Test On Anatomy and Physiology of The Heart

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Test on Anatomy

and Physiology of
the Heart
HMU English Club
Question 1
• A part of the heart will block the esophagus
when it enlarges. This makes the patient has
difficulty in swallow. What is it?

A . Left atrium
B . Right atrium
C . Left ventricle
D . Right ventricle
E . The aorta
The answers

Question 2
• What is the branch of the left coronary artery
which supplies the anterior aspect of both
ventricles and passes around the apex of the
heart to anatomose with the posterior
interventricular branch of the right coronary?

A . Posterior interventricular branch

B . Anterior interventricular branch
C . Left coronary artery
d. Right coronary artery
The answer
The answer
• Question 2: B – the anterior interventricular
artery is the most important branch of the left
coronary artery. It continues this artery and
passes in the anterior interventricular groove.
At the apex of the heart, it anatomoses with
the posterior interventricular artery – one
branch of the right coronary artery
Question 3
• If there is a blockage between the AV node
and AV bundle, how will this affect the
appearance of the ECG ?

A . P – R interval would be smaller

B . QRS interval would be longer
C . There would be more P waves than QRS complexes
D . There wuold be more QRS complexes than P waves
E . The P wave would not be present
The answers

Question 3: C
Question 4
• In fetal circulation, what connects the
pulmonary artery to the aorta ?

A . The left pulmonary artery

B . The foramen ovale
C . The ductus anteriosus
D . The ductus venosus
E . The umbilical veins
The answer

Question 5
• Cardiac muscle …..

A . Can be found in hollow viscera

B . Is involuntary muscle
C . Is also reffered to as non–striated muscle
D . Has cross-striation
The answers
Question 5: D
Question 6
• The first heart sound is heard:

A . When the atria finish contracting

B . When the ventricles begin to contract
C . During the contraction of the ventricles
D . When the ventricles finish contracting
E . In the beginning of the diastole
The answer
The answer
• Question 6 : The first heart sound is heard
when the AV valves close. When the
ventricles begin to contract, the pressure in
the ventricular chambers elevate and reach
over the pressure in the atrial chambers; thus
lead to closures of AV valves.
Question 7
• Normal splitting of the second heart sound
(S2) into two components is increased during
inspiration because:

A . The closing of the aortic valve is delayed

B . The opening of the mitral valve is delayed
C . The closing of the pulmonic valve is delayed
D . The stroke volume of the left ventricle is increased
E . The heart rate is decreased
The answer
The answer
• Question 7: C - The second heart sound (S2) is produced
by vibrations in the arterial blood column and arterial walls
as the aortic and pulmonic valves undergo tension during
closure. Heard over the left sternal border, this sound
normally can be resolved into two components
representing closure of the aortic and pulmonic valves.
Resolution is greatest during inspiration, when venous
return increases on the right and prolongs right ventricular
ejection. Any event that delays closure of the pulmonic
valve thus enhances the splitting; delayed closure of the
aortic valve or early closure of the pulmonic valve
diminishes the splitting. Closure of the mitral valve and
atrial systole influence the first heart sound (S1).
Question 8
• The heart rate decreases when :

A . The blood pressure of the carotid sinus increases

B . The blood flow to the right atrium increases
C . The pressure of oxygen in arterial blood decreases
D . The pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood increases
E . The pH of blood decreases
The answer
• Question 8: A - When the blood pressure
increases, receptors of the carotid sinus are
stimulated and a signal is transferred to
medulla oblongata and this causes the heart
rate to decrease.
Question 9
• The following data were obtained from a 55-year-old
male patient during cardiac catheterization:
– O2 consumption = 210 ml/min
– O2 content of the right ventricular blood =
11 ml/dl
– O2 content of the brachial artery blood = 18
– Heart rate = 75 bpm.
• These data indicate that which of the following was
true during the catheterization of this patient?
Question 9
A. The tissues received 29 ml O2/dl blood flow
B. Cardiac output was about 1470 ml/min
C. Pulmonary venous O2 content was about 145
ml/dl blood
D. Right ventricular stroke volume averaged about
40 ml
E. Cardiac output was dangerously high
The answer
• Question 9: D - Using the following formula,
the right ventricular stroke volume is about 40
ml: CO = SV x HR = O2 consumption /
(O2 arterial - O2 venous)
Question 10
• The heart becomes dilated and flaccid and
also slows the heart rate. In the end, the
heart arrests in the diastole. This occurs
when we take a substance into the vein.
What substance is that ?

A. Calcium ions
B. Potassium ions
C. Adrenaline
D. Noradrenaline
The answer
• Question 10: B – Because of excession of
potassium in the extra-cellular fluids. This
makes the potential membrane decreased so
the contraction of the heart becomes
progressively weaker
• Atlas of Human Anatomy 3.0 - F. H. Netter
• Basic Histology: Text and Atlas, 11th edition -
• Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th edition -
Arthur C. Guyton M.D. - Elsevier Saunders
• NMS Physiology - National Medical Series
• PreTest Physiology, 10th edition - McGraw -
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