SE3741w Software Verification and Validation (SQT) - W3
SE3741w Software Verification and Validation (SQT) - W3
SE3741w Software Verification and Validation (SQT) - W3
Software Verification
and Validation (SQT) –
Lecture 0
Lecture Goals: Breaking the
Ice Session
In depth knowledge and practice of basics in
Software: Verification, Validation, Quality and Testing
Main concepts include
Introduction to Quality and Testing
Testing Levels and Techniques
Verification and Validation Practices
Verification and Validation of Test cases
Current Research areas in Quality and Testing
Exploration of testing tools
Application of Quality and Testing
Every single application follows principles of Quality
and Testing
Course Policies and Outline (cont.)
Software Engineering-A Practitioner’s Approach, 8th Ed, Roger S.
Pressman.(Part Three: Quality Management)
Reference Material
Software Quality Assurance: Integrating Testing, Security, and Audit
(Internal Audit and IT Audit), Abu Sayed Mahfuz, Auerbach Publications,
Practical Model-Based Testing: A Tools Approach, Mark Utting and Bruno
Legeard, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, 2006.
Software Quality Engineering, Testing, Quality Assurance, and
Quantifiable improvements, Jeff Tian, IEEE Computer Society, 2005.
Any other supplementary material required will be provided as link in the
Course Outline
Hope to have a great learning
journey with you all!
Good Luck