4-FD Presentation
4-FD Presentation
4-FD Presentation
Fermi Dirac and Bose Einstein Statistics
Enrico Fermi
Theoretical and experimental
Paul Dirac
Theoretical Physicist
1901 – 1954
1902 – 1984
Nobel Prize in 1938 for Induced
Nobel Prize with Schrodinger
in 1933 for New Productive
forms of Atomic theory
Calculation of Distribution Function
Consider a system of identical independent non-interacting particles sin
in a volume V and obeying antisymmetrical statistics: that is, spin 1/2
and therefore, according to the Pauli principle, the total wave function
is antisymmetrical on interchange of any two particles.
As the particles are assumed to be non-interacting it is convenient to
discuss the system in terms of the energy states i of one particle in a
volume V. This system is specified by specifying the number of
particles ni , occupying the eigenstate i . Classify i in such way that i
denotes a single state, not the set of degenerate states which may
have the same energy.
The Pauli principle allows only the values ni=1,0.
1,0 This is, of course, just
the elementary statement of the Pauli principle: a given state may not
be occupied by more than one identical particle.
The Fermi function f(E) specifies how many of the existing states
at the energy E will be filled with electrons. The function f(E)
specifies, under equilibrium conditions, the probability that an
available state at an energy E will be occupied by an electron. It is
a probability distribution function.
Fermi-Dirac distribution: When T 0 K
For E > EF : f ( E EF ) 0
1 exp ()
For E < EF : f ( E EF ) 1
1 exp ()
0 1 f(E) 6
Fermi-Dirac distribution: When T > 0 K
E EF 3kT exp 1
If then kT
f ( E ) 1 exp
Thus the following approximation is valid: kT
So, 1f(E) = Probability that a state is empty, decays to zero.
So, most states will be filled.
kT (at 300 K) = 0.025eV, Eg(Si) = 1.1eV, so 3kT is very small in
comparison. 7
Temperature dependence of Fermi-Dirac distribution
Effect of Temperature on f(E)
For example
Total number of electrons in CB (conduction band) =
E top
n0 g C ( E ) f ( E ) dE
p0 g V ( E ) 1 f ( E ) dE
Properties of a Fermion gas
The electronic specific heat Ce can be found by taking the derivative of Energy
For temperatures that are small compared with the Fermi temperature, the second
term in the expansion can be neglected compared with the first and obtain
Specific Heat for metals
• Thus the electronic specific heat is 2.2 x 10-2 R. This small value
explains why metals have a specific heat capacity of about 3R, the
same as for other solids.
S = 0 at T = 0, as it must be.
The Helmholtz function F = U -TS is
P = 2/5 *5.9*1028 *(1.38*10-23) (6.5*104)
= 2.1*1010 Pa = 2.1*105 atm.
Given this tremendous pressure, do appreciate the role of the surface potential
barrier in keeping the electrons from evaporating from the metal.