Embryology of Inner Ear Recent Trends

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Recent trends in the study of Inner ear


Dr. T. Balasubramanian M.S. D.L.O.


Inner Ear develops from otic placode. Study of otic placode is more than a century old. Otic
placode arises as a thickened patch of ectoderm adjacent to the hind brain. Ectodermal cells of otic
placode starts to proliferate. This proliferation causes the placode to invaginate to form a pit (otic
pit). This pit begins to deepen on further proliferation of ectodermal cells to form otic cup. The
edges of proliferating ectoderm closes thus forming otic vesicle. The otic vesicle becomes a
thickened ball like structure due to continuing proliferation of ectoderm. Cavitation begin to occur
forming a hollow ball like structure. A lot of similarities have been identified between the
development of otic placode and neural tube.

Labelling studies have shown that cells forming otic placode arise from a wide region of the
embryo and converges towards the future otic placode area as the embryo matures.

Studies have shown that during gastrulation, the precursors of otic placode is mixed with cells that
are destined to develop into the central nervous system, neural crest and epidermis.

What exactly prompts these ectodermal cells towards developing into otic placode? This is where
inductors come into play. Embroyonic induction has been defined as an interaction between an
inducing substance and a responding tissue that alters the path of differentiation of the responding

Studies have attempted to answer the following questions regarding otic capsule:

1. In what way the ectoderm forming the otic capsule is unique?

2. When exactly the process of induction starts and when it ends?

3. What are all the substances capable of induction?

Ablation and transplantation experiments have shown that ectodermal cells around the developing
otic capsule are capable of forming otic capsule till the embryo reaches a specified phase in its
development. These experiments have also demonstrated the importance of mesodermal elements
in induction. Developing hind brain tissue also serve as inducers to a certain extent.

In the molecular level members of fibroblast growth factor family have been implicated as inducers.
Experiments have also shown that fibroblast growth factor 3 could act as a specific inducer of otic

The development of inner ear takes place in three phases:

1. Phase I: Formation of otic placode. Otic placode is the earliest rudiment of inner ear, the
development of which occurs as a result of interaction between surrounding tissues.
2. Phase II: This phase involves morphogenesis of otic placode to form otocyst. The otocyst is
a spherical vesicle that gives rise to auditory and vestibular components of inner ear.
3. Phase III: Involves regional patterning of otocyst with the formation of antero posterior,
mediolateral and dorsal ventral axis. This results in the development of three dimensional
inner ear

Diagram showing development of otic placode

Phase II is the most critical event in the development of inner ear. The events taking place in this
phase are more or less the same in amphibians, avians and mammals. The steps involved include:

1. Changes in the shape of otic placode. The otic placode undergoes bending to form the otic
pit, which is encircled by rim cells.
2. Apposition and fusion of these rim cells lead to the formation of otic vesicle / otocyst. This
whole process resembles primary neurulation.

Study of the process of neurulation will help in better understanding of development of inner ear.
The process of neurulation ends with the formation of neural tube which happens to be the
precursor of developing brain. On humans this process of neurulation occurs in two phases
(primary and secondary neurulation).

Primary neurulation: Primary neurulation results in the formation of entire brain and most of the
spinal cord. It occurs in 4 stages:

1. Formation of neural plate

2. Shaping of the neural plate
3. Bending of neural plate with the formation of neural groove which is bounded on both sides
by neural grooves
4. Closure of neural groove with fusion of neural folds

Secondary neurulation: This results in the formation of lower portion of spinal cord. This phase
begins at the most dorsal cells of the tail bud. These cells undergoes mesenchymal to epithelial
transformation leading on to the formation of the tail end of the spinal cord. This is followed by the
process of cavitation resulting in the formation of hollowed out neural tube. This neural tube is
identical morphologically to the primary neural tube.

Formation of neural plate in-fact mirrors the formation of otic placode. Formation of neural plate
involves pallisading of cells. These cells become elongated and gets organized into a single layer of
pseudostratified columnar epithelium. Cells of the placode are mitotically active and their nuclei
undergoes migration as the cell cycle is reversed. The M phase of the mitotic cycle is restricted to
the apical regions while the s phase is restricted to the base. It is because of nuclear migration,
these cells give an appearance of being multilayerd. Spindle shaped cells are frequently seen in the
neural plate. These cells as the name signifies has elongated processes both in their apical and basal
ends. The nucleus is invariably located at the center. Wedge shaped cells are next commonly seen
cells in the otic placode. These cells have only one elongated process in the apical region. The
basal region is not elongated and is broad based. The nuclei of these cells are located closer to the
basal region.

Diagram showing the various types of cells seen in otic placode

Cells in the M phase of mitosis don't possess apical / basal processes. They appear rounded. These
cells of neural plate / otic placode communicate with each other along their lateral borders through
gap junctions. These gap junctions are more prevalent at the apex. The cells of neural plate / otic
placode possess adhesion molecules along their surfaces. These adhesion molecules are of two
1. Calcium dependent adhesion molecules: like N-Cadherin
2. Calcium independent adhesion molecules: like NCAM

The cells of the neural plate / otic placode (considered to be similar hence clubbed together for
convenience) contains numerous apico basally elongated microtubes. These are also known as
paraxial microtubules. As described previously the most important event of neural plate is the
thickening which takes place. This thickening usually takes place in an apico basal direction and
these paraxial microtubles play a vital role in this process. The process of thickening occurs via the
process of cell elongation rather than cell stratification. Other factors which contribute to the
process of thickening include:

1. Increased cell packing due to sustained mitosis

2. Increased cell to cell adhesion

The process of thickening occurs within the confines of neurectoderm. It has been clearly
demonstrated that the development of otic placode resembles the development of neurectoderm in
every possible way as described above. Chick embryo studies have shown:

1. Otic placode is made up of a single layer of apico basally elongated ectodermal cells
2. Interkinetic nuclear migration takes place within these cells indicating active cell replication
3. Apical cells (cells close to the apical zone of otic placode) undergoes active mitosis
4. Due to this proliferation the height of the otic placode increases
5. Ectodermal cells of otic placode undergoes invagination to accommodate the proliferating
6. Even though otic placode increases in thickness its surface area doesn't show real time
increase. This aspect is really significant.
7. Studies have also shown that the population doubling time of otic placodal cells is about 8.5
hours similar to that of adjacent non placodal cells
8. Mitotic index of otic placodal cells is 2.5 % again similar to that of adjacent non placodal
cells. These aspects reveal that the development of otic placode is not the result of
accelerated division of placodal cells.

According to Meier the placodal cells are restricted from growing laterally and hence resort to
pseudostratification to accommodate themselves within the confines of otic placode. Electron
microscopic studies of the developing otic placode showed that the cells forming the otic placode
showed micro filaments in the apical zone. These cells also demonstrate large intercellular
junctions close to the apical zone.

The basal lamina of the developing otic placode have been demonstrated to express the following

1. Fibronectin – This glycoprotein is involved in cell adhesion, growth, migration and

differentiation. It is also an important component of extracellular matrix which support the
cells of the developing otic placode. Usually fibronection occurs in two forms: soluble and
insoluble forms. It is the insoluble form that is responsible for the formation of extracellular
2. Cytotactin – This is an extracellular matrix glycoprotein which plays a vital role in neuronal
development. It major role is to allow neuronal development and maturation in an orderly
way without affecting neuronal plasticity.
3. N CAM – Also known as neural cell adhesion molecule. This glycoprotein is usually
expressed on the surface of neural tissue, glial tissue, and skeletal muscle tissue. It plays a
vital role in neural cell adhesion, growth of neurons, and synaptic plasticity.
4. L CAM – Also known as liver cell adhesion molecule. This is a calcium dependent cell
adhesion molecule. The exact role played by this glycoprotein in otic placode development
is still an enigma.

The exact roles played by these substances in the development of otic placode is yet to be

Experiments conducted on chick embryos have proved that intact paraxial micro tubules play an
important role in the normal development and differentiation of otic placode.

Shaping of otic placode: This stage resembles second stage of neurulation. Initially, the otic
placode undergoes a change in shape and hence this stage is known as stage of shaping. Initially
the otic placode is shaped like a shield. During this phase of development it undergoes narrowing
in a medio lateral direction, and elongates antero posteriorly. This change in shape is driven by a
process known as mediolateral cell to cell intercalation.

Diagram depicting primary neurulation

Bending of otic placode:

Bending of otic placode is caused by contraction of micofilaments present in the apex of the cell. It
has been clearly demonstrated that bending of otic placode becomes possible due to intrinsic forces
present in the cells of otic placode. These forces are generated by contraction of actin filaments
present at the apex of the cells of otic placode. Contraction of apical microfilaments cause apical
constriction and basal widening of these cells. These cells hence assume a wedge shape. This
process is hence known as wedging.
Experiments performed by using the drug Cytochalasin B (this drug damages the actin filaments
and prevents it from contracting) have shown that a viable actin filament contraction is a must for
this stage to occur.

Figure showing
otic placode
developing into
otic cyst

Figure showing
otic placode
Figure showing elongation of otic placode
Figure showing deepening of otic placode
Figure showing completion of otocyst formation

During the process of bending the proportions of spindle cells, columnar cells, wedge cells and
mitotic cells are maintained. Bending usually occurs around three points known as the hinge points.

These points include:

one median hinge point
A paired dorsolateral hinge points

The cells around these hinge points are usually wedge shaped.

Studies have demonstrated the plausible causes of wedging. They include:

1. Contraction of apical microfilaments causing apical narrowing (Purse string effect)

2. Basal increase in size due to increased intracellular cytoplasm as these cells are in a very
high mitotic state. The nucleus of these cells are present close to their base.

The process of bending in otic placode begins with the development of a longitudinal hinge point.
Cells in this hinge point have basally located nuclei. Basally located nuclei indicates wedge shaped
cells in the hinge zone. The otic placode epithelium is flat in nature in the non hinge areas.
The process of invagination is not dependent on calcium and ATP channels. On the other hand
experiments have shown that the process of invagination is affected if the otic placode is detached
from the hind brain.
Studies have also shown that the extracellular matrix surrounding the otic placode should be intact
and undisturbed for the normal process of invagination to take place. Use of enzymes in
experimental animals that degrade chondroitin sulfate of the surrounding matrix prevented
invagination of otic placode from taking place.

Experiments using micro injections of Heparinase III into the substance of otic capsule also
prevented invagination from progressing as it degrades the heparan sulfate present in the basal
lamella of otic capsule.

As the process of invagination of otic capsule progresses a copious surface coating appears over the
apical region of the otic capsule. The composition of this surface coat and the role played by it in
further development of otic capsule is still unknown.

Role of NCAM in the process of otic invagination: NCAM is also known as Neural cell adhesion
molecule. Experiments have shown that NCAM is being secreted by the epithelial lining of otic
placode during the process of invagination. Experimental blockage of this molecule causes the otic
placode to separate from the hind brain resulting in failure of the process of invagination.

When the process of invagination of otic placode is underway additional folds begin to appear.
These folds convert otic cup into a box like structure. These additional folds include rostral and a
caudal folds.

Closure of otic pit and formation of otocyst:

During the process of bending and invagination the two folds of otic placode come into contact with
each other in the midline. They ultimately adhere to one another undergoing fusion, forming
otocyst. Analysis of cell movements during otic cyst formation revealed that cells in the rim
actively change positions. The entire dorsal rim of otocyst gives rise to the endolymphatic duct,
while the postero ventral rim forms the lateral wall of otocyst. It is believed that sophisticated inter
cellular signaling mechanism may play an important role in the development of endolymphatic duct
and sac.

Embryologically neural tube development and otic placode development have lot of similarities. It
has been demonstrated that neural tube defects caused by failure of neural tube to close happen to
be the most common birth defect noticed ( about 1 in 1000 live births). On the contrary defects
involving otic placode and otocyst are very rare. This is rather unusual considering the fact both
these structures demonstrate similarities in their development. It has been postulated that the genes
responsible for development of otic cyst are also necessary for the survival of the embryo and other
organogenesis. Any defect / abnormality in these vital genes will cause death of the embryo. This
could only be the reason for rarity of defects involving the otic cyst.

Otic axis formation:

Ear is an asymmetric structure. It has distinct morphological features characterizing its three axis.
Two axis have been identified as characteristic in a developing otocyst. These include antero
posterior and dorso ventral axis. Implantation experiments have shown that the pre placodal
ectoderm does not show any positional information and is dependent on the axial cues from the
developing embryo. Development of otic axis is dependent on the differential responses shown by
otic capsule ectoderm to the signaling molecules. The signaling molecules include Bone
morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and Sonic Hedgehog.
Experiments in chick embryos have shown that molecules belonging to Fibroblast growth factor
family also play an important role in otic axis formation. Fgf3 belonging to the family of fibroblast
growth factor produced by the hind brain of the developing embryo provides the Dorso ventral otic
axis signal. Fgf16 another molecule belonging to the Fibroblastic growth factor group has been
known to play a role in the determination of otic capsule axis.

Morphogenesis of otic vesicle:

It has been demonstrated that morphogenesis of otic vesicle begins with its elongation in a ventral
direction. This process initiates cochlear development. The developing cochlea begin to coil.

After initiation of cochlear development a dorso lateral bulge begin to develop in the otic
epithelium. This bulge is known as vertical canal plate. This plate develops a groove separating the
vertical plate into anterior and posterior semicircular ducts.

Figure showing the formation of vertical canal plate

Morphogenesis of epithelium of otic capsule occurs along with cellular differentiation of epithelial
cells into sensory and non sensory regions. The vertical canal plate give rise to anterior and
posterior semicircular canal ducts. At about the same time a bulge occurs in the lateral otic
epithelium to form the lateral canal plate. The cells in the center of the lateral canal plate fuse and
undergoes dissolution thus forming the lateral semicircular canal.

Figure showing development of lateral canal plate

Each of these three developing semicircular canal ducts form a bulge at one end. This bulge forms
the ampulla of the semicircular canals which house the sensory epithelium. Ventral to the
completed semicircular canal system the utricle and saccule develop as bulges. These bulges
eventually house the gravity sensing maculae.

The hind brain plays an important role in otic vesicle morphogenesis. Van Dyke in his classic
experiments demonstrated that if the hind brain of a developing salamander embryo is replaced with
the neural tissue from midbrain the developing ear becomes cystic. These studies suggest that the
hindbrain produces signals that are necessary for normal morphogenesis of otocyst.

Kreisler described certain mutations in his papers. These mutations go under the name Kreisler's
mutations. He named the mutant gene as Kreisler gene. Kreisler mutant genes caused improper
hind brain development and failure of endolymphatic ducts to develop. It has been demonstrated
that the developing hindbrain sends signals to the otic vesicle which stimulates the formation of
endolymphatic duct. Normally developing endolymphatic duct and sac is a must for normal
morphogenesis of otic cyst.

Role of DAN protein in endolymphatic duct / sac development: Expression of DAN protein is vital
for normal endolymphatic sac development. Inhibition of expression of this protein leads to the
formation of an enlarged endolymphatic system. This experiment suggests that DAN protein
somehow limits the function of a signal that promotes endolymphatic duct outgrowth.
Role played by Periotic mesenchyme in otic vesicle morphogenesis:

The mesenchymal lining around the developing otic vesicle undergoes chondrogenesis to form a
bony capsule surrounding the membranous labyrinth. Evidences suggest that the morphogenesis of
the developing otic epithelium and the periotic mesenchymal lining are mutually dependent on each
other for normal development. Kann by his elegant experiments demonstrated that transplantation
of otic cup to a site anterior / inferior to its normal position induced mesenchymal condensation
around the newly transplanted otic tissue. Whereas when the otic epithelium was transplanted close
to the limb buds the mesenchymal condensation around otic tissue failed to develop. When the
adherent mesenchyme is stripped away from the otic cyst it fails to complete its development. This
proves that otic mesenchyme produced factors important for the normal development of otic cyst.

Figure showing development of endolymphatic system

Role of midline signals in otic morphogenesis:

Signals arising from notochord play an important role in determining the dorso ventral axis. The
signaling molecule which is responsible for the normal dorso ventral axis of otic capsule has been
identified as Shh molecule.

Role of Tbx1 mutation in otic morphogenesis:

Mutations involving Tbz1 gene are known to cause DiGeorgi's syndrome. Patients with Tbz1
mutation form endolymphatic duct after which the development of otic cup is halted. This mutation
affects the mesenchymal patterning causing inner ear developmental abnormalities.

Similarly mutations involving Gata 3 genes also cause similar developmental arrest of otic cup after
the formation of endolymphatic duct. The relationship between these two mutations are not clear.
Development of semicircular canals:

Semicircular canals develop as outpouchings of dorsal otic epithelium. The first outpouching
occurs dorsally to form the vertical canal plate and the second outpouching laterally to form the
lateral (horizontal) canal plate. Studies have identified Bone morphogenic protein (BMP) to be the
signal involved in the development of semicircular canals. Studies performed using BMP inhibitors
have shown semicircular canal developmental arrest.
After the outpouching the two pouches approach one another, detaching from the surrounding
mesenchyme and fuse. Cells forming the interior of these pouches undergo dissolution forming the
semicircular canals. Hyaluronan has been identified as the signaling agent for the fusion of
semicircular canals and the dissolution of the inner cellular core leading to the formation of these
After the development of semicircular canals they continue to increase in size when the ear and
embryo enlarges in size. The gene which plays an important role in this stage is Nor1. The
pathways this gene initiates in the later morphogenesis of semicircular canal development is still

Auditory Neurosensory development

A detailed study of auditory neurosensory development is rewarding because of the increasing

incidence of sensorineural hearing loss in elderly individuals. Eventhough cochlear implants have
made major strides in alleviating deafness in these patients, another emerging field “Stem cell
therapy” is more promising. Studies performed in rat embryos have shown that it is possible to
cause regeneration of damaged hair cells by implanting stem cells. For this procedure to be really
successful the regenerated hair cells should be properly integrated with the whole of the cochlea and
its nerve connections.
Development of auditory / vestibular neurosensory connections have been extensively studied.
This developmental process is possible due to the Global patterning of otocyst. This process is
initiated by proper signals arising from Sonic Hedgehog genes (Shh). It is this process of patterning
of inner ear that determines the potential areas of neurosensory formation. The primordial cells of
primary sensory neuron present in the otocyst can easily be identified due to their ability to express
certain specific markers like (Neurogenin I). These cells can also be identified as delaminating cells
present around the developing otocyst. These cells become apparent during the 10th embryonic day.
Studies have shown that proper expression of certain genes are critical for the survival of certain
neuronal population. Neurod I mutants demonstrate loss of cochlear neurons with intact vestibular
neuronal system.
Expression of genes like Shh I, BMP and neurogenin also play an important role in proliferation
of neurons. In addition to the process of global patterning another process known as local
patterning of otocyst leads to the proliferation of progenitor cells that become specific sensory
epithelia and their innervating neurons. These progenitor cells (also known as stem cells) have
certain common features; they proliferate, self renew, and gives rise to a progeny that subsequently

Genes determining self renewing properties of stem cells: Self renewing properties of the stem
cells are determined by the presence of the following genes:

1. Sox gene family – Belongs to the High Mobility box gene group
2. Fox gene family
Various theoretical models have been described to explain the self renewing property of stem cells.
The most accepted model postulates that the progenitor first undergoes multiple rounds of cell
divisions causing an increase in its population. This phase is known as the “Growth phase”.
Phase of asymmetric division: This is the next phase. In this phase two populations of cells are
produced. One group of the product of asymmetric division is differentiated cells and the other
group being undifferentiated stem cells. A progenitor stem cell that divides in an asymmetric
fashion needs 4 rounds of cell division to produce 4 differentiated cells and one progenitor stem

Phase of expansion proliferation: In this phase the progenitor cells undergoes cell division
producing only differentiated cells. There is no net production of undifferentiated cells. About two
rounds of cell division occurs allowing the cell to generate 4 differentiated cells.

Symmetric type of cell division is very fast. Cochlea undergoes symmetric type of cell division.
This type of rapid proliferation of stem cells really helps the developing cochlea. It completes its
development within a 5 day window. This fast mechanism allows for delayed expression of
differentiating factors which occur after a sufficient number of cells are formed.

The vestibular epithelium prefers asymmetric cell proliferation as its development phase is rather
prolonged. Precise knowledge of the sequence of progenitor divisions of different neural elements
of otocyst is a must.

Histiogenesis: This term needs a little explanation. The whole developmental biology of human
ear is dependent on this process. There is a biological clock within the stem cells that decide the
rate of cell division. The precise time at which a cell exits its cell cycle is known as its birth date.
There is a correlation between the fate of the cell and its birth date and this is known as
histiogenesis. Classic example of this process is seen in the development of vertebral brain.
Generation of neurons from the progenitor cells occur before the generation of glial cells from the
same group of stem cells. Researches have revealed that in inner ear, neurosensory cells are
generated over a prolonged period of time, with the development of sensory neurons predating the
development of cochlear and vestibular hair cells.

The proliferative process of inner ear should be held under a tight leash as it is important for
maintaining the tissue size. Genes and regulator proteins responsible for this process is still
unknown as most of the regulator genes and proteins found elsewhere in the body is also found in
the inner ear. It has been postulated that signals produced by proliferating neurons acts on
proliferating stem cells inhibiting their division and differentiation. Neurod I has been implicated in
this process. Gradual slowing of progenitor cell proliferation has been noted inner ear.
Neurosensory evolution and development of inner ear is dependent on the multiplication of existing
sensory patches and their innervation is mainly through proliferative expansion of the progenitor
cell population.

In vertebrates neurons derive from ectoderm. These ectodermal cells get transformed into neural
elements by cascading effect of a series of genes. These genes endowed with the capacity to
transform ectodermal cells into neural elements are known as proneural genes. The expression of
proneural genes are tightly controlled. The proneural genes are regulated by a system known as
Delta – Notch system. This inhibitor system down regulates proneural gene expression in
neighboring cells. This phenomenon is known as lateral inhibition. Genes responsible for
activation of Delta – Notch system is bHLH genes. Upregulation of these genes cause activation of
Delta – Notch system.

Types of bHLH genes:

Three functional types of bHLH genes have been identified.
1. Group I generates neural lineage of cells
2. Group II drives neural differentiation
3. Group III drives the switch that changes the lineage from neural to glial cells

Studies have shown that in mutations involving Neurog I mutant mice the ear is completely isolated
from brain stem area. There are no afferents / efferents reaching the ear from the brain stem. These
mutants have a fairly normal histology of the developing ear. This proves that the ear develops
independent of its innervation. Hair cells are reduced in number in these patients. The cochlea is
short with absent saccule. In the absence of Neurog I gene there is complete loss of neuronal
progenitors, causing the hair cell progenitor to come out of the cell cycle at an earlier embryonal
age than expected. This fact proves that there is significant interaction between the progenitor cells
forming the primary neurons and other progenitor cells giving rise to hair cells and other supporting

Growth of nerve fibers connecting the auditory / vestibular system with the central nervous system:

Bipolar sensory nerve fibers connect peripheral sense organs to the central nervous system.
These bipolar neurons show three different types of growth patterns. All these three types of
growth show unique method of neuron growth.

Pattern I: In this pattern of neuronal growth, the neuronal cell migrates away from the ectoderm. It
sends out an axon towards the central nervous system and a dendrite towards the sensory area. In
this pattern of growth both axon and dendrite project in a direction different from the course of cell

Pattern II: In this pattern the neural crest cells arising from the central nervous system migrates
away from their point of origin, allowing their axons to trail behind. The migration of the cell body
of the neuron determines the migration of axon. The dendritic pathway is determined by the
endorgan it supplies. The target end organ should be intact and normal for the normal dendritic
pathway to occur.

Pattern III: In this pattern the neural sensory cell originates from the future sensory epithelium and
their cell bodies move away from the ear. Even though these cells develop from the close proximity
to the sensory epithelium they need to be guided precisely to find the proper sensory patch and hair
cell which they are supposed to innervate. The axons of these cells should find their path to connect
to the central nervous system by following precise molecular guidance system. This system is yet
to be clearly described.

The most important aspect of all the above mentioned pattern of neuronal development is the
neuronal guidance system which guides the neurons to its destination. Factors playing the part in
this sophisticated guidance system include:

1. Glial axon interactions

2. Semaphorins and their receptors (neuropilins and plexins) – Roughly 16 types are present
3. Sema 3a provides the stop signal for neuronal migration (this is a type of semaphorin)
4. Cell adhesion molecules
5. Role played by hair cells – This is important in determining the survival of migrated
neurons. Neurotrophins play an important role in this aspect. According to Cajal the hair
cells secrete neurotrophic substances which attracts sensory afferents. There are two types
of neurotrophins (Bdnf and Ntf3). Among these neurotrophins Bdnf predominates in the
vestibular system while Ntf3 predominates in the cochlea.
Development of organ of corti

Alfonso Corti was the first person to describe the microscopic anatomy of the organ of corti. It
was Posakony in 1999 who described that the hair cells and supporting cells of the organ of corti
were arranged in a regular alternating patterns like mosaic tiles. This mosaic pattern of arrangement
of hair cells and supporting cells of organ of corti is dependent on one important aspect of
molecular genetics i.e. Lateral inhibition. In lateral inhibition one progenitor produces a signal that
inhibits differentiation of it neighbor. This process was first conceived by Corwin et al. In cochlea
the Notch signaling pathway is responsible for lateral inhibition.
Studies have shown that mutations involving the primary elements of Notch signaling pathway
results in over production of neuronal elements at the expense of non neural elements. Notch
signaling pathway was first identified in Drosophilia. Genes responsible for this pathway are
commonly known as neurogenic genes. This pathway is activated when the notch receptor is
activated by binding effects of ligand molecules. This is largely an inhibitory pathway causing
lateral inhibition.

Functions of Notch signaling pathway:

1. Regulates proliferation of progenitor cells

2. It causes precursor cells to remain in a proliferative state
3. It promotes differentiation of progenitor cells
4. It plays an important role in programmed cell death (Apoptosis)

Regulation of Notch signaling pathway: This pathway can be regulated / modulated by different
mechanisms. They include:

1. Functional diversity of receptors and ligands

2. Variations in ligand distribution
3. Molecules belonging to the Fringe family of proteins play an important role in modulation
of Notch signaling pathway
4. Simultaneous expression of Notch and its ligands in the precursor cell

Expression of genes belonging to the Notch pathway of inner ear can be classified according to the
time frame of their developmental appearance and their spatial patterns of occurrence.

1. Genes which get expressed very early in the development of inner ear (during otocyst
formation or much before)
2. Genes which get expressed during the mid gestational phase of development
3. Genes which get expressed during the late gestational phase of development

In addition to the chronology of gene appearance the spatial distribution of the gene patterns should
also be taken into consideration. Classification of the genes belonging to the Notch system based
on their spatial distribution will go a long way in better understanding of the inner ear development.

1. Genes which are expressed very broadly

2. Genes which are restricted to certain areas / subpopulations of cells – It is these genes that
are responsible for the formation of boundaries between various tissue system
3. Genes which are restricted to a small population of cells even from the very onset of
Genes responsible for inner ear neuronal development include:

Notch 1 (belonging to the Notch signaling system), Jag1, Dll1 and Lfng. These genes are expressed
very early in the development of inner ear. Their expression is concentrated over the ventral portion
of the otocyst. The expression of Notch 1 gene is associated with delamination of neurons that
comprise the 8th nerve ganglion. It is also associated with the determination of sensory regions of
the otocyst.
Jag 1 gene is expressed in 6 regions which include; developing saccule, utricle, three cristae and the
Dll1 is restricted to the developing cristae.
Lfng is expressed in the developing auditory and vestibular end organs.

Notch signaling stages in the development of inner ear:

These can be described in various stages to facilitate better and easy understanding.

Stage I: This is the first and the most important stage where the notch signaling specifies the cells
that will delaminate to form the neuroblasts of the vestibulo acoustic ganglion. It has been shown
that during the early phases of development of ear Notch 1 and Jag 1 genes are expressed rather
broadly through out the otocyst.

Figure showing developing hair cells and their support system

Diagram showing the Notch signaling pathway.

Jag 1 establishes a broad protosensory domain

Math 1 expression establishes proneural domain – All Math 1 positive cells develop into hair cells
Within the proneural domain specific cells begin expressing Jag 2 and Dll1 (darkened nuclei)
Lateral inhibition is caused due to activation of Notch signaling pathway
Stage II: This stage is characterized by specification of protosensory domain. This is brought about
by Jag 1 – Notch signaling combination. Discrete zones of the ear develop as cells within the
sensory epithelia or into cells adjacent to the sensory epithelia. This zone is collectively known as
Protosensory domain / sensory patches. Expression of Jag 1 genes play a vital role in this stage.
Jag 1 genes are expressed in some restricted areas of otocyst and stimulates this area into
developing into cochlea, utricle, saccule and cristae.

Stage III: This stage is characterized by the development of hair cells. This action is mediated by
the expression of Math 1 genes. Usually Math 1 positive protosensory domain cells develop into
hair cells. Cells of the protosensory domain that don't express Math 1 gene develops into
supporting non sensory cells.

Step IV: This is the end stage of Notch signaling system. The major feature of this stage is lateral
inhibition. The end result of this stage is the mosaic formation between the hair cells and
supporting cells. Genes which are active during this stage include Dll 1 and Jag 2 gene expression.
Hair cell differentiation:

The factors necessary for initiation and completion of hair cell differentiation reside within the
sensory epithelium itself. Hair cell innervation play no role in their development. Hair cells do
develop even in the absence of development of connecting neurons. The presumptive sensory
epithelium from which the hair cells develop are columnar in nature. These unspecialized columnar
cells are inter connected with the help of gap junctions. Once these cells develop into hair cells
these features are lost. Experiments have shown that the down regulation of connexin genes is one
of the earliest events in hair cell differentiation. Loss of gap junction play an important role in
cellular differentiation. This loss of gap junction prevents integrins from getting into contact with
the developing cell. In the absence of integrin exposure the cells develop into hair cells.
Once a progenitor cell becomes differentiated into developing hair cells, they start secreting the
following molecules:

1. Calcium binding proteins like Calmodulin and Calretinin

2. Micro tubule protein Tuj 1
3. Certain myosins

Hair cell bundles first make their appearance in the vestibular portion of the developing inner ear.
This is due to the fact that vestibular component of the inner ear is phylogenetically older when
compared with that of the cochlear component. As far as the hair bundles of the cochlea is
concerned, they are first seen close to the apex of the developing cochlea (low frequency end).
A lot of research is being performed in the field of embryology of inner ear.

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