BroAbro - Shipping Packages Quickly and With Care
BroAbro - Shipping Packages Quickly and With Care
BroAbro - Shipping Packages Quickly and With Care
Presented by Group 8
Ankita Datta (1911011)
Vinay Kumar Mourya (1911046)
Mohit Kumar Sinha (1911065)
Yogendra Swami (1911069)
Shreyash Tade (1911070)
Tirtha Tushar Panda (1911071)
Customer needs
India- ₹ 1,14,990
USA - ₹
1. Price differentials
Estimate Charges to Texas,
Weight USA
1 KG 5 -6 Days Rs.4943
1.5 KG 5 -6 Days Rs.5558 3. Non
2 KG 5 -6 Days Rs.6252
3 5 -6 Days Rs.7488
2. Expensive courier charges
Timeline of Idea Evolution
Final MVP
MVP1 (website) -FAQs added
Major issues -Demand & supply -Manual matching
Lean Canvas - More customer hypothesis (interest) done for future
-Major costs interviews to find -Trust(actual orders dates
Idea validation identified major issues received; process -Lean canvas
- Idea generation -Revenue streams -Changing model to explained) modified
- Validation through decided fix the issues -Key metrics added -Promotions and
few customer -Channels for -Value creation like page visits, website changes
interviews customer acquisition hypothesis tested subscriptions
- Target segment -Key metrics (MVP as pitch)
identification -Interview with
industry expert
25th Dec 31st Dec 15th Jan 15th Feb 22nd Feb
Idea Generation And Evaluation
Feasibility Value
Market Technical feasibility – Website Break-even calculation
Market feasibility – MVP, surveys
Personal Business acumen, technical expertise, delivery service Connecting people, simplicity, personal relevance (lack of
industry knowledge contact, high price etc.)
Consumer journey
Share package
Sender View offers, Ship package to Item delivered by
details, register Connect with traveler
approve and pay traveler traveler
Check open
Traveler Provides trip
requests, show Receive package Deliver and get paid
Salient features
1. Traveler verification – ticket, government id, contact details, past ratings to provide trust to senders and buyers
2. Use of scanners of courier services to validate package (limited) and use logistic services(if chosen) for hyperlocal delivery from sender to
3. Partner with online travel agents(MakeMyTrip) for customer acquisition and incentivization providing airmiles.
4. Use other courier services to satisfy orders during the lack of travelers.
Hypotheses Tested And Metrics
Hypothesis: Trust issues because
Enough demand exists
Page Visits: 702 strangers are involved
for peer to peer delivery
MVP: Sessions: 371 Trust and safety section,
Built a website, used number
FAQs on website added
of visits and sign ups as 8% 14%
metrics for success evaluation
New Users: on website
256 Outcome:
Outcome: Conversion ratio increased
14% conversion ratio in Sign
ups: 36 from 8% to 14%
Enough demand
early phase Add Text Add Text
for peer to peer
Hypotheses Tested And Metrics
Hypothesis: Hypothesis:
Value is created for users in Reciprocation to reward points Customers are concerned
form of monetary savings and to carry items irrespective of about the customs they may
making things available monetary rewards. have to pay for the carried
MVP: Option of immediate Proposal to check the Green
Manual matching of requests. monetary reward or future channel customs clearance criteria
Travelers were asked to reward points of an item based on the rules set
provide their journey details by the Indian customs department.
Criteria involved- origin country,
Outcome: Outcome: age of the traveler, stay period,
Enough demand One of the three matches Add Text Add Text
3 requests were matched. etc.
for peer to peer agreed for reward points during
Products are alcohol,
delivery 5th term while on exchange
jewelry and electronics.
MS-Pro Price on ₹ 61,187
Shipping Charge ₹ 3,811
Customs ₹ 19,243
Minimum Savings ₹ 2,250
Maximum Savings ₹ 13,625
Way Forward
Automate the matching
between the respective parties
on the BroAbro platform.
Partnering with third-party payment
Conduct more customer systems (e.g. Neo, credit cards,
interviews to develop MVPs for etc.) for easy transaction facilities
partnering with local logistics and travel agencies for potential
networks and customer acquisition.
courier services for scanning
Providing insurance cover for
select deliveries to protect the
1 buyer against damage.
To simulate the complete
journey of the items for the
matched pairs.
Thank you
Appendix Financials
Fixed Costs Costs in Rupees
Site development and maintenance charge 1065000 one time
Domain Charges 2840 per annum
Employee Cost 2000000 per annum
Total Fixed Costs 1567840
Appendix Indian Customs rules
Appendix Matched Order Details
Carrier Details Item Location Buyer's Name
Mirfas Moideen Bangalore 3-20-2020 Dewar's White Label 1l Bangalore Debdutta
Ajay Mittal New Delhi 2-28-2020 Local Jewelry from Maldives Delhi Ranjeetha
Dhruvi Jain Bangalore 3-22-2020 Microsoft Surface Pro 16GB Bangalore Shrey Manish