorming
June 27, 2011). In recent years, the phrase “the session will bring investigative minds
When the big frauds hit, it doesn’t auditors failed to uncover the ongoing and skill sets to the session. On the
take long for others to ask “where were fraud scheme” has unfortunately been other hand, don’t include manage-
the auditors?” In this instance, the appearing more and more frequently. ment in the session. An auditor must
NCUSIF inspector general noted that Satyam, Tyco, Olympus, Madoff and assume that any employee in the tar-
“numerous red flags were present for get group could be committing fraud,
Healthsouth are just a few of the recent
many years,” including those spotted including management. If they’re in-
large frauds in which auditors and in-
by examiners. The IG stated that exam- volved in the session, they could tip
vestigators missed the warning signs.
iners only performed “their required off the unknown fraudster. And be
Finding fraud is difficult. We all
minimum procedures.” Board meeting careful about including employees
know that. We’re constantly reminded
minutes indicate that the audit reports of the area being audited, such as an
at every audit, fraud and accounting
identified no outstanding issues about ethics or compliance specialist or hu-
conference we attend that fraud is
the credit union operations. man resources professional. Though
inherently hidden. Deception, altera- they could be valuable additions, they
The question beckons: Did the
tion, fabrication and the destruction could leak important information.
auditors properly prepare and plan
to find fraud? Could effective fraud of documents seems to be the norm
brainstorming have helped uncover for all fraudsters, yet qualified anti- Assessing the process(es)
these schemes much sooner? fraud professionals still fall for and/
The audit staff clearly identify the
“If you don’t know what you’re or fail to identify their schemes. Did
process(es) that the brainstormers will
looking for, how will you know when the fraud fighters properly plan and
review during the audit so they can
you’ve found it?” brainstorm for fraud? identify the right fraud risks. Consid-
This sums up the advantage of Fraud brainstorming is more than er the following:
thinking about fraud before conduct- sitting around a table for an hour talk-
ing an audit. An audit plan that’s not ing about how fraud could occur. It in- Process complexity
designed to find fraud may occasion- volves delving into the details, thinking Assess the complexity of the process’
ally by chance find it. However, the like a fraudster and using the knowl- moving parts. The more complex a pro-
fraud detection business shouldn’t be edge of the processes to increase aware- cess, the greater the chance that fraud
built on luck or hope but on proactive, ness of where frauds may be hiding. will slip through the cracks and crevices.
planned and decisive measures. When broken down into its
In most of the published audit- parts, fraud brainstorming encom- Number of transactions
ing standards and expectations for passes: assembling the right people; The more transactions, the easier
auditors, identifying fraud goes hand assessing the process(es), players, fraudsters can hide their crimes. Pay
and hand with the key words “plan” data and environment; developing close attention to those processes that
or “planning.” The American Insti- fraud schemes and audit procedures generate significant numbers of trans-
tute of CPAs, the Institute of Internal based on these schemes; and devel- actions, and design fraud detection
Auditors and the U.S. Government oping fraud triggers. tests accordingly.
© 2012 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc. FRAUD-MAGAZINE.COM JULY/AUGUST 2012 FRAUD MAGAZINE 47
Fraud brainstorming
Number of dollars,
both large and small
Auditors may be drawn to focus on the
high-dollar transactions that are above a
certain threshold. But a significant fraud
scheme could be occurring just under
established thresholds. In some instanc-
es, the smallest transaction could be the
indicator of a large, ongoing fraud.
50 FRAUD MAGAZINE JULY/AUGUST 2012 FRAUD-MAGAZINE.COM © 2012 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc.
Because fraudsters don’t wear special • Where’s the data housed? • Wall Street?
outfits or have the letter “F” sewn on • Who has access to it? • Rating agencies?
their shirts, every employee must be • Significant investors or shareholders?
• How is the data generated?
thought of as having the possibility to
›› If manual, ›› Are there pressures to meet or exceed
commit fraud, so design every audit test
• Who creates the data? the targets of competitors?
step with this in mind. When assessing
those employees who are involved in the • What format is it in? ›› Are there any external financial, po-
litical, legal or operational issues that
daily business of managing the process, • Where are the manual data/ could force the manipulation of data
consider the following: documents stored, and who has with the process to be audited?
• Who are the employees, management physical access to the data?
• Lawsuits.
and contractors involved in ›› If automated,
• Recalls.
this process? • Where is the data editable or capable • Loss of market share.
• What are their names? of being manipulated?
• From an internal environment
• What are their backgrounds? • Who can make changes to it? assessment:
›› Do any of them have any previous • Are backups kept, and are they ›› What is the expectation of manage-
disciplinary, ethics or non- accessible? ment and the tone at the top?
compliance issues? • If a fraudster was going to manipu- • Get it done at all cost?
›› Have they ever been disciplined for late, alter or destroy data prior to
• Whatever it takes?
untruthfulness, control deficiencies the audit, what fields or information
would be the easiest and fastest to ›› How are internal goals and metrics
or fraud?
change? set and formulated?
• How long have they been with
• Are employees given incentives for
the company? ›› How could we test if changes were
doing the wrong behaviors?
• Before coming to this department, • Are the incentives unrealistic and by
where did they work? • How does the audit team plan on
their very design entice individuals to
getting access to the data it needs?
›› Does this previous work area inter- commit fraud?
face with the current department ›› Are there strong internal financial
or process?
Assessing the environment
One of the most overlooked aspects of
• If so, could they use their knowledge • To meet budget?
conducting an audit is the environmental
of this process and/or contacts in the • Are layoffs possible if this doesn’t get
factors that could have an impact on the
previous area to commit a fraud? done correctly?
area and, especially, the individuals who
• How much approval and decision- are to be audited. This assessment can be ›› Are there enough resources to get the
making authority have they been easily correlated to the “pressure” side of job done?
granted? the fraud triangle. What are those internal • Is one person doing the job of three,
and external pressures or environmen- five, 10?
Assessing the data tal factors that could cause wrongdoing, ›› What is the morale level of the
fraud or unethical behavior to materialize individuals?
By now, the fraud brainstorming pro-
in this department or process?
cess has identified the players or em- • Everyone loves coming to work?
ployees involved in the upcoming audit. • From an external environment
• Everyone can’t wait for 5 p.m. to get
The auditors must be aware that if one assessment:
here fast enough?
or more of those individuals are com- ›› What frauds have been identified in Assessing the environment as part
mitting fraud, there’s a chance that they other companies within this type of of the fraud brainstorming process
could manipulate, alter and/or destroy process? could also be very helpful for the audit
data before the auditors take possession • What difference or similarities does staff in determining the truthfulness and
of it for the audit. Auditors should ques- our process have with them? cooperation of the audited individuals.
tion and assess the reliability of all data ›› Are there any significant forces or
that’s used to support an audit; consider pressures driving external goals or Developing fraud schemes
the following: metrics within this process? The ability of the audit team to uncover
© 2012 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc. FRAUD-MAGAZINE.COM JULY/AUGUST 2012 FRAUD MAGAZINE 51
Fraud brainstorming
52 FRAUD MAGAZINE JULY/AUGUST 2012 FRAUD-MAGAZINE.COM © 2012 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc.
• When asked to provide information interviews and questions are routed mining for precious metals, the amount
for the audit, the individual is reluc- through him or her first. This indi- of upfront planning can help dictate the
tant or hesitant to share information. vidual could be a manager, executive ultimate success of the project. The same
• When asked to provide data or or some other authority figure who holds true for uncovering fraud. The
documentation, the individual fails has oversight over the process being fraud brainstorming framework is rela-
to respond, may be argumentative or audited or may be on the periphery. tively simple; the difficult part is imple-
creates an unusual delay in respond- This individual could be the fraudster menting it. The widespread implementa-
ing to the audit request. using his or her authority to filter tion of fraud brainstorming techniques
information to the audit team. may not only help uncover more frauds
• When asked to provide data or docu- but also lead to more headlines that state
mentation, the individual provides • Data, documentation or information
“the auditors were able to uncover the
the information faster than the data appears to have been manipulated,
long-running fraud scheme.” n FM
could have been retrieved. This could altered, fabricated or destroyed. The
mean the individual had prepared in audit team must stop and regroup and
advance of the request. determine if they missed a potential Ryan C. Hubbs, CFE, CIA, PHR, CCSA,
• Inconsistencies exist between the fraud scheme, or if the current audit is senior manager of anti-fraud and
statements made by several employ- tests need to be refined or enhanced. investigation services at Matson Driscoll
ees. This could indicate that one or & Damico LLP in Houston, Texas. He is
more people could be actively deceiv- It’s simple but difficult a member of the ACFE faculty. His email
ing the audit team. Take any process in the world that’s address is: [email protected].
• A “command and control” figure, designed to identify hidden items, and
The material in this article and much more will
who emerges early in the audit, man- you’ll see an extraordinary amount of be included in the revamped ACFE Auditing for
dates that all requests, data, support, pre-planning. From oil exploration to Internal Fraud course. See — ed.
© 2012 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc. FRAUD-MAGAZINE.COM JULY/AUGUST 2012 FRAUD MAGAZINE 53