Introduction To Fluid Machinery
Introduction To Fluid Machinery
Introduction To Fluid Machinery
Fluid Machinery
( M K E L 4 6 E )
P R E P A R E D B Y :
M . F E D E R I O
o Fluid machinery is an umbrella term used to describe all machines
that convert energy with the help of a fluid.
o A fluid machine is a device which converts the energy stored by a
fluid into mechanical energy or vice versa. The energy stored by a
fluid mass appears in the form of potential, kinetic and intermolecular
energy. The mechanical energy, on the other hand, is usually
transmitted by a rotating shaft.
o Machines using liquid (mainly water, for almost all practical purposes)
are termed as hydraulic machines.
The field of fluid machinery is a significant area of application of fluid
mechanics and thermodynamics.
o The fluid machines use either liquid or gas as the working fluid
depending upon the purpose.
o The machine transferring mechanical energy of rotor to the energy
of fluid is termed as a pump when it uses liquid, and is termed as a
compressor or a fan or a blower, when it uses gas.
o The compressor is a machine where the main objective is to increase
the static pressure of a gas. Therefore, the mechanical energy held
by the fluid is mainly in the form of pressure energy.
o Fans or blowers, on the other hand, mainly cause a high flow of gas,
and hence utilize the mechanical energy of the rotor to increase
mostly the kinetic energy of the fluid.
o For all practical purposes, liquid used by the turbines producing
power is water, and therefore, they are termed as water turbines or
hydraulic turbines . Turbines handling gases in practical fields are
usually referred to as steam turbine, gas turbine, and air turbine
depending upon whether they use steam, gas (the mixture of air and
products of burnt fuel in air) or air.
Classification of Fluid Machinery
Positive displacement Turbomachines