HW6 Gerardo Haro Dominguez
HW6 Gerardo Haro Dominguez
HW6 Gerardo Haro Dominguez
Software Architecture 5B Bis
Stimulus: The user needs to create, delete, update or moderate the sellers, the properties
or the testimonials of the feed. In response, the user fills the formulary login credentials.
Artifact: Security through a two-factor authentication (2FA), help for forgotten password,
cross browser compatibility and error handling.
Response: The website shows the administrator the available options and features that
only his user level has, instantly after entering his credentials.
Response measure: The webpage maintains the session of the user that logged in, even
when the user navigates through the entirety of the webpage.
Business Requirement: Ensure the security of the administrator's account and data
through two-factor authentication (2FA) and appropriate user session
User Requirement: Provide clear error messages and assistance for forgotten
passwords to facilitate a smooth login process for administrators.
Test case Description Pre - Conditions Test steps Expected results Status BUGS /
type Errors
Functionality It is a Log in Admin must have Go to the website, Admin logged Works correctly, N/A
screen for been registered enter admin into the redirects to the
administrators. previously in order section, and enter management index for
to log in. credentials. system. administrators.
Security Unregistered User must enter When user enters The website If correct N/A
administrators invalid user credentials, these compares credentials, the
cannot log in credentials to are formatted credentials and user is redirected,
due to trigger security then verified with grants access or else an error
verifications. measures. the database. rejects access to message is
the system. displayed.
Usability The input fields Admin must have Admin enters the The webpage The login section N/A
must be easy to his own personal custom email, displays the indicates clearly
fill and intuitive. credentials. then the CRUD options which is the
password and after clicking expected input of
then click on ‘Iniciar sesion’. each field.
‘Iniciar Sesion’.
Scenario 2: Creating a property
Stimulus: Admin needs to create a property, adding a title, a description, specifying the
number of rooms, bathrooms, and place for vehicles, adding an image, price and the
name of a Real Estate agent.
Artifact: The function should upload the corresponding data to the database, so it must
be reliable.
It must accept images up to 10mb and should make them lighter, also the create function
must have all the inputs filled.
Response: A new property should be created in the index of the admin section, to which
also the user is redirected to.
Response measure: PHP displays visual feedback in the index as a green box with a
success message, maintains user session and the property is displayed for the normal
users in the feed.
• System Administrator
2. User Goal:
• Then, the administrator fills in all fields, selects the agent, and uploads
property image.
• The system validates all input data, checks for proper formatting, required
fields, optimizes uploaded images and saves the property data and image file
paths to the database.
• Finally the webpage displays a success message in a green box in the admin
index and redirects the administrator to the updated admin index, now
displaying the new property making the new property visible in the public
feed for potential buyers/renters.
4. Alternate course of events:
respective fields, highlighting the issues, for example: "Please enter a valid
price," "Image file size exceeds 10MB", etc.
• Administrator attempts to upload an image larger than 10MB or in an
unsupported format.
• System displays an error message indicating the issue and provides
All the system administrators have the same use case course since nothing is
different for any admin and there are no admin levels that provide different
privileges or special functions.
Test cases 2
Test case type Description Pre - Conditions Test steps Expected Status BUGS / Errors
Usability The post form Admin must Fill in all the New post is The uploading Users may
must be have logged in required inputs created and process works enter an
intuitive and previously. and click displayed on as expected. invalid input
indicate if a ‘Crear’. the index. for a field.
field is
Scenario 3: Deleting a property
Stimulus: Admin needs to delete a property because it was either sold or rented, first logs
in and then clicks on the red deletion button in the CRUD menu.
Stimulus source: Logging in and previously created a property for the feed.
Artifact: A confirmation popup box that asks the user to confirm deletion of the
corresponding property.
Response: The webpage removes the property of the admin index section, to which also
Response measure: PHP displays visual feedback in the index as a red box with a
success message, maintains user session and the property is deleted for the normal
users in the feed.
User Requirement: Offer the ability to recover accidentally deleted properties within a
specified timeframe.
Software Requirement: Ensure the property listing is removed from both the admin index
and the user-facing feed upon deletion.
Scenario 3: Identifying sections
Scenario 3 use case: Administrator deletes a property
• System Administrator
Step 2: Define User Goal:
Administrator logs into the system and navigates to the admin index displaying the list of
Administrator locates the property they want to delete and clicks the red "Delete" button
associated with that property. Then, the system displays a confirmation popup asking the
administrator to confirm their intention to delete the property, if confirmed, the administrator
clicks "Yes".
If not, the administrator clicks "No" or "Cancel."
System Response (If Confirmed):
• The webpage removes the property listing from the database and removes the property
listing from the admin index, as well as from the public user feed.
• System displays a red success message in the admin index.
Step 4: Alternate Courses of Events:
Administrator clicks "Cancel" in the confirmation popup and the system closes the popup and
does nothing. The property remains in the system.
Admin Action: (Implementation dependent) Administrator accesses a "Recently Deleted" section
within a specified timeframe.
System provides an option to restore the deleted property.
Step 5: Common Course Use Case:
All administrators will follow the same deletion process. But, their reasons for deleting properties
could vary.
Test cases 3
Test case type Description Pre - Conditions Test steps Expected Status BUGS / Errors
Functionality Deleting a listed Property must User logs into The property is Works fine N/A
post from the be created first. management deleted from every time.
catalogue. system, clicks index and
on the desired management
property and view.
clicks ‘Borrar’.
Security Recovery Property must User clicks The post is Works fine N/A
option and a have been ‘Borrar’, clicks deleted or every time.
confirm deleted confirm or recovered
deletion box. previously. cancel. Click on depending on
‘deleted the intention of
properties’, and the admin.
recover desired
Usability Delete option A propert must User searches Property is Works fine N/A
must be easy have been desired post deleted from every time.
and intuitive to created and clicks the the user’s and
use. previously. red ‘Borrar’ admin’s view.