Econometrics: Autocorrelation: What Happens If The Error Terms Are Correlated?
Econometrics: Autocorrelation: What Happens If The Error Terms Are Correlated?
Econometrics: Autocorrelation: What Happens If The Error Terms Are Correlated?
• Since ρ is a constant between −1 and +1, (12.2.3) shows that under the AR(1)
scheme, the variance of ut is still homoscedastic, but ut is correlated not only
with its immediate past value but its values several periods in the past. It is
critical to note that |ρ| < 1, that is, the absolute value of rho is less than one.
If, for example, rho is one, the variances and covariances listed above are
not defined.
• If |ρ| < 1, we say that the AR(1) process given in (12.2.1) is stationary; that is,
the mean, variance, and covariance of ut do not change over time. If |ρ| is less
than one, then it is clear from (12.2.4) that the value of the covariance will
decline as we go into the distant past.
• One reason we use the AR(1) process is not only because of its simplicity
compared to higher-order AR schemes, but also because in many applications
it has proved to be quite useful. Additionally, a considerable amount of
theoretical and empirical work has been done on the AR(1) scheme.
• Now return to our two-variable regression model: Yt = β1 + β2Xt + ut. We know
from Chapter 3 that the OLS estimator of the slope coefficient is
• where the small letters as usual denote deviation from the mean values.
• Now under the AR(1) scheme, it can be shown that the variance of this
estimator is:
• A comparison of (12.2.8) with (12.2.7) shows the former is equal to the latter
times a term that depends on ρ as well as the sample autocorrelations
between the values taken by the regressor X at various lags. And in general
we cannot foretell whether var (βˆ2) is less than or greater than var (βˆ2)AR1
[but see Eq. (12.4.1) below]. Of course, if rho is zero, the two formulas will
coincide, as they should (why?). Also, if the correlations among the
successive values of the regressor are very small, the usual OLS variance of
the slope estimator will not be seriously biased. But, as a general principle,
the two variances will not be the same.
• To give some idea about the difference between the variances given in
(12.2.7) and (12.2.8), assume that the regressor X also follows the first-order
autoregressive scheme with a coefficient of autocorrelation of r. Then it can
be shown that (12.2.8) reduces to:
• ln Yt = 1.5239 + 0.6716 ln Xt
• se = (0.0762) (0.0175)
• t = (19.9945) (38.2892) (12.5.2)
• r 2 = 0.9747 d = 0.1542 ˆσ = 0.0260
• Qualitatively, both the models give similar results. In both cases the
estimated coefficients are “highly” significant, as indicated by the high t
• In the linear model, if the index of productivity goes up by a unit, on
average, the index of compensation goes up by about 0.71 units. In the log–
linear model, the slope coefficient being elasticity, we find that if the index
of productivity goes up by 1 percent, on average, the index of real
compensation goes up by about 0.67 percent.
• How reliable are the results given in (12.5.1) and (12.5.2) if there is
autocorrelation? As stated previously, if there is autocorrelation, the
estimated standard errors are biased, as a result of which the estimated t
ratios are unreliable. We obviously need to find out if our data suffer from
autocorrelation. In the following section we discuss several methods of
detecting autocorrelation.
• I. Graphical Method
• Recall that the assumption of nonautocorrelation of the classical model
relates to the population disturbances ut, which are not directly observable.
What we have instead are their proxies, the residuals ˆut, which can be
obtained by the usual OLS procedure. Although the ˆut are not the same
thing as ut ,17 very often a visual examination of the ˆu’s gives us some clues
about the likely presence of autocorrelation in the u’s. Actually, a visual
examination of ˆut or ( ˆu2t ) can provide useful information about
autocorrelation, model inadequacy, or specification bias.
• There are various ways of examining the residuals. We can simply plot
them against time, the time sequence plot, as we have done in Figure 12.8,
which shows the residuals obtained from the wages–productivity regression
(12.5.1). The values of these residuals are given in Table 12.5 along with
some other data.
• To see this differently, we can plot ˆut against ˆut−1, that is, plot the residuals at
time t against their value at time (t − 1), a kind of empirical test of the AR(1)
scheme. If the residuals are nonrandom, we should obtain pictures similar
to those shown in Figure 12.3. This plot for our wages–productivity
regression is as shown in Figure 12.9; the underlying data are given in
• II. The Runs Test
• If we carefully examine Figure 12.8, we notice a peculiar feature: Initially,
we have several residuals that are negative, then there is a series of positive
residuals, and then there are several residuals that are negative. If these
residuals were purely random, could we observe such a pattern? Intuitively,
it seems unlikely. This intuition can be checked by the so-called runs test,
sometimes also know as the Geary test, a nonparametric test.
• To explain the runs test, let us simply note down the signs (+ or −) of the
residuals obtained from the wages–productivity regression, which are given
in the first column of Table 12.5.
• (−−−−−−−−−)(+++++++++++++++++++++)(−−−−−−−−−−) (12.6.1)
• Thus there are 9 negative residuals, followed by 21 positive residuals,
followed by 10 negative residuals, for a total of 40 observations.
• We now define a run as an uninterrupted sequence of one symbol or
attribute, such as + or −. We further define the length of a run as the number
of elements in it. In the sequence shown in (12.6.1), there are 3 runs: a run of
9 minuses (i.e., of length 9), a run of 21 pluses (i.e., of length 21) and a run of
10 minuses (i.e., of length 10). For a better visual effect, we have presented
the various runs in parentheses.
• By examining how runs behave in a strictly random sequence of observations,
one can derive a test of randomness of runs. We ask this question: Are the 3
runs observed in our illustrative example consisting of 40 observations too
many or too few compared with the number of runs expected in a strictly
random sequence of 40 observations? If there are too many runs, it would
mean that in our example the residuals change sign frequently, thus
indicating negative serial correlation (cf. Figure 12.3b). Similarly, if there are
too few runs, they may suggest positive autocorrelation, as in Figure 12.3 a. A
priori, then, Figure 12.8 would indicate positive correlation in the residuals.
• Now let
• N = total number of observations = N1 + N2
• N1 = number of + symbols (i.e., + residuals)
• N2 = number of − symbols (i.e., − residuals)
• R = number of runs
• Note: N = N1 + N2.
• If the null hypothesis of randomness is sustainable, following the
properties of the normal distribution, we should expect that
Prob [E(R) − 1.96σR ≤ R ≤ E(R) + 1.96σR] = 0.95 (12.6.3)
• Using the formulas given in (12.6.2), we obtain