Lean Canvas Powerpoint Template

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Lean Canvas BroAbro Iteration #4

Problem Solution Unique Value Unfair Advantage Customer

Proposition Segments
1. Costly to purchase 1. Get variety of items 1. Very few Carriers:
items from abroad from abroad at We connect interested competitors - People travelling or
2. Expensive cheaper prices people to order goods 2. Asset light living abroad
international courier 2. Carry other’s stuff from abroad or send integrated model - Students going on
service and earn for spare items abroad at an exchange programs
3. Low availability and baggage capacity affordable price at Buyers:
time lag in convenience. Young affluent people
availability of living in Tier-I cities
foreign items Senders:
4. Excess capacity in Key Metrics Channels - Relatives of NRIs
bag. Easy way to 1. No. of buyers and 1. Social media
- Parents of students
earn quick money sellers signed up advertising-
living abroad
(opportunity) on the website YouTube travel
2. No. of orders per influencers
month 2. Word of mouth Early Adopters:
3. Average time taken 3. Digital marketing People traveling for
in delivery 4. Travel agencies for business purpose and
4. Gross Merchandise customer students
Value acquisition

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

1. Platform development cost 1. Margin on facilitation charges
2. Technology cost 2. Ads on the website
3. Marketing cost 3. Premium on urgent deliveries
4. Logistics and distribution cost
5. Administrative cost


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