180 Syllabus Spring2011

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CNIT 180 Introduction to Systems Development

Spring 2011

Course Description

This course introduces information systems development. Topics include types of information systems, system
development, database management systems, and problem solving. Students will read/create UML, ERD, and data flow
diagrams to model information system objects, data, processes, and logic. Labs emphasize modeling and SQL/QBE
querying to prepare students for later systems, programming, and database classes. Given user requirements, students will
design, construct, and test a personal computer information system.

Organization and Schedule Lecture 2, Lab 2, Credit 3

Semester Meeting Type Days Time Location Dates
Spring 2011 Lecture 01 TR 12:30 – 1:20 ME 156 Jan. 10 – May. 07, 2011
Lab 02 W 11:30 – 1:20 KNOY 310 A Jan. 10 – May. 07, 2011
Lab 03 W 3:30 – 5:20 KNOY 310 A Jan. 10 – May. 07, 2011
Lab 04 W 1:30 – 3:20 KNOY 310 A Jan. 10 – May. 07, 2011

Testout see exam policies below - must have Form #231 filled out and signed by
Advisor - permission required from the course manager.

Prerequisites none
Corequisites none

Course Description and/or Theme

Keywords Applicable to Career Development and Job Hunting (subject to change)

• Data Flow Diagram • Query by Example (QBE)

• Database Management Systems • Structured Query Language (SQL)
• Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) • Systems Development Life Cycle
• Information Systems • Uniform Modeling Language
• Object Oriented Modeling • Use Case Modeling
Information Technology Used In This Course

• Microsoft Windows XP
• Microsoft Access 2007
• Microsoft Visio or Visual Paradigm
Course Audience
C&IT 180 is a required course for majors. The typical student is a freshman.
Course Coordinator
Name Office Phone Email Address Office Hours
Jeff Brewer Knoy 243 496-6838 [email protected] TBA
Course Instructor

Name Office Phone Email Address Office Hours

Alejandra, Magana Knoy 335 494-3994 [email protected] TBA

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Graduate Teaching Assistant

Name Office Phone Email Address Office Hours

TBA TBA TBA [email protected] TBA

Required Textbooks, Lab Manuals, and Supplies

Lecture Textbook

Shelly, Gary B., Rosenblatt, Harry J., Systems Analysis and Design, 8th edition, (2010), Boston, MA, Course Technology
Cengage Learning, (732 pages). ISBN 978-0-324-59766-0.

Student Objectives

After successfully completing this course, the student will be able to:

1. Define an information system and describe its components. Identify various types of information systems and explain who uses them.
2. Discuss the role of the information technology department and the systems analyst. Identify those skills needed to successfully function as an
information systems analyst.
3. Describe the SDLC and explain how it serves as a framework for systems development and business modeling. Describe the essential phases of
systems development. Define, describe, and discuss the triggers that initiate a systems development project. Describe cross life-cycle activities that
overlap multiple systems development phases. Explain project management and describe various tools, including Gantt charts and PERT/CPM
4. Distinguish between structured analysis, object-oriented analysis, and agile methods. Explain joint application development (JAD), rapid application
development (RAD), and agile methods.
5. Define various types of feasibility, including technical, economic, and schedule. Classify costs and benefits into various categories, including
tangible or intangible, direct or indirect, fixed or variable, and developmental or operational.
6. Describe servers, server-based processing, clients, and client-based processing and explain client/server architecture, including tiers. Explain the
difference between batch and on-line processing and define network topology, including hierarchical, bus, ring and star models.
7. Describe data and process modeling concepts and tools, including data flow diagrams, a data dictionary, and process descriptions.
8. Define object modeling terms and concepts, including objects, attributes, methods, messages, classes, and instances. Describe Unified Modeling
Language (UML) tools and techniques, including use cases, use case diagrams, class diagrams, sequence diagrams, state transition diagrams, and
activity diagrams.
9. Discuss output design issues and various types of output. Design various types of reports, and suggest output controls and security.
10. Explain the concept of user interface design and human-computer interaction, including the basic principles of user-centered design.
11. Design and create a small, personal, relational database including tables, relationships, input forms, queries, reports.
Instructor Objectives
Your instructor’s goal is to maximize the educational experience of those students who bring an appropriate, sincere
effort and serious interest in the subject matter to the classroom. The instructor will do her best to be consistent and
fair throughout the class. If you have any problems during the course of the semester please talk with me. If you still
are not satisfied with the outcome please contact the course manager immediately.
Course Requirements and Learning Assessment

Knowledge Students are expected to demonstrate an understanding of information systems design that
surpasses memorization. Quizzes and examinations will be used to assess this level of

Techniques Students are expected to demonstrate the application of information systems design tools and
techniques. Laboratory assignments and a project will assess this level of learning.

How Final Grades will be Determined (subject to change with notice)

Assessment Mechanism Points Weight
Out-of-Lab Assignments 20 pts each 20 %
Quizzes and Class participation 100 pts total 15 %
Project 100 pts total 15 %
Lecture Exams (2) 100 pts each 15 %
Lab Exams (2) 100 pts each 20 %
Final Exam (comprehensive) 200 pts 15 %
TOTAL:100 %

Grading Scale
Grade Scale
A 90 - 100 %
B 80 - 89 %
C 70 - 79 %
D 60 - 69 %
F 0 - 59 %
Miscellaneous Notes and Comments
1. Your grade in this course will be determined by your performance on several essential criteria: quizzes, laboratory
assignments, a project, laboratory exams, and lecture examinations.
2. Border-line grade cases will be evaluated objectively in descending order, using course grades to determine if the
instructor feels that the student deserves the higher grade. In no case will one student with a lower percentage
(i.e. 79.35%) be given a higher grade unless it has already been determined that all students with a higher
percentage (i.e. 79.58%) will also be raised to a higher grade. NOTE: For example, a 79.99% is NOT a “B”, it is a
3. Incompletes will only be given under the following conditions: Documented illness or approved absence from the
University (approval comes from the Dean of Students). In this situation, any makeup work must be completed
within a period of time equal to the absence, beginning immediately after the absence.

Course Policies

Attendance, Preparation, and Courtesy Expectations and Policies

1. Attendance is required if you expect to do well in this course. Class lectures will assume that reading
assignments have been done of the chapter to be discussed for that day. As a result, class participation, tests or
quizzes will be conducted without any previous announcement. You are responsible for all material outlined in
blackboard’s calendar. In the event of absence, you are responsible for obtaining notes and assignments
from fellow classmates. Do not expect the instructor to provide this material on an individual basis. Refer to
the University Regulations handbook.
2. In the event of an extended absence (usually five days or longer), you should contact the Dean of Students Office
to report the absence (The instructor determines what is considered an excused absence.) Upon your return, you
must promptly contact your instructor to determine if and how missed work will be made up.
3. In the event that your instructor is not present when class is scheduled to begin, you are required to wait 15
minutes as a professional courtesy. After that time, you may leave without any penalty.
4. If during this course, you experience a managerial problem with the conduct of the course (i.e. instructor not
available during office hours, inappropriate teaching behavior, discrimination, etc.), you should follow the
guidelines in the Student Handbook. In general, first, you must go to the instructor with whom you are
experiencing the problem. Next, go to the course manager. Finally, go to the assistant department head.
Add/Drop Expectations and Policies
1. According to C&IT educational policy, this course may not be added to any student’s academic schedule after the
end of the third week of a Fall or Spring semester (or equivalent for a Summer semester) except under very
extenuating circumstances to be approved by the Assistant Department Head of Computer Technology. If you add
the class late you have one week from the time you enroll to make up all missed work. It is your responsibility to
contact the lecture instructor and lab instructor as to what you need to makeup.
2. Withdrawals from this course are possible at any time; however, refer to the mortar board for published university
withdrawal dates. For students withdrawing after the deadline for withdrawing without a grade, grades will be
based on overall course performance. It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from this course. Students who
do not officially withdraw will be given an “F”. Refer to the University Regulations handbook.
Quiz and Exam Policies
1. Missed quizzes and class participation CANNOT be made up for any reason. They may be excused IF you provide
adequate documentation.
2. The instructor reserves the right to give any type of quiz at any time during any class period, including multiple
quizzes in the same class period.
3. Students who miss an examination must make arrangements with the instructor to complete that work within one
(1) week of returning to class. Failure to do so will result in a score of zero. Students who miss the final
examination (for a valid reason) will generally receive an incomplete ("I") course grade. It is the student’s
responsibility to promptly notify the instructor and provide documentation proving the reason for missing the
4. Any student who has three final exams scheduled during one day or who has a direct conflict with another exam
has the right to reschedule one of their exams. The student must make arrangements with the course
coordinator before the last week of regularly scheduled classes or they will not be allowed to reschedule their
exam even if they have three during one day or have a direct conflict. Students missing the final exam (for an
unexcused reason) will receive a zero for the exam and their grade will be calculated accordingly.
5. According to C&IT policy, graded final examinations for 100- and 200-level courses will not be returned. They are

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retained by the department for possible modification and use in course test-outs.

Homework Policies and Quality Expectations

1. Excused late lab assignments must be turned in within one week of returning to class to receive full credit.
Documentation proving the excused absence may be required at the time the lab assignment is made up.
Unexcused lab assignments may be turned in within one week of the original due date for half (1/2) credit.
Unexcused lab assignments turned in after one week of the original due date will receive a score of zero.
Re-Grading Policies
1. It is the students' responsibility to keep all graded materials that have been returned. The instructor's
grades will be assumed to be accurate unless you can prove otherwise. Always keep an electronic copy of ALL
work turned in to your instructor. Any student wishing a re-grade must submit a WRITTEN document indicating the
specific section the student is requesting a re-grade of and a complete explanation (rationale) of why the student
feels that they deserve a different grade. Verbal re-grade requests will not be accepted! Re-grade requests must
be made within two weeks of the students’ receipt of the graded material. The instructor reserves the right to
regrade the entire assignment and not just the specific portion in question. Your grade may be raised or lowered
by a regrade request.
2. According to University regulations, only final course grades can be “appealed.” There is a formal School of
Technology and University timetable and process for grade appeals. It must be followed exactly! Questions about
grade appeals should be directed to the Assistant Department Head of Computer Technology or the Chair of the
School of Technology Grade Appeals Committee.
Lab Policies and Expectations
1. If you use TCN or ITAP laboratories, you are responsible for all laboratory policies – including the security policies
that govern your account. Policies do change from time to time; therefore, you should review the TCN and ITAP
Laboratory Policies at the beginning of each semester. Accounts can be temporarily or permanently suspended
for policy violations. In the event that your account is suspended for any laboratory policy violation or you forget
your password, this course will not extend deadlines or eliminate late penalties for assignments that could not be
completed because of the suspension. Forgotten passwords require a minimum 24-hour turnaround (with no
extension of deadlines).
2. During this course you will be using personal computer workstations. These workstations provide assess to state-
of-the-art micro-computer tools. You will need to keep backups of all your computer work. Your instructor is not
responsible for loss of data or workstation or printer failure.
Academic Dishonesty (“Cheating”) Policies
1. Any student who cheats on an examination, quiz, or lab exercise or who assists another student in cheating
during any of the above will have action taken by the course coordinator and the action could be as severe as
FAILING the course. The case will also be forwarded to the Dean of Students for possible university action.
Cheating includes, but is not limited to, crib sheets, copying answers from another student, gaining unauthorized
access to exams or answers, submitting any other person's work as your own, working together on any class work
that has not been specifically authorized, submitting any previous semesters work, or other similar offenses.

Disabling Conditions
1. Any student who, because of a disabling condition, may require special arrangements in order to meet course
requirements should contact the instructor by the third week of class in order to make necessary
accommodations. Students must work with the Dean of Students Office in order to receive special
accommodations for this class.

General Course Outline (subject to change w/out notice)

1. Introduction to Systems Analysis & Design
2. Analyzing the Business Case
3. Requirements Modeling
4. System Architecture
5. Financial Analysis Tools
6. Object Modeling
7. Data & Process Modeling
8. Data Design
9. Development Strategies
10. Output & User Interface Design
11. CASE Tools
12. Managing Systems Implementation
13. Managing Systems Project

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Prepare for Campus Emergency
For information about campus emergency see: http://www.itap.purdue.edu/tlt/faculty/

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