Formation Evaluation Lab.: Determine Lithology by Using IP Software
Formation Evaluation Lab.: Determine Lithology by Using IP Software
Formation Evaluation Lab.: Determine Lithology by Using IP Software
• Obtaining a physical sample of the reservoir is the surest way to unambiguously determine lithology
and rock type, but obtaining this physical sample is not always easy. Mud logs are the first choice in
wildcat wells, but exact assignment of a rock fragment to a particular depth is not without error. The
size of the individual rock sample examined at the surface is rather small because it is limited by the
size of drill cuttings and rock strength. Weak rocks, ones without cement, are often reduced to
original detrital grain size by the drilling process, making it difficult to determine rock type, but still
possible to determine lithology. Once the well is drilled and logged and rock layers are marked for
further study, rock samples can be obtained through the use of wireline core takers or sidewall core
• Recovery of sidewall samples is not always a sure thing, and we often fail to get rock samples from
zones of interest. In a wildcat well with a zone of high interest identified with logs, rock samples, and
fluid samples, we can plug back the well several hundred feet, set a whipstock, perform a parallel
sidetrack (called a bypass hole), and then take a whole core across the zone of interest. Because the
two holes are parallel, we know exactly at which depth to swap out the drill bit with a core barrel. The
resulting whole core can be sampled, and sophisticated core analysis can be used to identify the rock
type of each zone and determine petrophysical parameters, which are used to refine the formation
evaluation from the log data.
Indirect determination
If no direct rock sample is available in a given zone, log responses must be used alone
to simultaneously determine lithology, porosity, and fluid saturations. Rock typing is much
more involved and requires the use of commercially available catalogs of analog data or
locally collected data to pinpoint petrophysical properties that can be used to refine
porosity and fluid-saturation calculations. If, in a given wellbore, one is lucky enough to
encounter parts of the desired reservoir below the free-water level, then fluid saturation
is known and gross lithology can be determined from routine wireline logs such as
density, neutron, and acoustic tools. All wireline service companies provide charts and
answer products that convert wireline logging data into lithology; however, few beds are
simple homogeneous layers .If some of the layers are beneath the resolving thickness of
the tool, some average response of the layers, depending on bed and borehole
geometry, can be observed. Single layers of salt (NaCl), anhydrite, gypsum, coal, or tuft
are easily identified when several feet thick or thicker; however, salt-plugged sandstone
can mimic gas-filled clean sandstone, or a very shaly rock type can hide the presence of
Determine lithology
• The occurrence of difficult lithologies can be identified from the following sources:
• Local knowledge of formations in the area
• Cuttings from the well
• Mudlogs of the well
• Conventional core analysis
• Sidewall percussion core analysis
• Sidewall rotary core analysis
• Analysis of log responses
• The methods to determine the occurrence of difficult lithologies from the first six sources just listed
are not covered in this article. (For information on these sources, see
Mudlogging: drill cuttings analysis and Mudlogging: the mudlog; also see Core description.)
• Identifying the occurrence of difficult lithologies from logs can be formidable. Two crossplot
techniques are commonly used to identify the occurrence of mineralogies:
• (1) the M-N crossplot and (2) the MID crossplot.
M-N cross plot
• The M-N cross plot uses the density, compensated
neutron, and compressional sonic logs to identify
binary and ternary mixtures of minerals. The terms M
and N are defined as follows:
• Two versions of the sonic-compensated neutron crossplot exist, one that uses the Wyllie
time average equation and the other the Raymer-Hunt-Gardner equation for the sonic
porosity relationship. These are used typically for binary mixtures of sandstone and
limestone or limestone and dolomite. However, the sonic-compensated neutron crossplot is
not particularly useful in fractured or vuggy formations.
In this drawing, we notice that there are many points on the
limestone and dolomite line, as well as a few points on the
sandstone line
This means that lithology is a mixture of these three types of
Density-sonic cross plot
Fertl, W.H. 1981. Openhole Crossplot Concepts A Powerful Technique in Well Log Analysis.
J Pet Technol 33 (3): 535-549. SPE-8115-PA.
Hynes, N.J. 1991. Dictionary of Petroleum Exploration, Drilling, and Production. Tulsa,
Oklahoma: PennWell.
Poupon, A., W. R. Hoyle, and A. W. Schmidt, A. W., 1971,
Log analysis in formations with complex lithologies: Journal of Petroleum Technology.
Jump up↑ Worthington, P., 1985, The evolution of shaly
-sand concepts in reservoir evaluation: The Log Analyst.
Jump up↑ Patchett, J. G., and D. C. Herrick, 1982, A review of saturation models: SPWLA
Reprint Volume Shaly Sands, SPWLA.