Prepared By: Rafael S. Justiza
Prepared By: Rafael S. Justiza
Prepared By: Rafael S. Justiza
What is family Planning?
is a conscious decision by individuals or couples
to choose for themselves when to start having
children, how many children to have, how to
space them or when to stop having children by
using (modern) Contraception and natural
Why use family planning?
Mothers and babies are healthier when risky
pregnancies are avoided.
Smaller families mean more money and food for each
Parents have more time to work and to be with
Delaying first or second pregnancy lets young people
stay in school.
What are those Contraceptive
Barrier methods are either devices (male CONDOMS) that physically
block sperm from reaching an egg, or chemicals (spermicides) that kill
or damage the sperm in the vagina. The effectiveness of barrier
methods greatly depends on people’s ability to use them correctly
every time they have sex
Advantages Disadvantages
Safe, effective and easy to use May cause decreased sexual
Protects against STI/HIV
Requires skills to use properly
Excellent option for someone who and negotiate use with a partner
does not need ongoing contraception
A new condom must be used
Does not require a prescription or each time the couple has sex
medical examination Can be used in
combination with another method Occasionally a condom may
break or slipoff during
intercourseInterrupts the sex act
Is a tablets containing hormones. A woman takes one tablet at
the same time every day to
prevent pregnancy.
Pills work by preventing the release of the egg from the ovary
and by making cervical mucus thick
so the sperms cannot pass through.
Advantages Disadvantages
Safe, effective and easy to use
Have some side effects
Lighter, regular periods with less cramping
Can become pregnant again after stopping
Must be taken at the same time
the pill every day
May be beneficial for women who have To be used with caution in
irregular or heavy periods, dysmenorrhea women with high blood pressure
or acne
Mini pill for breast feeding mothers
Contraceptive implants are inserted under the skin of a woman’s upper
arm and provide continuous, highly effective pregnancy protection for 3
to 5 years, depending on the type of implant. When this time is over, new
implants can be inserted during the same visit that the old set is
Advantages Disadvantages
Can be worn for 3 to 5 years No protection against STIs
Easy to use Increased risk of heart attack or
Requires prescription
It works by preventing the
It is an injection containing release of the egg from the
the hormone progestin. The ovary and making cervical
injection is given every three mucus thick. Without an egg,
months into the arm or a woman cannot become
buttocks. pregnant
Injectables Disadvantages
Menstrual pattern will probably
May increases appetite which
Safe and effective may cause weight gain
Protection lasts for three months Often a delay in getting
Periods may become very light pregnant after stopping depo-
and often disappear after a year provera
of use Does not protect against
Completely reversible, you can STl/HIV
become pregnant again after May be difficult to remember to
stopping depo-provera return for next injection after the
3 months
Intrauterine contraceptive devices
Simple You need to use another
Convenient surgery — done in a
method until 3 months are over
few minutes in a clinic or health No protection against STIs/HIV
facility Cannot be reversed
Drugs are given to block the
Very effective after 3 months
following surgery, or semen-