2 - UNIT1-3 - Impact of Globalization
2 - UNIT1-3 - Impact of Globalization
2 - UNIT1-3 - Impact of Globalization
exerted by economic,political,social,cultural
and financial processes across the globe
It offers not only numerous challenges to
strong licensing laws
Focus on import substitution
Development of several small scale industries
Opened the economy partially to the foreign
Trade and delicensed some key sectors for
private participation
Devt of joint ventures-maruthi suzuki
Phase4-Since 1990s
Further liberalization of industries
The scope of liberalization was significantly
Welcome to FDI
Phase5-2000 onwards
Companies began to reap the rewards of the
various phases of development learning
Economic Globalization
Financial Globalization
Political Globalization
Cultural Globalization
Globalization of production
Globalization of markets
Globalization of competition
Globalization of technology
Globalization of corporations
and industry
Economic liberalization
Technological breakthroughs
Manufacturing technology
Transportation technology
Information and communication technology
Multilateral institutions
Internationaleconomic integrations
Move towards the market systems
Rising research and development costs
Global expansion of business
Advents in logistics management
Emergence of global customer segment
Regulatory controls
Emerging trade barriers
Cultural factors
War and civil disturbances
Managerial myopia(little interest)
Trade openness
Gains of globalization
-India’s Trade Policy, Organizations for
International Trade Promotion,SEZs
ITC, Import Promotion Organizations,