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New Microsoft Word Document
New Microsoft Word Document
1 - Globalization
2 – Globalization in India
4 – Future challenges
6- Consequence
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word 'globalization' was
first employed in a publication entitled Towards New Education in 1930, to
denote a holistic view of human experience in education
Globalization :- Inexorable integration of market , nation-states
and technology to a degree never witnessed before in a way that is enabling
individuals , corporations and nation-states to reach round the world
farther, faster , deeper and cheaper than ever before(t. friedman 1999)
Some group of scholars and activists view globalization not as an
inexorable process but as a deliberate ideology project of economic
liberalization that subjects states and individuals to more intense market
Globalization is a net positive for the world economy. Increased
flows of goods, services and capital across national borders generally
enhance efficiency and should help individual economies become more
flexible and resilient. But there are some cost as well; one that pertains to
monetary policy is that globalization makes it harder to see what’s driving
the economic events that we have to deal with.
Key characteristics of globalization can be defined as trade, FDI,
financial flow, technology.
Globalization in underpinned by liberalization of economic policies
and by technological advances that continue to facilitate transport and
communications networks. Even through it is generally characterized as a
recent phenomenon, globalization can be perceived as an extension of the
process of internationalization. Increased participation in the world
economy is expected to many important benefits:
• Better resource allocation ,
• Increased competition to achieve international stand and of efficiency
and wider options for consumers , and
• Provider opportunities to tap international capital market and
exposure to new ideas, technologies and product.
Globalization has drawn attention to itself as a consequence of its rapid
acceleration. The spread and integration of people, commerce, knowledge
and culture across the planet has advanced since the dawn of civilization.
It is only over the most recent generation that, driven by microchip
technology, cheap transportation and an avaricious business culture, the
intensity of globalization has delivered controversial results.
The pace of change is most apparent in developed countries. Most
everyday household goods and clothing are imported from a single country,
China; simple enquiries about banking or insurance may involve a call
centre in India, and flexible educational courses are available from
institutions across the world through distance learning.
These illustrations of globalization are broadly positive in their effect,
creating space for personal fulfillment, stimulating wealth through
efficiency and encouraging cross-cultural experience. They also betray how
these rewards are weighted towards those whose circumstances are already
relatively prosperous.
Now let we discuss about component or characteristics of globalization.
These may be FDI, trade, fund flow or anything else but overall emphasis on
market or unity of world market is main aim.
• Economic integration: the integration of economy implies that
the economies of all nations-states should be open to invest and
work as whole with the help of one another to maximize the profit
and improve the life standard of their citizens. This ideology
favored a diminished role for government through privatization of
state-owned enterprises and deregulation of barriers to foreign
trade and investment. A key tenet of this model is to maximize
opportunity and minimize regulations for capitalist enterprise. And
corporations, as the organs of capitalism, had been presented with
what they desire above all else – a massive increase in the size of
the market.
• Foreign direct investment (FDI): Foreign direct investment (FDI)
refers to long term participation by country A into country B. It
usually involves participation in management, joint-venture, transfer
of technology and expertise. (FDI) is a measure of foreign ownership
of productive assets, such as factories, mines and land. Increasing
foreign investment can be used as one measure of growing economic
globalization. Foreign investment can be a significant driver of
development in poor nations. It provides an inflow of foreign capital
and funds, in addition to an increase in the transfer of skills,
technology, and job opportunities.
• Deregulation and liberalization: Deregulation of market and
liberalization or no barrier market is important to flourish
globalization. Most countries have, often as a result of global,
regional, and bilateral trade and investment negotiations, lowered
barriers to trade and investment. These barriers include trade quotas
and tariffs as well as national capital controls. Although
deregulation and liberalization occur at different speeds in different
countries, the trend is world-wide. The major financial institutions,
such as the IMF and the World Bank, are also partly responsible
through encouraging and facilitating the introduction of market-
based economic policies in their programs. There is no doubt that the
acceleration of integration has led to new relationships and realities.
International production has become a central structural
characteristic of the world economy.
• Technology: Technology is an important factor of globalization. The
technological revolution in information processing, communications
and transportation made it much easier to create a global production
chain and distribution networks. It makes it easier for companies to
integrate their subsidiaries as well as build ties with suppliers and
customers. The use of technology not only facilitates working across
borders, it also brings changes in work relations. More and more
people are working at home or in call centers. Production techniques
are also changing. Old systems for the mass production of standard
products are being replaced by methods that allow shorter
production runs of more differentiated products.
Translation: Sheena