Eveloping Riting Kills: Arlenne M. Fernández
Eveloping Riting Kills: Arlenne M. Fernández
Eveloping Riting Kills: Arlenne M. Fernández
Arlenne M. Fernández
Approaches to
teaching writing...
Process writing...
Writing genres...
Stages of writing...
Teaching framework
Arlenne M. Fernández
"Writing is like prostitution...First
you do it for love, and then for a
few close friends, and then for
(Molière, playwright)
Arlenne M. Fernández
Arlenne M. Fernández
Why is writing such a
difficult skill to achieve?
Skilled writing requires mastery if the fine motors skill
to form the written shapes and orthographic knowledge
of how written symbols are combined to represent words
through spelling conventions.
Curriculum material is broad and too grammatical.
Writing process is time-consuming.
Teacher´s correction can be overwhelming if the class is
too large.
Students do not know how to do it by themselves.
Arlenne M. Fernández
The Controlled - To - Free
Audiolingual method (50s & 60s),
It is sequential
Students are first given sentence exercises; then paragraphs to copy
or manipulate grammatically (e.g by changing questions to
statements, present to past, or plural to singular)
They might also change words to clauses or combine sentences.
With these controlled compositions, it is relatively easy for students
write and yet avoid errors, which makes error correction easy.
Students are allowed to try some free composition after they have
reached an intermediate level of proficiency.
As such, this approach stress on grammar, syntax, and mechanics. It
emphasizes accuracy rather than fluency or originality.
Arlenne M. Fernández
The Free - Writing
This approach stresses writing quantity rather than quality.
Teachers who use this approach assign vast amounts of free
writing on given topics with only minimal correction.
The emphasis in this approach is on content and fluency
rather than on accuracy and form.
Once ideas are down on the page, grammatical accuracy and
organization follow.
Students write freely on any topic without worrying about
grammar and spelling. Teachers do not correct these pieces
of free writing. They simply read them and may comment on
the ideas the writer expressed.
Arlenne M. Fernández
The Paragraph - Pattern
Instead of accuracy of grammar or fluency of content,
the Paragraph-Pattern-Approach stresses on
Students copy paragraphs and imitate model
passages. They put scrambled sentences into
paragraph order. They identify general and specific
statements and choose to invent an appropriate topic
sentence or insert or delete sentences.
This approach is based on the principle that in
different cultures people construct and organize
communication with each other in different ways.
Arlenne M. Fernández
The Grammar - Syntax -
Organisation Approach
This approach stresses on simultaneous work on
more than one composition feature.
Teachers who follow this approach maintain that
writing can not be seen as composed of separate
skills which are learned sequentially. Therefore,
student should be trained to pay attention to
organization while they also work on the
necessary grammar and syntax.
This approach links the purpose of writing to the
forms that are needed to convey message.
Arlenne M. Fernández
The Communicative Approach
This approach stresses the purpose of writing and the
audience for it.
Student writers are encouraged to behave like writers in
real life and ask themselves the crucial questions about
purpose and audience (e.g Why am I writing this?, Who
will read it?)
Traditionally, the teacher alone has been the audience for
student writing; howewer it´s assumed that writers do
their best when writing is truly a communicative act, with
a writer writing for a real reader.
So the readership may be extended to classmate and pen
Arlenne M. Fernández
Arlenne M. Fernández
"Process writing is learning how to write by writing”
(Stone, 1995)
In this approach current emphasis focuses on the process
of creating writing rather than the end product
(Tompkins, 1990).
The initial focus is on creating quality content and
learning the genres of writing.
When writing, students work through the stages of the
writing process (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing,
and publishing).
Arlenne M. Fernández
Teachers who use this approach provide students time
to brainstorm ideas and give them feedback on the
content of what they write in their drafts.
Arlenne M. Fernández
A Comparison..
Arlenne M. Fernández
Arlenne M. Fernández
Expository Writing
It seeks to inform, 1) Select a topic.
explain, clarify, define 2) Write a thesis statement with
or instruct (writing that controlling idea (s).
explains or shares 3) Organize it into paragraphs.
information) 4) Write topic sentences for the
It includes thesis body paragraphs.
statement and 5) Furnish a paragraph of
controlling ideas. introduction (state the thesis,
Six basic steps to write introduce divisions of
an expository essay. paragraphs and gain reader´s
6) Write a pragraph of
Arlenne M. Fernández
Narrative Writing
It tells a story. These are the elements of
Its purpose is to entertain. a narrative style:
Common sequence includes: - Setting.
-Beginning (characters - Character.
- Plot.
- Conflict.
- Minor resolution.
- New problem.
- Climax.
- Resolution. - Resolution.
- Moral.
Use of past tenses.
Arlenne M. Fernández
Descriptive Writing
It´s like painting a picture with words.
It describes places, people, feelings, events.
Uses vivid language (adjectives) and figurative language.
Arlenne M. Fernández
Argumentative Writing
Writer tries to convince others to agree with our facts,
share our values; adopt our way of thinking.
General characteristics of an argumentative essay:
- state position or belief,
- factual supports,
- persuasive technique,
- logical argument,
- call to action.
Arlenne M. Fernández
Academic Writing
Arlenne M. Fernández
Let`s compare...
Which one is academic
Today being fat is The number of
totally bad for your deaths per year
health. About 30,000 attributable to obesity
fat people die every is roughly 30,000 in
year in the UK and loads the UK and ten times
more fat people die in that in the USA, where
the USA. By 2005 more obesity is set to
people will die of being overtake smoking in
fat than smoking and it 2005 as the main
doesn’t have to be this preventable cause of
way, this could easily be illness and premature
prevented, couldn't it? death.
Arlenne M. Fernández
Types of Academic Writing
Technical / Lab / Book report.
Literature review.
Term paper.
Research paper (short, argumentative)
Opinion paper.
Essay (expository, descriptive, argumentative).
Senior thesis.
Formal letters (application, complaint, etc)
Powerpoint presentation.
Case study.
Arlenne M. Fernández
Arlenne M. Fernández
If tasks are far beyond the immediate capacity of
learners, they will either lead to frustration and/or
resorting to L1-based experience and knowledge (Qi,
1998). Therefore,
tasks should be progressive (Myles, 2002).
Teacher should introduce one concept at a time, model it
extensively and give numerous examples before
requiring independence.
Costas Gabrielatos suggests two types of activities
before the pre-writing: Focused global procedures and
Global practice procedures
Arlenne M. Fernández
Focused Practice Global Practice procedure
Arlenne M. Fernández
Strategies to encourage writing
Create a literate environment
Stick posters or positive Make collages with
messages and labels on the visual representations of
walls to familiarize students specific vocabulary.
with written codes.
Sequence an
Have a bulletin board with
weird news, news from famous
people, horoscope, beauty tips, Copy songs, rhymes or
fashion styles, etc. poems.
Have a mailbox. Paste labels with idioms.
Make “word snakes” for new
vocabulary (HFW).
Arlenne M. Fernández
Strategies to encourage writing
Encourage creative Make them keep a
pieces of work: journal with new
Have a graffitti wall as a Make them re-write a
sort of “complaint wall”. fairy story.
Make Sts fill in Make them write
soundless filmstrips. weather reports with
Complete cartoon strips. pictures.
Make them write Make them design new
postcards for a special covers for books.
Copy shopping lists or
restaurant menus....
Arlenne M. Fernández
Liv Jonassen & Elizabeth Tomchak. Academic Writing.
Gabrielatos, Costas (2002). ESL Writing Product and Process. ERIC,
Cheu Ching Kiing, Jenny Kong & Wong Siew Jing. ELP Writing skills.
Bruton, Anthony. Process Writing and Communicative-Task-Based
Instruction: Many Common Features, but More Common Limitations? TESL-
EJ Dec, 2005. Vol. 9 Number 3.
Stone, S. (1995). The primary multiage classroom: Changing schools for
Tompkins, G. (1990). Teaching and writing: Balancing process and product.
Columbus, OH: Merrill Publishing Co.
By Dr. Ghazi Ghaith. Writing. American University of Beirut in
Vanessa Steele (2004). Product and process writing: A comparison. British
Arlenne M. Fernández
Let`s Exercise!!!
Arlenne M. Fernández