Axis Sumbu Tubuh (Materi 2)
Axis Sumbu Tubuh (Materi 2)
Axis Sumbu Tubuh (Materi 2)
1 Microtubules help elongate
the cells of the neural plate.
Figure 47.19
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Figure 47.20
RESULTS In this micrograph, the dashed lines indicate the edges of the fibronectin layer. Note
that cells are migrating along the strip, not off of it.
Direction of migration
50 µm
CONCLUSION Fibronectin helps promote cell migration, possibly by providing anchorage for the
Figure 47.21 migrating cells.
RESULTS As shown in these micrographs, fertilized control eggs developed into normal blastulas,
but fertilized experimental eggs did not. In the absence of EP cadherin, the blastocoel did not form properly,
and the cells were arranged in a disorganized fashion.
Control embryo
Experimental embryo
Figure 47.22 CONCLUSION Proper blastula formation in the frog requires EP cadherin.
Neural tube stage
Blastula (transverse section)
(a) Fate map of a frog embryo. The fates of groups of cells in a frog blastula (left) were
determined in part by marking different regions of the blastula surface with nontoxic dyes
of various colors. The embryos were sectioned at later stages of development, such as
Figure 47.23a the neural tube stage shown on the right, and the locations of the dyed cells determined.
(b) Cell lineage analysis in a tunicate. In lineage analysis, an individual cell is injected with a
dye during cleavage, as indicated in the drawings of 64-cell embryos of a tunicate, an
invertebrate chordate. The dark regions in the light micrographs of larvae correspond to
Figure 47.23b the cells that developed from the two different blastomeres indicated in the drawings.
Normal piece Normal
RESULTS Blastomeres that receive half or all of the gray crescent develop into normal embryos, but a blastomere
that receives none of the gray crescent gives rise to an abnormal embryo without dorsal structures. Spemann called it a
“belly piece.”
CONCLUSION The totipotency of the two blastomeres normally formed during the first cleavage division depends on
cytoplasmic determinants localized in the gray crescent.
Figure 47.24
Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings
• As embryonic development proceeds
– The potency of cells becomes progressively
more limited in all species
– Totipotent until 16-cell stage in mammals
Nonpigmented gastrula
(recipient embryo)
RESULTS During subsequent development, the recipient embryo formed a second notochord and neural tube in
the region of the transplant, and eventually most of a second embryo. Examination of the interior of the double embryo
revealed that the secondary structures were formed in part from host tissue.
Primary embryo
structures: Secondary (induced) embryo
Neural tube
Notochord (pigmented cells)
Neural tube (mostly nonpigmented cells)
CONCLUSION The transplanted dorsal lip was able to induce cells in a different region of the recipient to form
Figure 47.25 structures different from their normal fate. In effect, the dorsal lip “organized” the later development of an entire embryo.
(a) Organizer regions. Vertebrate limbs develop from
protrusions called limb buds, each consisting of
mesoderm cells covered by a layer of ectoderm.
Two regions, termed the apical ectodermal ridge AER
(AER, shown in this SEM) and the zone of polarizing
activity (ZPA), play key organizer roles in limb Limb bud ZPA
pattern formation. Posterior
Figure 47.26a
50 µm
Donor Host
limb limb
bud bud
RESULTS In the grafted host limb bud, extra digits developed from host tissue in a mirror-image
arrangement to the normal digits, which also formed (see Figure 47.26b for a diagram of a normal
chick wing).
CONCLUSION The mirror-image duplication observed in this experiment suggests that ZPA cells secrete
a signal that diffuses from its source and conveys positional information indicating “posterior.” As the
Figure 47.27 distance from the ZPA increases, the signal concentration decreases and hence more anterior digits develop.