Customer Centricity CRM
Customer Centricity CRM
Customer Centricity CRM
Presented By:-
Kartikay Gulani- PGP21079
Nishtha Srivastava- PGP21114
Muskaan Solanki-PGP21105
Abhishek Kumar- PGP21004
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01 Empathy is one of those buzzwords that sound really good, but very few companies actually understand what Operationalize
it means, much less practice it. Essentially, customer empathy is the ability to identify a customer’s emotional
customer empathy
need, understand the reasons behind that need, and respond to it effectively and appropriately.
For every employee to adopt a customer-centric mindset, every employee must understand the organization’s
02 Democratize customer
customers. Adobe Systems has opened up access to customer insights for all employees. It doesn’t store up
customer understanding in the sales and marketing groups and then expect other departments to focus solely insights
on their functions.
Companies need to develop ways for employees to interact with customers directly, even in “back office”
03 Facilitate direct interaction
functions. After all, every employee impacts the customer experience in some way, even if indirectly, so every
with customers
employee can benefit from interacting with customers to better understand them and learn about their
successes and challenges.
Managers will be motivated and equipped to cultivate a customer-centric culture if they know if and how it Link employee culture to
impacts results, so organizations should ensure they establish and track the link between culture and customer outcomes
customer impact.
Benefits:- Increases
Gives a
Benefits of
Reap the
& growth
rewards for
long term.
churn rate.
Challenges of Consumer Centricity
Client-centric, also known as customer-centric, is an approach to doing business that focuses on
creating a positive experience for the customer by maximizing service and/or product offerings and
building relationships.
Few toughest challenges to confront:
• Acquiring new customers can cost up to 5x more than keeping existing customers
• A 2% increase in customer retention has the same effect on profits as cutting costs by 10%
• On average, companies lose approx. 10% of its customer base each year (also known as customer churn)
NPS, or Net Promoter Score focuses on uncovering customer loyalty by asking only one, simple question:
Promoters (9-10): These people are in love with your product or service and are likely to refer you to potential
Passives (7-8): These people who rate you a 7 or 8 are content with being a customer of your business, but are the
most likely to switch to a competitor should they find a new or better product.
Detractors (0-6): These people are not happy with your product or service and are likely to damage your brand.
For a customer-centric business, the most valuable "asset" is their customer base.
CLV measures the amount of revenue a customer contributes to your business for as long as they are
a paying customer. It starts with their first purchase and ends when they stop doing business with you.