RTM May'2020
RTM May'2020
RTM May'2020
Real Time Market (RTM)
May - 2020
Real-Time Electricity Market (RTM)
CERC issued Regulations on Framework for Real Time Electricity Markets (RTM)
Buyers / Sellers have option to submit buy/sell bids for each fifteen minute time block
Right to Recall – After pre-decided time block, entities does not have right to revise the schedule
In case of forced outage only, generator is allowed to buy power for buyer in RTM to meet its obligation
Real-Time Electricity Market (RTM)
Who are eligible to participate in RTM
OA consumers
Real-Time Electricity Market (RTM)
ISGS whose tariff is determined by CERC under Section 62 may sell power in RTM without seeking consent
from Original beneficiary
In case, any gains realized by generator, over and above the variable charge, shall be shared between generator
and original beneficiary in 50:50, subject to ceiling of 7 Paise/kWh to be retained by generator
ISGS whose tariff is determined under Section 63, are also eligible to participate. In case of sharing of gains,
there may be need to execute a supplementary PPA based on mutual agreement, subject to approval of
appropriate commission or shall be as per the provisions of the PPA.
Real-Time Electricity Market (RTM) Timelines
Right to recall Gate NLDC provides
corridor to PXs for Half hourly RTM for delivery period
ends for 00:00 to Closure
Delivery period of 1st two time block of an hour
00:30 hrs
22:45 23:00 23:15 23:30 23:45 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 01:00
22:45 23:00 23:15 23:30 23:45 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 01:00
07:45 hrs 08:00 hrs 08:00 – 08:15 08:15 – 08:30 hrs 08:30 – 08:45 – 09:00 09:00 – 09:30
hrs 08:45 hrs hrs hrs
08:15 hrs 08:30 hrs 08:30 – 08:45 08:45 – 09:00 hrs 09:00 – 09:15 – 09:30 09:30 – 09:45
hrs 09:15 hrs hrs hrs
IEGC Sixth Amendment 2019
For implementation of RTM, CERC issued IEGC (Sixth Amendment) Regulations 2019
Any Generator selling power on Long / Medium / Short term (except Collective) may revise its schedule from 7th
time block if the revision request is made in odd time blocks
Odd time blocks are 00:00 to 00:15 hrs, 00:30 to 00:45 hrs and so on.
For revision request raised in even time blocks, the schedule will be revised from 8 th time block.
Even time blocks are 00:15 to 00:30 hrs, 00:45 to 01:00 hrs and so on.
In case of outage, the revival time has to be given at the time of revision in schedule for Short-term transaction.
Once the revival time is given it can’t be changed afterwards.
In case of RTM sale/purchase, the revised schedule will be uploaded on RLDC website one time block before
the actual time of injection
Revision Timelines
Schematic representation of proposed changes in right to revision
T1 T2 T3 T4
22:00 22:15 22:30 22:45 23:00 23:15 23:30 23:45 24:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 01:00
NOC to clearly mention the maximum capacity that any entity is willing to sell/purchase
Entity to schedule power through all modes (LT/MT/ST/DAM/TAM/RTM) within the NOC limit
Corridor between Exchanges to be allocated on the basis of their share in DAM, subject to minimum 10%
During Forced outage, generators have an option to buy power by submitting an undertaking to PXs with a copy
to RLDC/SLDC and shall specify the details of the forced outage (Time of Outage, Reason of Outage &
anticipated revival time)
In case of Real time congestion, RLDC can revise the schedule in following order
ST Bilateral >> DAM >> RTM >> Medium Term >> Long Term
Key Points to taken care at Plant
Revision in schedule will happen in 7th & 8th time block is the revised schedule is punched in odd and even time block
In case of outage, the revival time has to be given at the time of revision in schedule. Once the revival time is given it can’t be
changed afterwards.
In case of RTM sale/purchase, the revised schedule will be uploaded on RLDC website one time block before the actual time of
injection. Plant has to see the RLDC website for real-time injection schedule.
DSM- 5th Amendment
If the sustained deviation from schedule continues in one direction (positive or negative) for 6 time blocks,
the regional entity (buyer or seller), shall correct its position, by making the sign of its deviation from
schedule changed or by remaining in the range of +/- 20 MW with reference to its schedule, at least once,
latest by 7th time block.
DSM- 5th Amendment
DSM Regulation (Existing) DSM Regulation (from 01.06.2020 onwards)
Provision of Sign Change is after every 12 time blocks Provision of Sign Change is after every 6 time blocks
Penalty is applicable on time block basis. Penalty is applicable on daily base DSM basis.
DSM- 5th Amendment
Provided that violation of this Regulation shall attract an additional charge as specified in below:
(From first to fifth violation) - For each violation, an additional charge @ 3% of daily base DSM payable /receivable.
(From sixth to tenth violation) - For each violation, an additional charge @ 5% of daily base DSM payable / receivable.
(From eleventh violation onwards) - For each violation, an additional charge @ 10% of daily base DSM payable / receivable.
Daily Base DSM Charge means the sum of charges for deviations for all time blocks in a day payable or receivable as the case may
be, excluding the additional charges.
DSM- 5th Amendment
A regional entity having a sustained deviation from time blocks t1 to t7, shall correct its position either by changing the sign of its
deviation (from positive to negative or negative to positive as the case may be) or come back in the range of +/- 20 MW with
reference to its schedule latest by the end of time block t7.
In case, such sign change does not take place or it fails to come back in the aforesaid range by the end of time block t7, but such
correction of position takes place from time block t8 up to time block t12, then additional charge shall be levied equivalent to one
Further, in case, sign change does not take place or it fails to come back in the range as aforesaid latest by the end of t13, but
correction in position takes place from time block t14 up to time block t18, then the additional charge shall be levied for two
violations and so on.
WBES – Change in Scheduling Process
Old Punching Methodology
Injection Punching Punching
Sl. No. PPA Drawl RLDC
RLDC Responsibility Responsibility