PBI 1082 EOP Sem 2-1920 - Slides 3.2 Week 11

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PBI 1082: MODULE 3.

D a t a V i s u a l i z a ti o n f o r
E ff e c ti v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n

• What is Data Visualization?

• Identifying Points to Illustrate

• Infographic

• Elements in an Infographic

• Assessment Tips

• Exercise

PBI 1082 EOP: MODULE 3.2 WEEK 10 2

“Data Visualization” is a broad term that describes the transforming of
typically numerical data into something more visual.


PBI 1082 EOP: MODULE 3.2 WEEK 10 3

Compare these two representations of data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’
Time Use Survey:

PBI 1082 EOP: MODULE 3.2 WEEK 10 4

Charts are
are used
used very
very commonly
commonly in in data
data visualization.
How many
many types
types of
of charts
charts do
do you
you know?
know? Go
Go to
which-chart-should-i-use/ forfor aa brief
brief guide
guide on
on which
chart you
you should
should be
be using
using to
to showcase
showcase youryour information

PBI 1082 EOP: MODULE 3.2 WEEK 10 5

When you’re deciding
which points to present
visu ally, th in k of t he
fi v e C ’ s : COMPELLING

PBI 1082 EOP: MODULE 3.2 WEEK 10 6

• The human mind is • Visuals, particularly • If a particular
extremely adept at tables, often serve section of your
processing visual to provide the message seems to
information supporting details require extensive
• If you’re having for a main idea or description or
difficulty conveying recommendation explanation, try to
an idea in words, • A table or another convey this
consider whether a visual can provide information visually.
visual element will these details
do this job instead. without getting in
the way of your
main message

PBI 1082 EOP: MODULE 3.2 WEEK 10 7

• A key purpose of many business • Will one or more illustrations
messages is showing connections make your message more
of some sort – similarities or persuasive, more interesting,
differences, correlations, cause- more likely to get read?
and-effect relationships, and so on • You rarely want to insert visuals
• Determine whether you need a simply for decorative purposes, of
chart, a diagram, or another course, but even if a particular
illustration to convey this point can be expressed equally
well via text or visuals, consider
adding the visual to make your
report or presentation more

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PBI 1082 EOP: MODULE 3.2 WEEK 10 9

Infographics are a special class of diagrams that
can convey both data and concepts or ideas. In
addition, they contain enough visual and textual
information to function as independent,
standalone documents. Infographics can take full
advantage of the visual medium to tell stories or
show interconnected processes. Such infographics
can be powerful tools, even to the point of
replacing conventional reports.

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PBI 1082 EOP: MODULE 3.2 WEEK 10 11

• AN INFOGRAPHIC is a graphic, visual representation of information. They
present information clearly and concisely. They can easily communicate
data, patterns and trends to a reader.

PBI 1082 EOP: MODULE 3.2 WEEK 10 12

Main Title


3 S Yo u M u st C o n s i d e r
A minimum
of 3 colors
1. Story

Ideally, you should have a single, coherent message

that the entire infographic serves to deliver.

Conclusio A minimum
Hook Meat of 4
n graphics

Proper citations of A minimum of 1

sources graph/chart

PBI 1082 EOP: MODULE 3.2 WEEK 10 13

2. Style
Infographics are appealing because they mimic the way our brains work. This
visual representation of information is easier to think about, understand and

3. Statistics
Make sure they are factual and reliable, current and helpful. Make sure you
attribute and let your audience know where you got the facts and figures from.
Credibility is an important factor for a successful infographic.

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PBI 1082 EOP: MODULE 3.2 WEEK 10 15

1 .V i s u a l S t y l e a n d F l ow

• An infographic needs a strong

visual presence to draw users in.
Most infographics read from left
to right and top to bottom in a
more vertical than horizontal
format. This style is by design
because it mirrors natural eye
movements and reading patterns.

PBI 1082 EOP: MODULE 3.2 WEEK 10 16

• Use a color palette. It’s just • Keep it readable. Optimally,
like any other design project. users should be able to see
(Keep your color scheme to a most of the information at a
maximum of three colors. glance and everything should
Too many colors can make be readable.
your infographic confusing).

• Place information using the Infographics are appealing because they

inverted pyramid, meaning mimic the way our brains work. This
that the most important visual representation of information is
information is at the top and easier to think about, understand and
gets less significant as the retain.
user moves down the image.

PBI 1082 EOP: MODULE 3.2 WEEK 10 17

2. Fonts

• Use appropriate fonts. Before selecting a

font, make sure it is legible in both large
text and small text – especially when
using numbers. Choose a maximum of
two fonts. Allow for various size
headlines to break up the data. Organize
the data visually to guide your audience
from beginning to end.

PBI 1082 EOP: MODULE 3.2 WEEK 10 18

Find a complementary
body font.

• You’ve already chosen your header

font. Now it’s time to choose a font for
your body copy that’s different
enough to be able to differentiate
between the two, but still
complements your initial type design.

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White space
• White space or negative space is simply
unmarked space in the design. It is the
space between the layouts, lines of
paragraphs, between paragraphs, between
different UI (User Interface) elements and
so on. White space does not literally mean
an empty space with a white background.
It can be of any color, texture, patterns or
even a background image.

People get frustrated when machines

information bombards them. We’re
humans, not. White space calms us,
letting us “breathe”.
PBI 1082 EOP: MODULE 3.2 WEEK 10 20
3 . C a l l t o A c ti o n

• Don’t forget that your infographic

should always have a goal. Why did
you make it? What should people who
see it do?

 Remind users to share.

 Include an embed code or link to drive
users back to your website.
 Don’t forget to include branding or

PBI 1082 EOP: MODULE 3.2 WEEK 11 21

4. Graphs, Charts, &

Graphs and charts display the data in a

unique and creative way – this is where the
designer will shine.

The type of graph or chart used depends

on the data and the story. For example,
when displaying data about people,
consider showing human silhouettes in a
chart. When appropriate, replace numbers
with graphical elements.

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Wireframes are often used in pre-designing the
way website pages will look and how they’ll work
together, but this concept is extremely useful in
infographic design as well.

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Play with both symmetrical and
asymmetrical balance. Does it look
better when elements line up evenly on
each side, or do you want your
data/visuals on one side and text on the
other? You can also alternate to create a
cohesive look.

PBI 1082 EOP: MODULE 3.2 WEEK 10 24


5. Footer and Sources Cite your sources.

• Unless you conducted a survey or put an
experiment together to gather all of the
• Include your company
data used yourself, you need to cite the
sources you used to find your
• Add your company name, URL information.
and social media icons so • Add an area in your footer that includes
readers know where they can every URL to every study and website
find you online. You can also add that you used to find your data and

your company logo for even information that you put into your
more brand recognition.

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PBI 1082 EOP: MODULE 3.2 WEEK 10 26

Your assessment for this module (Assessment 2A)
calls for you to present the data and information that
you have gathered for your Critical Response
(Assessment 1) in a visual form through infographic.
These are the areas that you MUST cover:
• Brief description of the issue
• ONE solution to overcome the issue
• Implementation plan of the solution

PBI 1082 EOP: MODULE 3.2 WEEK 10 27

Your assessment for this module
(Assessment 2A) calls for you to present
the data and information that you have
gathered for your Critical Response
(Assessment 1) in a visual form through
infographic. These are the areas that you
MUST cover:
• Brief description of the issue
• ONE solution to overcome the issue
• Implementation plan of the solution

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Title/Heading + Brief
description of the

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ONE solution
You can make your case for the
solution that you have chosen by
presenting pertinent data and
contextual information related to the
issue. Data are simply facts or
figures — bits of information, but
not information itself.
When data are processed,
interpreted, organized, structured or
presented so as to make them
meaningful or useful, they are
called information. Informative data
puts the “info” in infographic. Make
sure your statistics are valuable,
relevant, and of course — accurate. 

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Implementation plan of
the solution

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Size and Dimensions
The size of an infographic is usually determined by
which platform it will be submitted to. Take note that
this is just a standard recommendation. You should
test what works best for your platform. You should
also anticipate that readers will look at your
infographic from various screens sizes.

*For more on sizing, please refer to the ‘notes’ section

or your module.

PBI 1082 EOP: MODULE 3.2 WEEK 10 32


What information Have you ever Is there any new What do you think
can you extract experienced or information or idea you can do to help
from the seen problem(s) that you have with the problem?
infographic? related to what is learnt from this
shown in the infographic?

Study the infographic and answer the questions in the table. Post/upload your answers on eLEAP.

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