Freedom Is Not Worth Having If It Does Not Include The Freedom To Make Mistakes
Freedom Is Not Worth Having If It Does Not Include The Freedom To Make Mistakes
Freedom Is Not Worth Having If It Does Not Include The Freedom To Make Mistakes
CHARLES. W. L. HILL Defines Globalization as
“ The Shift towards a more integrated and interdependent world
economy. Globalization has two main components- the Globalization of
markets and Globalization of Production”.
*Globalization of markets refers to the process of integrating and
merging of distant world markets into a single market.
*This process involves the identification of some common norms,
values, tastes, preferences and conveniences and slowly
enables the cultural shift towards the use of a common product
or service.
Features of it
4. Procure funds from any source in the globe, wherever the cost of
capital is low with feasible terms and conditions
Exporting directly
Exporting indirectly
Licensing and franchising
Contract manufacturing
Establishing full marketing facilities
Establishing manufacturing facility
Joint venture
Strategic alliance
What Is Economic Environment?
1. Economic Conditions
2. Economic System
3. Economic Policies
4. International Economic
5. Economic Legislations
Economic Conditions
Economic Policies of a business unit are largely
affected by the economic conditions of an economy.
Any improvement in the economic conditions such as
standard of living, purchasing power of public,
demand and supply, distribution of income etc. largely
affects the size of the market.
Business cycle is another economic condition that is
very important for a business unit. Business Cycle has
5 different stages viz.
(i) Prosperity,
(ii) Boom,
(iii) Decline,
(iv) Depression,
(v) Recovery.
Following are mainly included in
Economic Conditions of a country
Industrializing countries
Less dependency on agriculture.
Occupational mobility of the people from
agriculture to industry.
People migrate from rural to urban areas.
Increase in literacy, formal education and
increased wage rates.
Low wage costs compared to advanced countries.
High exports and repaid economic dev
D. High Income countries.(GNP Per capita more
than $ 12000)
Economic Legislations:-
Besides the above policies, Governments of different
countries frame various legislations which regulates and
control the business.