Department of Mechanical Engineering: COURSE: Turbo-Machinery
Department of Mechanical Engineering: COURSE: Turbo-Machinery
Department of Mechanical Engineering: COURSE: Turbo-Machinery
COURSE: Turbo-Machinery
By Kumera K.
• A Turbo machine is a device which converts the
energy stored by a fluid into mechanical energy or
vice versa.
• The energy stored by a fluid mass appears in the form
of potential, kinetic and intermolecular energy.
• The mechanical energy, on the other hand, is usually
transmitted by a rotating shaft.
• Machines using liquid (mainly water, for almost all
practical purposes) are termed as hydraulic machines.
• Let subscript 1 represents the system in its initial state and 2 represents the
system in its final state, the energy equation at the inlet and outlet of any
device may be written
• for stationary closed systems, the changes in kinetic and potential energies
are negligible (i.e. K(K.E.) =K(P.E.) = 0), and the first law relation reduces
• Newton’s Second Law states that the sum of all the forces acting on a
control volume in a particular direction is equal to the rate of change of
momentum of the fluid across the control volume.
• For a control volume with fluid entering with uniform velocity C1 and
leaving with uniform velocity C2, then
• When the value of flow angles at the rotor inlet and exit are
not known they are assumed equal to the blade angles of the
rotor at the inlet and exit.
• And this assuming that the fluid follows the blade surfaces and
is known as ideal or vane congruent flow
• This flow can only be realized if there is an infinite no of
infinitely thin blades.
• However this assumption is never valid in practice.
• Turbo machine always have a finite no of blades with finite
• Hence the actual flow in Turbo machine’s blade passages
differs or deviates from the ideal flow and this flow is said to
take place with SLIP.
Actual Flow patterns in the rotors
• Due to Inertia Forces liquid is reluctant to move round with
the impeller (which trapped between the impeller blades).
• This result in a difference of pressure forces across the vane
(blades) and this develops.
• + Pressure outer side of blades
• – Pressure inner side of blades
• The pressure difference is called Vane Loading and it increases
with no. of Vanes increased.
• Due to pressure variation a velocity gradient exit across
the channel.
• On High pressure side Liquid leave tangentially.
• On lower pressure side Liquid leave circumferentially.
• This developed path deviation.
• Due to this path deviation exit Blade angle shift from
and blade angle reduced.
• So due to this, there is fluid deviation and the tangential
component get reduced from