Deped Email Validation Process: Information and Communications Technology Unit
Deped Email Validation Process: Information and Communications Technology Unit
Deped Email Validation Process: Information and Communications Technology Unit
1. Gather Escalate
5. Is
DepEd Emails
validation N
2. Update Employee’s correct?
DepEd Email
4. N
Code was B Note: Clicking the "Escalate" button would
Received? automatically create a DepEd Email Management Ticket
for that particular employee. You do not have to worry
Y about succeeding validation steps as the ICT unit will be
the one who will update employee's DepEd email and
A will be automatically marked as validated.
Step 1
Gather DepEd Emails of
all employees in your
respective schools.
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Step 2
Update employees' profile to
reflect their DepEd emails
(Use "Manage Accounts"
facility to accomplish this
task). Back >>
Step 3
Go to UIS - DepEd Accounts
Repository v1.0 DepEd Email
Accounts Management Module
Select an employee then click
"Send Code" button.
UIS will email a validation code to your selected employee
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Step 4
Ask the employee to login to
his/her DepEd email and
relay/send the received
validation code to you.
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Step 4: Notes
a. If the employee is not able to
login to his/her DepEd email due
to forgotten credentials. Select
that particular employee then
click "Escalate".
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Step 5
Verify if employee's validation
code is the same as the one
under UIS - DepEd Accounts
Repository v1.0 DepEd Email
Accounts Management Module
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Step 6
If the validation code is the
same, select the employee
then click "Validate"
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Additional Notes
Using the DepEd Accounts Repository v1.0 system, you
may store employees deped email passwords provided
that they explicitly agree and that they understand the
risk of storing passwords on the system. Ensure that
they understand that their passwords are stored with
encryption (not readable to hackers incase of data
breach) but are visible to you as ICT Coordinators and
to the ICT Unit being the systems and database
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Thank You