The Industrial Revolution: © Student Handouts, Inc

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The key takeaways are that the Industrial Revolution drastically changed human life and more was created in the last 250+ years than the previous 2500+ years. It involved a fundamental change from producing goods through human labor to machines.

Some major changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution included the replacement of human labor by machines powered by new energy sources like steam, increased use of metals and minerals, improvements in transportation and communication, and mass production of goods.

Factors that contributed to the start of the Industrial Revolution included the Commercial Revolution, Scientific Revolution, Intellectual Revolution, and the fact that the guild system could no longer meet demands for increasing numbers of goods.


© Student Handouts, Inc.
Historical Significance of the
Industrial Revolution
 An ancient Greek or Roman would have been
just as comfortable in Europe in 1700
because daily life was not much different –
agriculture and technology were not much
changed in 2000+ years
 The Industrial Revolution changed human
life drastically
 More was created in the last 250+ years than
in the previous 2500+ years of known
human history
What was the Industrial Revolution?

 The Industrial Revolution was a

fundamental change in the way goods
were produced, from human labor to

 The more efficient means of production

and subsequent higher levels of
production triggered far-reaching
changes to industrialized societies
The Industrial Revolution
 Machines were invented which replaced
human labor
 New energy sources were developed to
power the new machinery – water, steam,
electricity, oil (gas, kerosene)
Some historians place advances in atomic,
solar, and wind energy at the later stages of the
Industrial Revolution
 Increased use of metals and minerals
Aluminum, coal, copper, iron, etc.
The Industrial Revolution
 Transportation improved
○ Wooden ships → Iron ships → Steel ships
○ Wind-powered sails → Steam-powered boilers
 Communication improved
 Mass production of goods
Increased numbers of goods
Increased diversity of goods produced
 Development of factory system of production
 Rural-to-urban migration
People left farms to work in cities
 Development of capitalism
Financial capital for continued industrial growth
 Development and growth of new socio-economic classes
Working class, bourgeoisie, and wealthy industrial class
 Commitment to research and development
Investments in new technologies
Industrial and governmental interest in promoting invention, the
sciences, and overall industrial growth
Background of the Industrial
 Commercial Revolution
15th, 16th, and 17th centuries
Europeans expanded their power worldwide
Increased geographic knowledge
Colonies in the Americas and Asia
Increased trade and commerce
Guild system could not meet the demands of
increasing numbers goods
Background of the Industrial
 Scientific Revolution
17th and 18th centuries
Discoveries of Boyle, Lavoisier, Newton, etc.
 Intellectual Revolution
17th and 18th centuries
Writings of Locke, Voltaire, etc.
 Atmosphere of discovery and free intellectual
Greater knowledge of the world
Weakened superstition and tradition
Encouraged learning and the search for better and newer
ways of doing things
Development of the Domestic System
of Production
 Domestic system developed in England
 Late 1600s-late 1800s
 Domestic system of production – “putting out”
Businesspeople delivered raw materials to workers’
Workers manufactured goods from these raw
materials in their homes (typically articles of clothing)
Businesspeople picked up finished goods and paid
workers wages based on number of items
 Domestic system could not keep up with demand
Factory System
 Developed to replace the domestic system of
 Faster method of production
 Workers concentrated in a set location
 Production anticipated demand
For example: Under the domestic system, a woman
might select fabric and have a businessperson give it to a
home-based worker to make into a dress. Under the
factory system, the factory owner bought large lots of
popular fabrics and had workers create multiple dresses
in common sizes, anticipating that women would buy
England: Birthplace of the Industrial

 No concrete start date for the Industrial


 Marked by gradual, slow changes

 After 1750 – these changes were

noticeable first in England
Why the Industrial Revolution Started
in England
Colonies and
Capital for investing
Markets for
in the means of

Raw materials
for production Workers
England’s Resources: Capital
 The Commercial Revolution made many
English merchants very wealthy

 These merchants had the capital to

invest in the factory system – money to
buy buildings, machinery, and raw
England’s Resources: Colonies and
 Wealth from the Commercial Revolution spread beyond
the merchant class

 England had more colonies than any other nation

 Its colonies gave England access to enormous markets

and vast amounts of raw materials

 Colonies had rich textile industries for centuries

Many of the natural cloths popular today, such as calico and
gingham, were originally created in India
China had a silk industry
England’s Resources: Raw Materials

 England itself possessed the necessary

raw materials to create the means of

 Coal – vast coal reserves powered steam


 Iron – basic building block of large

machines, railroad tracks, trains, and
England’s Resources: Workers
 Serfdom and guilds ended earlier in
England than other countries

 English people could freely travel from

the countryside to the cities

 Enclosure Acts – caused many small

farmers to lose their lands, and these
former farmers increased the labor supply
England’s Resources: Merchant
 World’s largest merchant fleet

 Merchant marine built up from the

Commercial Revolution

 Vast numbers of ships could bring raw

materials and finished goods to and from
England’s colonies and possessions, as well
as to and from other countries
England’s Resources: Geography
 England is the political center of Great Britain, an
 Great Britain (as the entire island was called
beginning in 1707) did not suffer fighting on its
land during the wars of the 18th century
 Island has excellent harbors and ports
 Damp climate benefited the textile industry
(thread did not dry out)
 Government stable
 No internal trade barriers
“Necessity Is the Mother of
Need to speed
up weaving


“Necessity Is the Mother of
demand for raw

“Necessity Is the Mother of
Demands for
stronger iron

“Necessity Is the Mother of
As more
Invention” Mining
machines improve
were built, d to
factories meet the
needed demand
more coal
• The process of inventing never ends for more
to create
• this coal upon it
steam inevitably leads to improvements
One invention
and to more inventions
The Textile Industry

 Textiles – cloths or fabrics

 First industry to be industrialized

 Great Britain learned a lot about textiles

from India and China
The Birth and Growth of the Textile
The Birth and Growth of the Textile
Development of Steam Engines
 Early water power involved mills built over
fast-moving streams and rivers

 Early water power had problems

Not enough rivers to provide the power needed

to meet growing demand
Rivers and streams might be far removed from
raw materials, workers, and markets
Rivers are prone to flooding and drying
Steam Power
 Humans tried harnessing steam power for
Hero of Alexandria, Egypt – created a steam-
driven device in the 1st century B.C.E.
 Thomas Newcomen, England (1704)
Created a steam engine to pump water from
 James Watt, Scotland (1769)
Improved Newcomen’s engine to power
Steam Engines
 By 1800, steam engines were replacing
water wheels as sources of power for
 Factories relocated near raw materials,
workers, and ports
 Cities grew around the factories built
near central England’s coal and iron
Manchester, Liverpool
Coal and Iron
 Vast amounts of fuel were required to smelt iron
ore to burn out impurities
 Abraham Darby (1709)
Discovered that heating coal turned it into more
efficient coke
 John Smeaton (1760)
Smelted iron by using water-powered air pumps to
create steam blasts
 Henry Cort (1783)
Developed the puddling process which purified and
strengthened molten iron
Increases in Coal and Iron
Production, 1770-1800

 Coal production doubled

6 million to 12 million tons

 Pig iron production increased 250%

1800 – 130,000 tons

 Great Britain produced as much coal and

iron as every other country combined
Bessemer Process and Steel
 Prior to the Industrial Revolution, steel was
difficult to produce and expensive
 Henry Bessemer, 1856
Developed the Bessemer process
Brought on the “Age of Steel”
Steel is the most important metal used over the past
150+ years
 Other improvements in steel production
Open-hearth furnace
Electric furnace
Use of other metals to produce various types of steel
Search Better
Incre for more and
Before ased markets faster
the Industrial Revolution
• Canal barges pulled by mules

• Ships powered by sails
and raw means
• Horse-drawn wagons, carts, and carriages
material transpor
After the Industrial Revolution
• Trains

s tation
• Automobiles
Robert ThomasRevolution
Telford and
Fulton John McAdam Stephenso
(American) (British) n (English)

Steamboat Macadamiz
● Locomotive

(1807) (1825)
ed roads
Fast land

Sped water (1810-1830)
transport of and
GottliebImproved Orville
Rudolf people and
transporta ●

roads Wilbur
tion Daimler Diesel goods Wright
(German) (German) (American)

Gasoline engine
(1885) Diesel engine


Led to the (1892) (1903)
invention of the ● ●

 Robert Fulton invented the steamboat in 1807

 The Clermont operated the first regular steamboat
route, running between Albany and New York City
 1819 – the Savannah used a steam engine as auxiliary
power for the first time when it sailed across the
Atlantic Ocean
 1836 – John Ericsson invented a screw propeller to
replace paddle wheels
 1838 – the Great Western first ship to sail across the
Atlantic on steam power alone, completing the trip in
15 days
Macadamized Roads

 Strong, hard roads invented by Thomas Telford and John


 Improvement over dirt and gravel roads

 Macadamized roads have a smooth, hard surface that

supports heavy loads without requiring a thick roadbed

 Modern roads are macadamized roads, with tar added to

limit the creation of dust
 1830 – Stephenson’s “Rocket” train traveled the
40 miles between Liverpool and Manchester in 1
½ hours
 1830-1870 – railroad tracks went from 49 miles
to over 15,000 miles
 Steel rails replaced iron rails
 1869 – Westinghouse’s air brake made train
travel safer
 Greater train traveling comfort – heavier train
cars, improved road beds, and sleeping cars
Samuel Revolution
Alexander Cyrus W.
F.B. Morse Graham Bell Field
(American) (American) (American)

Telegraph ●
Telephone ●
(1844) (1876) cable (1866)

Rapid ●
Human ●
United States
communicati speech heard and Europe
on across across Lee de connectedVladimir
o Marconi
continents Forest cable Zworykin
(Italian) (American) (American)

Wireless telegraph, ●
Radio tube (1907) ●
Television (1925)
an early form of the ●
Radio broadcasts ●
radio (1895)

No wires needed for
could be sent audio and visual
sending messages around the world broadcast
Printing Revolution
 Printing – 1800-1830
Iron printing press
Steam-driven press
 Rotary press – 1870
Invented by Richard Hoe
Printed both sides of a page at once
 Linotype machine – 1884
Invented by Ottmar Mergenthaler
A machine operator could create a “line of type” all at one
go, rather than having to individually set each letter
 Newspapers became much cheaper to produce
Cost of a newspaper plummeted
Number of newspapers increased
Review Questions
1. What was the Industrial Revolution?

2. Describe at least three developments of the Industrial


3. Compare and contrast the domestic and factory methods

of production.

4. Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England?

5. Explain why one invention or development leads to

Review Questions
6. Explain how developments in the textile industry sparked the
Industrial Revolution.

7. Describe at least three developments in the area of


8. Describe at least three developments in the field of


9. Considering the conditions necessary for industrialization to

occur, how well equipped is the undeveloped world for
becoming industrialized? Are modern undeveloped nations in
a better or worse position than 18th- and 19th-century England?
The Agricultural Revolution
 Agricultural methods had not changed much
since the Middle Ages
 Tools – hoe, sickle, wooden plow
 Three-field system – farmers left 1/3 of the
land fallow each year to restore fertility to
the soil
 Open-field system – unfenced farms with
few improvements made to the land
 No significant surplus – only enough food
was made to feed the population
Agriculture and Industry
 The Industrial Revolution brought machinery to farms
 The use of farm machinery meant that fewer farm
workers were needed
 Displaced farm workers moved to the cities to find
work in factories
This is called rural-to-urban migration
 Growing populations in urban cities required farmers
to grow more crops
Food to eat
Raw materials (like cotton) for textile factories
Agricultural Innovators
Jethro Lord Robert Arthur Justus
Tull Townshe Bakewell Young von
(English nd (English (English Liebig
) (English) ) ) (German)

Seed drill: Crop rotation:


Planted seeds in Ended the Stock

● ●

breeding: First Invented

straight rows as three-field l writer: fertilizers to
opposed to system by to scientifically
scattering them illustrating how breed farm Popularize enrich
over a field planting animals for d new exhausted

Horse-drawn different crops increased farming soil, which
cultivation: in the same field production of, increased the
Loosened the each year kept and better methods
amount of
soil and the soil from quality, beef, and available
eliminated becoming
weeds exhausted
milk, wool, etc. machinery farmland
Agricultural Machinery
Eli Whitney – Cotton gin (1793) – Increased cotton production

Cyrus McCormick – Mechanical reaper (1834) – Increased wheat production

Other important inventions: Horse-drawn hay rake, threshing machine, steel


Steam engines, gasoline and diesel engines, and electric motors were added to
farm machinery as these types of engines were invented.

The Industrial and Agricultural Revolutions complemented one another.

Developments and needs in one created developments and needs in the other.
Agricultural Science
 Agriculture became a science during the Agricultural
 Farmers and governments invested in agricultural
Established agricultural schools, societies, and experimental
 Progress in agriculture
Pesticides, stock breeding, new foods, food preservation, new
farming techniques and irrigation methods, frozen foods
 Result
Today, in the industrialized world, much more food is grown by
far fewer farmers than was grown 200 years ago (or is grown
today in the non-industrialized world)
Review Questions
1. Describe three features of agriculture before the
Agricultural Revolution.

2. How did agricultural machinery change farm labor?

3. Describe the inventions or methods of at least three

agricultural innovators.

4. Weigh the pros and cons of modern agriculture’s

use of pesticides, preservation, and stock breeding.
The First and Second Industrial
 The first, or old, Industrial Revolution took place between
about 1750 and 1870
Took place in England, the United States, Belgium, and France
Saw fundamental changes in agriculture, the development of
factories, and rural-to-urban migration
 The second Industrial Revolution took place between
about 1870 and 1960
Saw the spread of the Industrial Revolution to places such as
Germany, Japan, and Russia
Electricity became the primary source of power for factories,
farms, and homes
Mass production, particularly of consumer goods
Use of electrical power saw electronics enter the marketplace
(electric lights, radios, fans, television sets)
The Spread of the Industrial
 Mid-1800s – Great Britain, the world leader in the
Industrial Revolution, attempted to ban the export of
its methods and technologies, but this soon failed
 1812 – United States industrialized after the War of
 After 1825 – France joined the Industrial Revolution
following the French Revolution and Napoleonic wars
 Circa 1870 – Germany industrialized at a rapid pace,
while Belgium, Holland, Italy, Sweden, and
Switzerland were slower to industrialize
 By 1890 – Russia and Japan began to industrialize
 Railroads
Industrialized nations first laid track in their own countries, then in their
colonies and other areas under their political influence
Russia – Trans-Siberian railroad (1891-1905)
Germany – Berlin-to-Baghdad railroad across Europe to the Middle
Great Britain – Cape-to-Cairo railroad vertically across Africa

 Canals
Suez Canal (1869) – provided access to the Indian Ocean from the
Mediterranean Sea without the need to sail around Africa
Kiel Canal (1896) – North Sea connected to the Baltic Sea
Panama Canal (1914) – provided access from one side of the Americas
to the other without the need to sail around the tip of South America
 Automobiles
Charles Goodyear – vulcanized rubber, 1839
Gottlieb Daimler – gasoline engine, 1885
Henry Ford – assembly line, 1908-1915
 Airplanes
Orville and Wilbur Wright – airplane, 1903
Charles Lindbergh – first non-stop flight
across the Atlantic, 1927
20th-century – growth of commercial aviation
Review Questions
1. Compare and contrast the First and Second Industrial

2. When did the United States begin to industrialize?

3. Explain how trains and canals aided transportation,

citing at least one example for each.

4. What contributions did Charles Goodyear, Gottlieb

Daimler, and Henry Ford make to automobile
Results of the Industrial Revolution

Economic Expansion of world trade

Factory system

Mass production of goods
Industrial capitalism


Increased standard of living


Political Decline of landed aristocracy

Growth and expansion of democracy

Increased government involvement in society
Increased power of industrialized nations


Nationalism and imperialism stimulated

Rise to power of businesspeople

Social Development and growth of cities

Improved status and earning power of women

Increase in leisure time
Population increases


Problems – economic insecurity, increased deadliness of war, urban slums, etc.

Science and research stimulated
Economic Changes:
Expansion of World Trade
 Increased production meant that
industrialized nations produced more than
could be consumed internally
 Sought new foreign markets
 Bought many raw materials from foreign
 New iron, steam-powered ships, along with
other technological advances, made
international trade (and travel) cheaper,
safer, and more efficient
Economic Changes: Expansion of World Trade
– Free Trade and Tariffs

 Free trade – trade without barriers or tariffs – was

initially used

 As nations competed for markets, protective

tariffs were put in place to limit foreign competition
within an industrialized nation and its colonies

 Motivation was to protect businesses in the home

country and colonies, but this often meant people in
the home country or colonies paid inflated prices for
Economic Changes: Factory System Possible
Due to Standardized Parts
 Eli Whitney is popularly credited with the invention of
interchangeable parts in the late 1700s
But interchangeable parts had already been used in Europe
 Before the late 1700s, each part of an item (like a musket) was
made individually by a single person, with each part made to fit the
 Standardized, or interchangeable, parts were created en masse to
make a lot of duplicate products (such as hundreds of muskets)
 Manufacturers decided upon standard sizes for their goods and
created large quantities of components
Such as deciding that a musket barrel should be two feet long and making
100 duplicate musket barrels, then deciding that triggers for these muskets
should be two inches tall and making 100 2-inch triggers
 Standardized parts could be kept in a set location in a factory
As a worker assembled an article, he or she would take whatever parts were
needed from a bin of standardized (interchangeable) parts
Economic Changes: Factory System Perfected
with the Assembly Line

 Developed by Henry Ford between 1908

and 1915
 Brought the work to the worker instead
of the worker to the work
 Product moves along a conveyor belt,
with each worker contributing labor
along the way to create the finished
Economic Changes: Factory System –
Assembly Line Brings Division of Labor

 Assembly lines bring the work to the worker,

saving time
 Each worker specializes in one part
 An automobile worker may spend 30 years
in a factory only ever putting passenger-side
doors on motor vehicles
 Focusing on one aspect of production can be
repetitive but can also make a worker an
expert at that particular aspect
Economic Changes:
Factory System
 Manufacture comes from the Latin manu
and facere, meaning to make by hand
But during the Industrial Revolution, the
meaning of manufacturer switched from the
person who made an article by hand to the
capitalist who hired workers to make articles
 Workers no longer owned the means of
production (simple hand tools)
Instead, the newer means of production
(expensive machinery) were owned by the
Economic Changes:
Mass Production of Goods
 Motor vehicle production in the United States
1895 – 33,000 motor vehicles
1910 – 181,000 motor vehicles
2000 – 5,542,000 passenger cars alone
 Factors contributing to mass production
Standardized (or interchangeable) parts
Assembly line
Labor division and specialization
 Mass production meant more items were produced at
lower costs
More people could afford to buy manufactured goods,
which in turn spurred demand
Economic Changes: Industrial Capitalism
and the Working Class

 Pre-Industrial Revolution rural families did not

rely solely on wages for sustenance
Owned their own farms or gardens where they raised
most of their own food
Made their own clothing
Unemployment was rare
 Industrialization destroyed workers’
Workers in cities did not have the means to grow their
own food or make their own clothing
Workers relied entirely upon their employers for wages
with which they bought everything they needed
Economic Changes:
Industrial Capitalism’s Risks
 Workers came to rely entirely on their employers for their
No more small family farms or gardens to provide extra food
No more day-laboring for a neighboring farmer to earn extra money
When the factory slowed down, the worker had nowhere to go for

 Entrepreneurs assumed enormous risk in establishing new

No more workers working from home – capitalists had to supply a
No more custom orders – capitalists had to anticipate demand
No more at-will laborers – workers relied on capitalists for steady
Economic Changes:
Industrial Capitalism
 The financial investments required to run large industries
brought about modern capitalism
 Capital – wealth that is used to produce more wealth
 Entrepreneur – person who starts a business to make a
 Capitalist – person who invests his or her money in a
business to make a profit
 Corporation – company owned by stockholders who have
purchased shares of stock
Actual running of the company left to hired managers rather than to
the stockholders
As industries grew and small business operations faded into
obscurity, the relationship between workers and business owners
Economic Changes:
Industrial Capitalism’s Problems

 Small manufacturers cannot compete

with large corporations
 Consumers must buy from large
 Workers have had to fight for decent
wages and working conditions
 Large corporations can influence the
Economic Changes:
Increased Standard of Living

 Mass production made manufactured

goods less expensive, so more people
could afford them

 Standard of living wasn’t raised for

everyone – factories paid low wages, and
many immigrants and rural-to-urban
migrants lived poorer lives than their
parents and grandparents had lived
Economic Changes:
 Overproduction
Also called under-consumption
Mass production anticipates demand – if
goods don’t sell, a manufacturer produces less
and lays off workers
 Recession
Overproduction across many industries with
widespread lay-offs
 Depression
Long-lasting recession
Political Changes:
Decline of Landed Aristocracy
 Before the Industrial Revolution – power was in the hands of the
landed aristocracy and monarchs
Landed aristocracy refers to lords, dukes, etc., who owned the land
Although vassalage was gone by the 18th century, the working relationship
between lords and peasants remained the same
○ Peasants either worked the land for lords or rented land from them
Wealth was based on agriculture, which meant that those who owned the
most land were the wealthiest
○ Landed aristocracy owned and controlled the most land, making this the
wealthiest and highest-ranking socio-economic group
 Industrial Revolution – factories became more valuable than land
Wealth of the aristocracy dwindled
Growing middle class, with wealth based in industry, wanted more
political power
Political Changes:
Decline of Landed Aristocracy
Case Study: The Corn Laws
ndowners and
ds andnot afford
or their corn.
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Repeal as the
the Corn
d in 1815.
in 1846.

e of
eal of


Political Changes: Growth and
Expansion of Democracy

 The middle class grew during the

Industrial Revolution
Gained more rights
 The working class effectively began with
the Industrial Revolution
The working class fought for rights in the
The working class demanded and earned a
voice in government
Political Changes: Increased Government
Involvement in Society
 Government actions to help workers
Legalization of unions
Established minimum wage
Standards for working conditions
Forms of social security
 Government actions to help consumers
Regulation and inspection of goods and foodstuffs
 Government actions to help businesses
Laws to stop or limit monopolies
Some governments took control of vital industries
Political Changes: Increased Power of
Industrialized Nations

 With wealth came power

 Imperialism expanded

 Imperialistic, industrialized nations

built up their navies to gain and protect
Political Changes: Nationalism and
Imperialism Stimulated
 Increased production meant an increased need for
raw materials
 Industrialized nations expanded their colonial
empires and spheres of influence in their search for
more raw materials
Worldwide scramble for colonies
Fought the peoples in the lands they controlled
Fought one another for colonies and spheres of influence
 Governments saw imperialist expansion as the key
to continued industrial growth and wealth
Political Changes:
Rise to Power of Businesspeople

 Along with the working classes,

businesspeople gained political rights

 “Captains of industry” or “robber

barons” – along with financiers
Wealth brought political influence
Social Changes:
Development and Growth of Cities

Paris London

18th century - 600,000 ●
18th century – 500,000
people people

Circa 1900 – over ●
Circa 1900 – over
2,714,000 in the Paris 6,200,000 in the London
urban area urban area

Circa 2000 – over ●
Circa 2000 - over
11,000,000 in the Paris 7,100,000 in the London
urban area urban area
• Rural-to-urban migrants – people who left the countryside to live in
• A sign of an industrialized nation is that a large proportion of the
Social Change: Development and Growth of Cities
Case Studies: Liverpool and Manchester

Liverpool Manchester

1800 – population under 100,000

1800 – population circa 328,000

1850 – population over 300,000 (part of ●
1850 – population circa 1,037,000
the increase due to Irish fleeing the potato ●
1900 – population circa 2,357,000
famine) ●
Nicknamed “Cottonopolis” in the mid-

1900 – population over 700,000 to-late 19th century because of its textile

Major British port city which grew during factories
the Industrial Revolution ●
Began to decline after the Industrial

Population peaked in the 1930s and has Revolution but has stabilized due to new
been declining ever since due to the industries and greater business
decline in manufacturing and imperialism diversification
Social Changes: Improved Status and
Earning Power of Women
 Initially, factory owners hired women and children
because they worked for lower wages
This brought many women, otherwise impoverished, to cities
to work in factories
Governments limited the work of children and, at times, of
 Women gained economic power and independence
Before industrialization, it was almost impossible for a
woman to remain single and live on her own
Factories and urban centers attracted women in large
Women fought for and eventually gained political rights
Social Changes:
Increase in Leisure Time

 Labor-saving devices invented and produced

Vacuum cleaners
Washing machines
 Entrepreneurs and inventors developed new forms of
Moving pictures
Amusement parks
 Birth of the weekend
Traditionally, Western nations had Sunday (the Christian day of rest) as
the only day off from work
Saturday was added (after the struggles of Jewish labor unionists) to
accommodate the religious observances of Jewish factory workers (whose
Sabbath, or Shabbat, runs from Friday at sundown to Saturday at
AgrSocial Changes:
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1750 – 144,000,000
Europe tio bor

on n ● ces – 325,000,000
1900 e n ed

1750 - 11,000,000

1900 - 30,000,000

• Many people immigrated to industrialized countries

• Numerous nationalities to the United States
• Irish to Manchester and Liverpool in England
• Population growth in industrialized nations required growing even more food
Social Changes: Problems
 Monotony of assembly lines and factory
 Loss of craftsmanship in manufactured
 War became more deadly as weapons
became more technologically advanced
and were mass produced
 Economic insecurity – workers relied
entirely on their jobs for sustenance
Social Changes:
Science and Research Stimulated
 Scientific and technological discoveries
became profitable instead of simply
 Companies and governments were willing
to invest in research and development
 Patent law
Came into its modern form under England’s
Queen Anne (reigned 1702-1714)
Inventors have the exclusive right to produce
their new inventions for a period of time
Review Questions
1. Describe the economic, political, and social changes
which resulted from the Industrial Revolution.

2. What risks did workers face from the factory system

of production?

3. How did women benefit from the Industrial


4. Imagine that you are a government official in a

developing nation. What lessons for your country
might you take away from a study of the Industrial
Revolution? What pitfalls might you want to avoid?
Changing Employee-Employer
 Domestic system
Workers and employers knew each other personally
Workers could aspire to become employers
 Factory system
Workers no longer owned the means of production
Employers no longer knew workers personally
○ Factories often run by managers paid by the corporation
Relationships between employers and employees grew
Problems of the Factory System
 Factories were crowded, dark, and dirty
 Workers toiled from dawn to dusk
 Young children worked with dangerous
 Employment of women and children put men
out of work
Women and children were paid less for the same work
 Technological unemployment – workers lost
their jobs as their labor was replaced by
Poor Living Conditions
 Factories driven solely by profit
Businesses largely immune to problems of workers
 Factory (also company or mill) towns
Towns built by employers around factories to house
Workers charged higher prices than normal for rent,
groceries, etc.
○ Workers often became indebted to their employers
○ Created a type of forced servitude as workers had to stay on
at their jobs to pay their debts
Considered paternalistic by workers
○ Some employers had workers’ interests at heart
○ But workers wanted to control their own lives
Slum Living Conditions
 Factory towns – often built and owned by factories
Not a strange concept to rural-to-urban migrants who
were used to living on a lord’s estate or property
Full of crowded tenements
Few amenities
 Tenements – buildings with rented multiple
Apartment buildings with a more negative connotation
Overcrowded and unsanitary
 Workers were unsatisfied both inside and outside
the factories
Rise of Labor Unions
 Before labor unions, workers bargained individually –
“individual bargaining”
Before factories, a worker could bargain for better wages and
working conditions by arguing his or her particular skills
But in factories, work is routine and one worker can easily
replace another
 With labor unions, workers bargained together as a
group, or collective – “collective bargaining”
Organized groups of workers elected leaders to bargain on
their behalf
Used tools (such as strikes) to gain rights
Weapons Used by Unions and

Weapons Used Weapons Used

by Employers by Unions

At-will employment ●

Blacklists ●

Company unions ●
Closed shops

Individual bargaining ●
Collective bargaining

Injunctions ●
Direct political action

Laws that limit union activities ●
Favorable labor legislation

Lockouts ●

Open shops





Right-to-work laws


Threat of foreign competition ●

Welfare capitalism ●
Union label

Yellow-dog contracts ●
Union shops
British Labor Achievements
Year(s) Event(s)
1799-1800 Combination Laws: Outlawed unions and strikes.

1867 Disraeli Reform Act: Suffrage for workers.

1875 Repeal of the Combination laws; unions and strikes legalized. Union membership grew as a
1900 Labour Party: Founded by bringing together different groups representing trade unions, etc.
1901 Taft Vale Decision: House of Lords ruled that unions would have to pay financial damages
caused by strikes (such as loss of income to employers), which threatened to end Britain’s
After 1901 Labour Party: Worked for workers’ rights. (Other major British political parties were Liberals
[Whigs] and Conservatives [Tories].)
1906 Trade Disputes Act: Protected union funds from the Taft Vale court decision. Achieved by
Liberal and Labour parties working together.
1909 Osborne Judgment: Banned trade unions from donating funds to political parties. Hurt the
Labour party because poorer, working class party members could not provide salaries to party’s
elected representatives.

1911 Parliament Act: Stopped the House of Lords from vetoing laws passed by the House of
Commons. Paid members of parliament an annual salary.
1920s Labour Party: Surpassed the Liberal party in power.
1940s-1950s Social security: Labour party government brought increased social programs, including
socialized medicine, along with government control of several industries (electricity, steel,
Legal Protections for Workers
 Limited hours for women
Later – equal pay for equal work
 Eventual end to child labor
Schools and requirements for school
attendance grew as children were removed
from the workforce
 Health and safety codes
 Minimum wage
 Legalization of unions
Rights of Female and Child Workers
 Women and children could legally be paid less than men for
the same work
Factory owners were more willing to hire them
Male workers grew resentful
 English child laborers
England had a history (going back to the 17th century) of training
pauper children (even those younger than five years old) in a trade
Poor children followed their mothers into factories
 Early male-dominated unions fought to banish women and
children from the workplace
Eventually this strategy was abandoned
Women eventually won right to equal pay for equal work
 Though women today, in reality, still earn less than men at the same
types of work
Social Insurance/Security
Type of France Germany Great Italy United
Security Britain States
Accident 1928 1884 1906 1898 By various
state laws
Sickness 1928 1883 1912 1898 By various
laws in some
Old Age 1910 1889 1908 1898 1935
Unemploy- 1928 1911 1912 1947 1935
Socialized 1948 1884 1948 1948 Medicaid for
Medicine the poorest
(Universal citizens in the
1960s; under
Health Pres. Obama,
Care) conservative
reforms set for
all in 2014
Review Questions
1. How and why did employer-employee relationships
change during the Industrial Revolution?

2. Describe living conditions in factory towns.

3. Describe the weapons used by employers and unions.

4. Why was the establishment of yearly wages for

members of parliament important to the British
Labour party?

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of unions

for workers and consumers?
Karl Marx

Louis Blanc

 First cooperative – 1844 in Rochdale, England
Formed to fight high food costs
30 English weavers opened a grocery store with $140
Bought goods at wholesale
Members of cooperative bought goods at cost
Non-members paid “retail”
Profits split among members
By 1857 – over 1000 members and £100,000 in annual profits
 Growth of cooperatives
Spread to other industries – banking, building, insurance,
printing, etc.
By 1900 – 20% of Great Britain’s population had joined a
Concept spread internationally
 Socialists – viewed the capitalist system as
inherently wrong
Belief that capitalism is designed to create poverty and
poor working conditions because of its end goal of
earning maximum profits for investors

 Socialism – government owns the means of

Belief that if the government (“the people”) owns the
means of production, these factories and industries will
function in the public (as opposed to private) interest
Early Socialist Movement
 First socialists were Utopians
Strove to create a fair and just system
Community divided tasks and rewards
 Robert Owen
 Charles Fourier
 Claude Saint-Simon
 Louis Blanc
Robert Owen (1771-1858)
 Utopian socialist
 Owned a textile factory in New Lanark, Scotland
 Set up a model community in New Harmony,
 Decreased working hours
 Improved working conditions and employee
 Shared management and profits with employees
 Proved that a socialist-based company could be
Charles Fourier (1772-1837)
 French philosopher
 Coined the term féminisme
 Advocated concern and cooperation as the
means to create social harmony
 Considered poverty to be the main cause of
society’s problems
 Envisioned workers (paid at least a
minimum wage) living in “phalanxes” –
communities living in a large shared
Claude Henri de Saint-Simon
 1760-1825
 As a young man he was in the Thirteen Colonies as
part of the French assistance effort during the
American Revolution
 French socialist philosopher
 Believed all human beings naturally greedy and eager
to obtain wealth and higher social positions
These tendencies were to be eradicated through education
 Advocated an end to inheritances
Movement of wealth from rich, powerful families to the
state, which is an instrument of the people
Louis Blanc (1811-1882)
 French socialist philosopher and politician
 Blamed society’s ills on the pressure of competition
 “From each according to his abilities, to each
according to his needs.”
 Came to political power during the Revolution of 1848
Instituted labor reforms – believed everyone had the right to
Terrible June Days – forced from power after Blanc’s chief
rival let Blanc’s public workshops (designed to give work to
the unemployed) fail
Returned to France, restored to power, and given a state
funeral after his death
 His writings greatly influenced later socialists
Karl Marx (1818-1883)
 German socialist (communist) philosopher
 Forced to leave Prussia for articles attacking the Prussian
 Relocated to France where he was considered too radical
Wrote Communist Manifesto with Friedrich Engels (1848)
 Relocated to England where he lived out the rest of his
Wrote Das Kapital – the “bible” of socialism (1867)
 “Religion is the opiate of the people.”
Belief that religion is designed to keep people submissive to
those in power by promising them that their reward is in
Marxism – Communism
Economic ●
Economic changes lead to historical changes.
Interpretation of ●
Historically, the wealthy classes have held all

Class History has been a struggle between the rich and the poor.

In the Industrial Revolution, the struggle is between the capitalists

Struggle (owners of the means of production) and the proletariat (workers).

Workers produce all wealth but receive only enough to survive.

Surplus Value “Surplus value” (profit) of the workers’ labor goes to the


Inevitability ●
Industrial wealth leads to the concentration of wealth among fewer and
fewer capitalists, while the living and working conditions of the
proletariat grow worse.
of Socialism ●
The proletariat will eventually rebel and create a socialist state.
Socialist and Communist Political
 First International
Founded by Marx and others in 1864
International Workingmen’s Association
Urged proletariat to overthrow capitalism worldwide
Broke apart in 1873
 Second International
Founded in 1889
National parties more concerned with the politics of their respective nations
Broke apart during World War I
 Russian Revolution (1917)
Communists – known as Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, came to power following
the overthrow of the tsar
 Left and right wings
Socialists – right wingers – advocated socialist reforms through voting
Communists – left wingers – advocated socialist reforms through revolution
Political parties of both types have existed throughout Europe, the United States, and
all over the world since around the turn of the last century
Soviet-backed Communism
 Russian communism
Bolsheviks (Communists or Reds) won the Russian civil war
against the Whites
World’s first socialist/communist state
 Comintern – Communist International
Founded in Russia (Soviet Union) in 1919
Sought to spread worldwide communist revolution
Disbanded during World War II
 Cominform – Communist Information Bureau
Founded in Soviet Union in 1947
Disbanded in 1956 as part of de-Stalinization
 Soviet Union (and later China) spread communism through
satellite states and via proxy wars during the Cold War
Syndicalists and Anarchists
 Syndicalism and anarchism enjoyed popularity during
the late 1800s and early 1900s
 Syndicalism
Businesses and distribution of income managed by trade
Unions exist separate from the state as opposed to being part
of the state
 Anarchism
Belief that all governments are bad for the people
Advocates direct action to remove all forms of government
Various individual ideologies for post-government societal
Social Catholic Movement
 Opposed to the atheism of socialism
Yet also opposed to uncontrolled capitalism
 Pope Leo XIII
Advocated Catholic socialism in 1891 through his support of
workers’ associations
 Pope Pius XI
1931 – condoned Catholic socialism while condemning communism
Stated that workers should share in the profits and management of
 Followed by like-minded Protestant organizations
 Numerous Christian-based socialist political parties still
active in Europe
Review Questions
1. What is a cooperative?

2. Describe the philosophies and actions of Robert Owen and

Louis Blanc.

3. Explain Marxism in terms of the economic interpretation of

history, class struggle, surplus value, and the inevitability of

4. Most modern industrialized nations possess some degree of

socialism. Comparing the United States to countries such as
China, France, and Great Britain, should the United States
increase or decrease its number and scope of social programs
and government ownership of industry? Why or why not?

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