Antibodies Practice Question

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Antibodies Practice Question Communicable Diseases: 4.1.1

Highlight key words in the information below:

Antibodies (also called immunoglobulins) are large Y-

shaped proteins. They are found in the blood or other
body fluids of vertebrates. Antibodies are the key
element in the adaptive immune system. The
antibody recognizes a unique part of the foreign
target called an antigen.

The diagram shows the structure of an antibody.

Describe the roles of the variable region in
forming antigen binding sites.
Highlight key words in the information below:
Antibodies are produced by plasma cells, but, once
secreted, can act independently against extracellular
________________________________________ pathogen and toxins. Antibodies bind to specific
________________________________________ antigens on pathogens; this binding can inhibit
________________________________________ pathogen infectivity by blocking key extracellular
sites, such as receptors involved in host cell entry.
Key word Definition Antibodies coat extracellular pathogens and
neutralize them by blocking key sites on the pathogen
Agglutination that enhance their infectivity, such as receptors that
“dock” pathogens on host cells. Antibody
neutralization can prevent pathogens from entering
and infecting host cells

Describe the functions of antibodies


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