Psychosocial Activities
Psychosocial Activities
Psychosocial Activities
5. If children are witnessing violence at home, or if they are the target of the
violence, it causes trauma and distress and may lead to disruptive behaviour.
7. Avoid watching, reading, listening or discussing too much news about the
COVID-19 and persuade children to divert their attention to other topics as
8. If someone is sick in the family/ child care institution and have been taken
to hospital, or if there has been a death, children may experience added
anxiety and may need specialized help.
Helping Children Deal with Stressful Events
• Listen:
Give children opportunities to talk about what they are feeling. Encourage them to
share concerns and ask questions
• Comfort:
Use simple tools to comfort and calm children, for e.g. telling stories, singing with
them and playing games. Praise them frequently for their strengths, such as showing
courage, compassion and helpfulness
• Reassure:
Reassure children that you are prepared to keep them safe. Provide them with correct
information through valid sources.
Recognizing Signs of Psychological Distress Needing Specialized
Some children may also face serious mental health issues due to
ongoing pandemic. They may exhibit the following signs: