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 Def -Equal opportunities is an approach to the
management of people at work based on equal
access and fair treatment, irrespective of
gender, race, age, ethnicity, disability, sexual
orientation and religious beliefs.
 Reasons for adopting anti-discrimination

measures include: to retain good talent

irrespective of race or gender, compliance with
legislation, widening recruitment pool in times
of skill shortage and for common decency and
fairness inline with business ethics.
Types of discrimination
1. Direct –this occurs when one interested
party is treated less favorably than another.
2. Indirect-this occurs when a policy or practie
is fair in norm but discriminatory in
operation i.e. requiring all women to wear
suits to work would be discriminatory to
those from some religions.
3. Victimization-when a person is penalized
for giving in formation i.e. whistle blowing
How to formulate an effective equal
opportunities policy
 An organization need a statement on its position on
equality so that its protected in case of claims.
 If this is to happen:

-the organization management must support the

formulation of a practical policy.
-there must be a working party drawn up from all
interested groups to come up with a draft policy and code
of practice.
-there must be plans and resources to train employees
how to implement and monitor the policy and publicizing
-monitoring of minority groups in the work force should
be up to date.
-taking of a positive action by encouraging people from
disadvantaged group to apply for jobs and training.
Equal opportunities and recruitment
and selection
 This guide line should be followed in this aspect:
1. In advertising any wording that give suggestion of
preference of particular groups should be avoided,
recruitment literature should state that the organization is
an equal opportunity employer and placing of advertisement
where readership is of one race should be avoided.
2. Application forms should not constitute questions not work
related especially where only group is asked to complete.
3. Selection tests must be wholly relevant to the job and
should not favor any group.
4. In interviews any non-work-related question must be asked
of all subjects and even then they may constitute
5. Reasons for rejection and interview notes should be
recorded so that in case of a claim the details are available.
Other iniatives
 Organization can put measures to ensure
disadvantaged groups are well catered for
around their problems:
 They can appoint a equal opportunities manager
 Flexible working hours to help women combine
careers with family responsibility.
 Return to work schemes for women after
maternity leave.
 Advertising vacancies internally to help move up
the ladder of management minority groups
Managing diversity
 This is an orientation implying the need to be
proactive in managing need of a diverse workforce as:
1. tolerance to individual differences,
2. communicating effectively with ethnically diverse
work force,
3. managing workers with diverse family structures as
gay and lesbian families with kids
4. dealing with differences in literacy in an international
work force
5. managing cooperative working in ethnically diverse
Diversity policy by Ingham 2003
 Step 1-analyse your business internally and externally
 Step 2-define diversity and its benefits to the business
 Step 3-introduce diversity policy in corporate strategy
 Step4-include diversity in core HR processes and

 Step 5-ensure leaders implement diversity policy
 Step 6-involve staff at all levels in setting up diversity

parties and establish mentor schemes

 Step 7-communicate diversity and initiatives clearly
 Step 8-understand your companies needs by matching

resource sand company size in considering using

 Step 9-evaluate internally and externally and make

changes to the policy as needs arise.

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