Team - 6: British Broadcasting Corporation

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British Broadcasting


Team – 6





Parvatha varthini
 Intro by Norman
 Logo explanation by Nishanth
 Vision and Mission by Parvatha varthini
 Values by Nithila
 Objectives by Palaniappan
 Strength and weakness by Mohanraj
 Opportunities and threats by Norman
•It is the largest broadcaster in the world,
with about 23,000 staff
 British graphic designer Abram Games was famous for
creating BBC’s first identity which was nicknamed “Bat’s
Wings”. This was then replaced by the BBC tv lettering in
boxes located within a circle. Later on, BBC’s famous emblem
was unveiled depicting the globe. The TV station also
promoted its use of color by including references to the station
identity, which acted as a reminder to the audience to buy a
colour television set. The late 90′s brought a new approach to
BBC’s brand and its logo was made more modern-looking.
To enrich people’s lives with
To be the most creative
programmes and services that
organisation in the world.
inform, educate and entertain.
 Trust is the foundation of BBC: We are independent ,
impartial and honest

 Audiences are the heart of everything we do

 We take pride in delivering quality and value for money

 Creativity is the lifeblood of our organisation

 We respect each other and celebrate our diversity so that

everyone can give their best

 We are one BBC: great things happen when we work

1. Involve the BBC at a local level in the emergency planning

2. Agree what triggers an emergency broadcast.

3. Agree what information is wanted, its source and when it's


4. Set up an effective multi-agency system for gathering,

compiling and distributing essential information to an
agreed timescale.

5. Establish a clear procedure for communicating information

to the BBC with absolute clarity over who rings who. It
should be technically robust as well as
holiday/sickness/new/part-time staff-proof.
Objectives Cont’d….
6. Build in verification procedures to guarantee the authenticity of
the information.

7. Include a mechanism for regular review and updating of the

arrangements and contact details.

8. Identify opportunities for joint training exercises.

9. Develop a 'knowledge inheritance' culture from one generation

of staff to another.

10. Promote the service (e.g. through Council Tax and utility bills).
SWOT Analysis
 Strengths
 Strong brand perception
 Solid financial standing
 Diversity in delivering models

 Weakness
 Conservative and too much ‘British’
 International facilities are understaffed
 Opportunities
 Strong online presence
 Potential growth in some global markets
 Flexibility and willingness to partner
 Increasing popularity of satellite radio programs

 Threats
 Over saturated local growth
 Unfamiliarity with the BBC URL [http://]

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