Evaluation, Assessment and Planning
Evaluation, Assessment and Planning
Evaluation, Assessment and Planning
Lesson Planning
Arlenne M. Fernández
E v a lu a t io n L e s s o n P la n
A u t h e n t ic t a s k s P r o c e d u r e s a n d in s t r u m e n t s R u b r ic s
T e s t in g s k ills
A ssessm e nt
C la s s r o o m a s s e s s m e n t C la s s r o o m a s s e s s m e n t t e c h n iq u e s
Arlenne M. Fernández
To improve student learning.
Arlenne M. Fernández
• Context-Specific: It needs to respond to the
particular needs and characteristics of the
teachers, students, and disciplines to which they
are applied. Being Context-Specific means: what
works in one class will not necessarily work in
Arlenne M. Fernández
Arlenne M. Fernández
• Competency Checklists – Skills and competencies checklist of
• Self-Assessment Survey or Posting.
• Student Portfolio of Work – compilation of work, including
drafts, over time to show growth and development of skills
and knowledge
• Classroom Feedback – Takes many formats; analyzing papers,
tests for item analysis for research
• Analysis of Test items – Certain test questions are analyzed
afterwards for feedback purpose on concepts learned.
Arlenne M. Fernández
Evaluation is a process to judge or measure the value of a
finished or ongoing program, plan, or even a policy (Gasper 1995).
Arlenne M. Fernández
Criteria and Types of Evaluation
• Hetero-evaluation. • Criterion-referenced:
• Global.
• Self-evaluation. - Normative.
• Partial.
• Co-evaluation - Criterion.
• Ipsative
Arlenne M. Fernández
Procedures and Instruments
TEST PROCEDURES • Making audio tapes to practice
• Essay question.
/check fluency.
• Multiple choice test.
• Book reports.
• Pop quiz.
• Drawings or diagrams.
• Favourite authors report.
• Field trip report.
PROCEDURES • Journals.
• Port-folio. • Reading / Learning logs.
• Rubric. • Open-ended problems.
• Evaluation scale. • Photographs and documentation.
• Problem-solving activities.
• Self-evaluation.
• Simulations.
• Questionnaire.
• Role-plays.
• Interview.
• Video tapes.
• Research project.
Arlenne M. Fernández
Planning the Test
Arlenne M. Fernández
Set the goals
• Examples:
Arlenne M. Fernández
Deciding the conditions of the Test
Per exercise Per item
• True-False questions (7) 15-30 seconds (3,5 minutes)
• Multiple choice (15) 30-60 seconds (15 minutes)
• Short answer (one word) (5) 30-60 seconds (5 minutes)
• Short answer (longer) (7) 1-4 minutes (28 minutes)
• Matching (6) 2-4 minutes (24 minutes)
40 exercises
75,5 min
Arlenne M. Fernández
Deciding the conditions of the test
A) Including an example with each type of question, showing how to mark answers -
(Lower intermediate levels)
B) Using large print or clear recording material. (check classroom accoustic)
C) Set instructions clearly in written form, include penalized behaviours.
D) Set instructions in terms of abilities.
E) Provide the points for each item explicitly.
F) When asking descriptions, be careful with pictures.
G) Proofread the test to ckeck spelling mistakes.
H) Tell the students what they are to do when they are finished.
I) Clarify doubts only for the first 10 minutes, after you read the instructions first.
J) Include main objectives of the test explicitly.
Arlenne M. Fernández
Preparing a table of specifications
TOTAL 5Q 15 Q 20 Q 40 Q
40 pts
Arlenne M. Fernández
Ebel’ s Table
Reagent Reliability
5 0,2%
10 0,33%
20 0,5
40 0,66%
80 0,8%
160 0,89%
320 0,94%
640 0,97%
The table shows the reliability curve of Ebel. Here, it is clearly visible
why there isn’t any author recommending an exam which has less than
40 multiple choice questions.
Arlenne M. Fernández
Arlenne M. Fernández
Arlenne M. Fernández
• Apply the rules about possessive pronouns and adjectives to complete the ideas.
Arlenne M. Fernández
Arlenne M. Fernández
Test Reagents
This table shows the Bloom’s cognitive levels and their actions in terms of skills.
Arlenne M. Fernández
Test Reagents
• ABILITY : Knowledge
(Familiarity or awareness which can be recalled and has
been gained through experience or study)
A) Store: ________________________________________.
B) Library: ______________________________________.
2) * Identify the correct word from the box and write it to complete the idea.
There is an extra one which you do not need to use. (CLOZE TYPE)
Arlenne M. Fernández
Test Reagents
• ABILITY : Comprehension
(The act of grasping the meaning, nature, or importance
of sth)
Arlenne M. Fernández
• ABILITY : Application
(The capacity of being practically used as a rule of
general application)
1) Apply the rules for suffixes or prefixes for the word given in capitals to form a
new word that makes sense in the sentence.
Arlenne M. Fernández
• ABILITY : Analysis
(Process of separating a whole into its component parts)
Arlenne M. Fernández
• ABILITY : Synthesis
(The combining of separate elements or substances to form
a coherent whole; logical deduction)
Arlenne M. Fernández
• ABILITY : Evaluation
(To examine and judge carefully; appraise someone’s
performance or task appropriacy)
1) Read this passage and decide if the sentences are correct. Make a or write the
incorrect word on the line.
Arlenne M. Fernández
Above All...
Arlenne M. Fernández
Arlenne M. Fernández
Arlenne M. Fernández