PAPER C Kmu 2023 (Completely Solved)

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e. Ventricular septal defect

Block Wise

Paper C past 2023

1. A patient presenting with shortness of 4. Which one of the following conditions
breath was advised echocardiography. The lead to high cardiac output caused by
findings were consistent with mitral valve reduced tatal peripheral resistance?
stenosis. Murmur can be heard in which of a. Acute venous dilatation
the phases of the cardiac cycle in this b. Arterio venous fistula
patient? c. Cardiac Tamponade
a. Atrial Systole d. Decreased blood volume
b. Isovolumetric ventricular contraction e. Valvular heart disease
c. Isovolumetric ventricular relaxation
d. Ventricular Diastole 5. When blood volume is increased above
e. Ventricular Systole normal, Bainbridge reflex is initiated.
Which one of the following is the result of
2. Coronary circulation especially in the Bainbridge reflex?
left ventricle undergo phasic changes. The a. Increased arterial pressure
blood flow to the ventricular muscle falls b. Increases cardiac output
during which of the following event? c. Increased heart rate
a. Cardiac muscle hypoxia d. Increased renal sympathetic activity
b. Diastole e. Increased sodium and water retention
c. increases levels of adenosine
d. Sympathetic stimulation 6. One of the hallmark of chronic
e. Systole hypertension is stiffer large vessels. Which
type of vascular remodeling is responsible
3. Concentric ventricular hypertrophy can for the stiff vessels?
lead to heart failure with preserved a. Hypertrophic remodeling
ejection fraction (HFpEF). Which of the b. Inward eutrophic remodeling
following conditions can lead to concentric c. inward hypertrophic remodeling
ventricular hypertrophy? d. Outward hypertrophic remodeling
a. Aortic regurgitation e. Outward remodeling
b. Aortic stenosis
c. Mitral regurgitation
d. Systolic dysfunction

7. Which one of the following is part of the d. 6000 ml/min

reflex response to an increase in arterial e . 7000 ml/min
pressure? 10. A 30-year-old man has an ejection
a. Decreased firing of carotid sinus fraction of 0.4 and an end - systolic volume
baroreceptors of 150 milliliters what is his end -diastolic
b. Increased sympathetic activity to the volume?
ventricles a. 50ml
c. Increased parasympathetic activity to the b. 100 ml
sino atrial node c. 150 ml
d. Increased parasympathetic activity to the d. 200 ml
arterioles of skeletal muscles and skin e. 250 ml
e. Increased parasympathetic activity to the
ventricles 11. Total estimated lymph flow in human
body is about 2 to 3 L/day. Which one of
8. The membrane potential at which the the following factors decreases the lymph
net diffusion of a particular ion becomes flow?
zero is a. Arterial pulsation adjacent to the
called equilibrium potential During which lymphatics
of the following phases of ventricular b. Compression by objects outside the body
action potential the membrane potential c. Contraction of surrounding skeletal
gets closest to equilibrium potential of muscles
Na+? d. Movements of different body parts
a. Phase 0 e. Prolonged periods of rest
b. Phase 1
c. Phase 2 12. The difference between the systolic
d. Phase 3 and diastolic pressure is called pulse
e. Phase 4 pressure. Which of the following
conditions causes a decrease in pulse
9. A 60-year-old woman has a resting pressure?
heart rate of 70 beats per minute, arterial a. Aortic regurgitation
pressure of 130/85 mm Hg and normal b. Aortic stenosis
body temperature. Her stroke volume is c. Arteriosclerosis
100 ml. What is her cardiac output? d. Iron deficiency anemia
a. 2000 ml/min e. Patent ductus arteriosis
b. 4000 ml/min
c. 5000 ml/min



13. A 35 year old male patient presented history of ML His heart rate is 70
with complaints of dizziness, and reported beats/min with normal CVS examination.
spells of less of consciousness while His 24 hour ECG monitoring showed
performing everyday activities. The patient occasional premature beats with abnormal
has a heart rate of 30 beats/min and his p-waves and normal QRS complexes. What
ECG shows complete dissociation between is the likely cause of the abnormal ECG?
P waves and QRS complexes. Where is the a. Atrioventricular (AV) block
likely location of the new pacemaker in the b. Atrial fibrillation
heart that has led to decreased heart rate? c. Premature ventricular contraction
a. Distal to AV bundle d. Premature atrial contraction
b. Inter nodal pathways e. Ventricular fibrillation
c. Inter atrial septum
d. Left atrium 16. One of the easiest ways to find the
e. SA node cardiac axis is to look for " equiphasic" QRS
complex in the limb leads if the cardiac axis
14. A 65-year-old man, with a past history of a patient is 90° in which of the following
of an inferior wall Myocardial infarction, Leads the "equiphasic" QRS complex
presents to you with complaints of would be expected most likely?
dizziness he has a heart rate of 55 a. Lead l b. Lead lll
beats/min. An ECG is performed which c. Lead have d. Lead aVL
shows normal QRS complexes but after e. Lead aVF
every four QRS complexes a non-
conducted p-wave is seen resulting in a 17. A hypertensive patient has a systolic
dropped QRS complex. The PR intervals, blood pressure of 150 mmHg and diastolic
however, are constant throughout the ECG pressure of 90 mmHg. What is his mean
What condition is the patient suffering arterial pressure in mm Hg?
from? a. 100 b. 110 c. 120
a. Premature atrialcontraction d. 130 e. 140
b. Premature ventricular contraction
c. Second degree heart block (Mobitz type 18. During cardiac cycle, the first heart
ll) sound occurs in:
d. Second degree heart block (Mobitz type l) a. Atrial systole
e. Third degree heart block b. Ejection phase
c. Isovolumic contraction phase
15. A 50-year-old smoker presents with d. Isovolumic relaxation phase
complaints of occasional light headedness e. Ventricular diastole
and palpitations. He has no previous

19. A 6O-year-old patient admitted in CCU 23. Sympathetic stimutation of the heart
with one hour history of central chest paln, leads to:
ECG shows, ST segment elevation in leads a. Acetylcholine release at the sympathetic
ll, lll and AVF,artery involved: endings
a. Anterior Interventricular b. Decreased force of contraction of the
b.Left anterior descending atria
c. Left circumfler c. Decreased heart rate.
d. Left main trunk d. Decreased rate of conduction of the
e. Right Coranary cardiac Impulse
e. Increased force ef contraction of the
20. The resting membrane potential of the ventricles
sinus nodal fibers is:
a. -100 milivolts 24. During progressive shock,which of the
b. -90 millivolts pathophysiological mechanilsm Involved:
c. -8O miltivolts a. Decreased capillary permeability
d. -55 millivolts b. Vasomotor center failure
e. -20 millivatts c. Increased mitochondrial activity.
d. Increased urine output
21. Dilated,flaccid heart is caused by: e. Increased pH in the tissues throughout
a. Excess calcium ions in the blood the body
b. Extess potassium ions in the blocd
c. Excess sodium ions in the blood 25. The tendency for turbulent flow inside
d. Increased sympathetic stimulation a blood vessel is inversely proportional to:
e.Increased norepinephrine concentration a. Density of the blood
in the blood b. Diameter of the blood vessel
c. Elasticity of the blood vessel.
22. Increase in renal sodium excretion d. Velocity of blood flow
during heart failure is caused by. e. Viscosity of the blood
a. Decreased Glomerular filtration rate
b. Decreased mean arterial pressure 26. A 5O year-old lady presented with
c. Increased aldosterone release. headaches in the outpatient
d. Increased angiotensin Il formation. department.She had elevated arterial
e. Increased atrial Natriuretic peptide pressure and stenosis of right renal
release artery.Her left renal artery was normal.
The cause of high arterial pressure in her
case is,



a. Both kidneys retain salt and water 30. At the end of Isovolumic
b. Decreased aldosterone producticn contraction,which of the following events
c. Decreased renin production occurs?
d. Right kidney retalns salt and water a. A-V valves close
e. Toxins released by kidneys b. Aortic valve opens
c. Aortic valve closes.
27. A 40-year-old male athlete presents d. A-V valves open
for a routine check-up. ECG shows a heart e. Pulmonary valve closes
rate of 55 bpm, regular rhythm, and a PR
Interval of 0.16 seconds.What is the most 31. The decreased heart rate results by
likely diagnosis? which of the following conditions at the
a. First-degree atrioventricular block sinoatrial node:
b. Second-degree atrioventricular block a. Increased norepinephrine levels
(Mobitz l) b. Increased sodium permeabllity
c. Sinus bradycardia c. Incressed calcium permeability
d. Sinus tachycardia d. Increased potassium permeability
e. Third-degree atrioventricutar block e. Decreased acetylcholine levels

28. The mechanism by which the vessel 32. Right axis deviation in an
wall can accommodate large volume of electrocardiogram is usually caused by:
fluids without significant Increase in BP a. Aortic valve regurgitation
a. Barereceptor reflex b. Aortic valve stenosis
b. Chemoreceptor reflex e. Excess abdominal fat
c. Renin angiotensin system d. Pulmonary hypertension
d. Stretch relaxation of the vessels e. Systemic hypertension
e.Central Nervous System ischemic
response 33. If the atrioventricular node becomes
the pacemaker of the heart,what is the
29. Pulmonary edema will develop if the expected heart rate.
a. Capillary hydrostatic pressure falls a. 30 beats/min
b. Plasma colloid osmotic pressure falls b. 50 beats/min
c. Interstitial colloid osmotic pressure falls c. 65 beats/min
d. Negative Interstitial pressure increases d. 75 beats/min
e. Plasma colloid osmotic pressure increases e. 85 beats/min

34. A 65-year-old man had the

electrocardiogram recorded during his

annual physical examination Which shows 37. An enthusiastic young, man runs
missing QRS complexes after some P faster than any of his team mates and
waves. What is the most likely diagnosis reaches the top of mountain before
a. Atrial lutter anyone else.In the process he becomes
b. Atrial paroxysmal tachycardia. extremely breathless. Hyperventilation can
C. First degree A-V block. lead to which of the following?
d. Second degree A·V block. a. Metabolic acidosis
e. Third degree A-V block b. Metabolic alkalosis
c. Pulmonary edema
35. A known asthmatic patient presented d. Respiratory acidosis
to chest OPD with complaints of shortness e. Respiratory alkalosis
of breath, wheeze and dry cough.He was
advised spirometry,which showed 38. A young healthy male student is sitting
moderate obstructive changes What is the in an upright position in the class. At the
volume/capacity that a person can inhale apex of his lungs? Which statement is
above the resting tidal volume? true?
a. Expiratory reserve volume a. Both perfusion and ventilation are high
b. Inspiratory capacity b. Both perfusion and ventilation are low
c. Inspiratory reserve volume c. Perfusion and ventilation are both normal
d. Residual volume d. Perfusion Is more than ventilation
e. Total lung capacity e. Ventilation is mare than perfusion

36. A 60 year old man with known history 39. In a healthy young, adult male,during
of Interstitial lung disease presented to normal Inspiration,expansion of the chest
Chest OPD with shortness of breath. He cage pulls outward on the lungs and cause
was advised Arterial Blood Gases,which thepleural pressure to reach an average
showed Type 1 Respiratory failure.The value of?
gaseous exchange in alveoli ls shows which a. About zero centimeters of water
of the following type of transport? b. About +1 centimeters of water
a. Active transport c. About -1 centimeters of water
b. Co transport d. About -5 centimeters of water
c. Osmosis e. About -7.5 centimeters of water
d. Passive transport
e. Simple diffusion



40. Inner surface of the alveoli in lungs are disease. As a result of alveolar septal
lined with surfactant. Surfactant helps to departitioning in emphysema, there is a
Increase the compliance of the lungs by:. decrease in which of the following:
a. Decreasing the alveolar pressure a. Airway resistance
b. Decreasing the pleural pressure b. Alveolar dead space
c. Increasing both alveolar and pleural c. Diffusing capacity
pressure d. Lung compliance
d. Increasing the alveolar pressure e. Total lung capacity
e. Increasing the pleural pressure
45. The force that keeps the alveoli open is
41. Which one of the following lung the
volumes/capacities can be measured by a. Atmospheric pressure
spirometry? b. Alveolar pressure
a. Functional Residual capacity c. Transmural pressure
b. Physiological dead space d. Intraabdominal pressure
c. Residual volume e. Arterial pressure
d. Total lung capacity
e. Vital capacity 46. Zone 1 can be produced in a lung in the
following scenario.
42. Chemoreceptors for CO2 are located in a. Deep Inspiration b. Exercise
which of the following structures? c. Gasping d. Sleep
a. Cortex b. Medulla e. Ventilator
c. Midbrain d. Pons
e. Thalamus 47. A 65-year-old male presented to the
OPD with complaints of Cough and
43. Binding oxygen with hemoglobin tends Shortness of breath.On examination he
to displace carbon dioxide from the had a wheezy chest.He has been smoking
blood.Indeed,this effect,called the: 15-20 cigarettes/day.He was diagnosed as
a. Acid base normalizing a case of Emphysema, the expected
b. Bohar effect changes in his dead space would be:
c. Haldane effect a. Decrease in Anatomical dead space
d. Hemoglobin dissociation b. Decrease in Physiological dead space
e. Oxygen dissociation c. Increase in Anatomical dead space
d. Increase in Physiological dead space
44. A 76-year-old patient with emphysema e. No change in Physiological dead space
presents for his annual pulmonary function
testing to assess the progression of his

48. Following best describes the primary

function of pulmonary surfactant in the 52. Asthma cccurs as a result of:
lungs: a. Elasticity of lungs is reduced
a. Enhances oxygen transport in the blood b. Degradation of alveolar wall occurs
b. Facilitates gas exchange c. Spasmodic contraction of smooth musdes
c. Prevents alveolar collapse of bronchioles
d. Promotes CO2 delivery in blood d. Damage to epithelium ef bronchioles
e. Regulates bronchial smooth muscle tone e. Damage to respiratory center

49. Which of the following factors does 53. A 36-year·old woman is found
NOT affect the rate of gas diffusion in the comatose at her home and life-flighted to
lungs? the nearest regional medical center.Blood
a. Surface area of the alveoll gases reveal a normal Pao2 but a lower
b. Thickness of the respiratory membrane than normal arterial O2 saturation which
c. Partial pressure gradient of oxygen. of the following condition is most
d. Lung compliance consistent with the findings?
e. Partial pressure gradient of carbon a. Anemia
dioxide b. Carbon monoxide poisoning
c. Hypoventilation
50. What is the term for the volume of air d. Low V/Q ratio
that remains In the lungs even after a e. Right-to-left Shunt
maximal exhalation?
a. Compliance 54. A 35-year-old woman with gestational
b. Expiratory reserve volume diabetes develops hypertension and
c. Inspiratory reserve volume preeclampsia, requiring the preterm
d. Residual volume e. Tidal volume delivery of her fetus of 30-weeks
gestation.The mother is giving two doses
51. The condition of lungs that involves of betamethasone,12mg ,intramuscularly
damage to the walls of alveoli which ,24 hours apart.Which of the following is
become thin-walled,confluent,creating the purpose of antenatal steroid therapy?
large air spaces is called: a. Increase fetal PO2
a. Asthma b. Increase blood flow to the fetal lungs.
b. Atelectasis c. Shift the fetal oxyhemoglobin dissociation
c. Bronchitis curve to the right.
d. Emphysema
e. Pulmonary fibrosis



d. Increase blood flow from the right atrium 59.Cardiac muscle contains which of the
into the left atrium across the foramen following CK isoenzyme?
ovale. a. BB only
e. Increase the lecithin/spingomyelin ration b. MM and BB only
in the amniotic fluid c. MM,BB and MB all three
d. MM and MB only
55. Which one of the following belongs to e. MB only
omega-3 family of fatty acids?
a. a-Linoleic acid 60. The substance that absorb cholesterol
b. Arachidonic acid from the peripheral tissues and transport it
c. Oleic acid to the liver is
d. Palmitic acid a. VLDL
e. Stearic acid b. IDL
56. The number of double bonds in d. HDL
arachidonic acid e. Chylomicrons
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3
d. 4 e. 6 61.Cephalin consists of:
a. Glycerol,fatty acid,phosphoric acid and
57. Which one of the following is choline
accommodated in Iipld bilayer? b. Glycerol,fatty acid,phosphoric acid and
a. Cholesterol ester ethanolamine
b. Free cholesterol c. Glycerol,fatty acid,phosphorie acid and
C. LDL inositol
d. TAG d. Glycerol,fatty acid,phosphoric acid and
e. VLDL serine
e. Glycerol,fatty acid,phosphoric acid and
58. The requirements of which vitamin sugar
increases when the intake of
carbohydrates Increases in diet. 62. Phospholipid acting as a surfactant is:
a. Ascorbic acid a. cephalin
b. Cholecalciferol b. phosphatidyl inositol
c. Retinoic acid c. Lecithin
d. Tocopherol d. Phosphatidyl serine
e. Thiamine e. Ganglioside



63. A 60 years old man is brought to the 68. Increasing or decreasing the substrate
emergency room with 6 hours history of will increase or decrease the ES complex
severe chest pain radiating towards left with coresponding change in
shoulder and back. What specific test is a. Vi b. Vmax c. Km
indicated? d. Enzymes e. Both a and b
a. Serum urea b. TropT
c. SGPT d. ALT 69. When further increase in substrate
e. Myoglobin concentration does not further increase
the Vi the enzyme is
64. Troponin is not normaly found In the a. Exhausted
blood.It Is released into blood when heart b. Saturated
muscles become damaged. It reaches its c. Available
peak level in: d. Inactive
a. 12-18 hours b. 72 hours e. Active
c. 18-24 hours d. 10 days
e. 4-6 hours 70. A Halo-enzyme is
a.Co-enzyme + cofactor
65. Cholesterol is not a precursor of: b.Co-enzyme + prosthetic group
a. Bile acids c.Apoenzyme + active site
b. Fatty acids d.Apoentyme + cofactor
c. Neutral sterols e. Incomplete
d. Steroid hormones
e. Vitamin D 71. In most enzymes the active site on the
enzyme's surface takes the form of
66. The highent phospholipids content ia a. Sutstrate
found in: b. Coenzyme
a. Chylomicrons b. VLDL c. LDL c. Cleft
d. HDL e. IDL d. Both a & b
e. Acyl residues
67. In humans a dietary essential fatty acid
is 72. The term apoenzyme is applicable to
a. Palmitic acid a. Simple enzyme
b. Stearic acld b. Protein part of conjugate enzyme
e. Oleic acid c. Organic cofactor of a conjugate enzyme
4. Linoleic acid d. Inorganic cofactor of a conjugate enzyme
e. Butyric aeld e. Complete enzyme



73. Serum amylase is increased in 77. Which of the following is not an

a. Acute pancreatitis antihypertensive drug?
b. fungi diseases a. Captopril
c. Cholecystitis b. Bisoprolol
d. Hyper Thyroidism c. Alpha Methyldopa
e. Myocardial infarction d. Rosuvastatin
e. Labetolol
74. Lock and Key theory of enzyme action
was proposed by 78. Which of the following Is defined as
a. Fischer persistent productive cough for at least 3
b. Koshland consecutive months in at least three
C. Kuhne consecutive year :
d. Arrhenius e. Nicholas a. Emphysema
75. According to Bohr's effect ,the oxygen- b. Chronic bronchitis
dissocation curve will be lifted to right c. Bronchiectasis
when & d. Asthma
a. Increase oxy - hemoglobin release, e. Bronchiolitis
decrease Ph,Increase Pco2
b. Decrease oxy - hemoglobin 79. The commonest vessel involved in
release,Inrease PH ,decrease Pco2 myocardial infarction is
c. Increase oxy - hemoglobin a. Right coronary artery
release,Increase Ph,deerease Pco2 b. Left circumferential artery
d. Increase oxy - hemoglobin c. Left anterior descending artery
release,decrease Ph, decrease Pco2 d. Posterior descending artery
e.Increave oxy - hemoglobin e. Lateral descending artery.
release,Increase Ph,increase Pco2
8O. The followings are the non.diarrheal
76. When the velocity of enzyme activity ls water borne diseases except
plotted against sutstrate a. Typhoid fever
concentration,which of the following is b. Hepatitis
obtained? c. Vibrio cholera
a. Straight line with negative slope d. Legionellosis
b. Straight iine with positive slope e. Polio
c. Parabola curve
d. Hyperbolic curve
e. Sigmoidal curve



81.Typhoid fever is an b. Conus artery

a. Water borne disease c. Left anterior descending artery
b. Water washed disease d. Marginal artery
c. Water based disease e. Posterior Interventricular artery
d. Water related Insect vector diseases
e. Water baied disease 86. A man is stabbed in the chest damaging
e. Both a and d the superior aperture of the thorax .Which
structure is more prone to be damaged?
82. Failure of the function of the Heart is a. Aorta
called b. Azygous vein
a. Coma b. Asphyxia c. Hemiazygous vein
c. Suffocation d. Syncope e. Inferior vena cava
8. Throating e. Thymus

83. Surest sign of ante-mortem hanging is 87. A 50 years ofd man is undergoing a
a. Dribbling of Saliva right pneumonectomy for the carcinoma of
b. Bulging of Eyes the bronchus.As the surgeon approaches
c. Petechial hemorrhages ln conjunctiva the root of the lung which structure will lie
d. Passing of urine and feces most posteriorly (in the anatomical plane)?
e. Turgescence of testicles a. Main bronchus
b. Phrenic nerve
84. The medial surface of the lung is c. Pulmonary artery
divided inte vertebral and mediastinal d. Pulmonary vein
surfaces.Which of the structure lies in the e. Vagus nerve
groove above the hilum of the right lung ?
a. Arch of aorta 88. A patient presented with cough and
b. Azygos vein shortness of breath, On imaging middle
c. Descending aorta lobe of the right lung is affected.Which of
e. Inferior vena cava the following bronchopulmonary segment
e. Subclavian artery are most likely to be involved ?
a. Anterior
85. The heart is supplied by right and left b. Apical
coronary antery.Which branch of the right c. Lateral basal
coronary artery supplies the superolateral d. Lateral and medial
side of the right heart? e. Medial basal
a. Circumflex artery



89. Horizontal fissure of the right lung d. Esophagus

separates the superior and middle lobe At e. Hemiazygous vein
which level does the horizontal fissure
meet the oblique fissure? 93. The right branch of the
a. 2nd costal cartitage Atrioventricular bundle,which is part of the
b. 3rd costal cartilage conducting system of the heart lies in
c. 4th costal cartilage which part of the trabeculae carneae
d. 5th costal cartilage muscle?
e. 6th costal cartilage a. Papillary muscles
90. Capillaries are classified Into Continous b. Moderate band
Fenestrated and Sinusoidal capillaries on c. Ridges of the right ventricle
the basis of morphology.Which ef the d. The chordae tendineae
following is not the characteristic of e. Muscular part of interventicular septum
Fenestrated capllaries?
a. Circular pores in Endothelial Cells 94. A 50 years old man was disgnosed with
b. Mostly in areas of rapid exchange of mitral valve disease in the E.R department
substances between blood and tissues of cardiology unit Usually the mitral valve
c. Mostly found in choroid plexus auscultation can te felt on which area of
,endocrine glands cilliary body ef eye the anterior thoracic wall?
d. No cytoplasm in the region of pores. a. In the left fifth inter costal space.
e. No diaphragm on pores. b. In the left second inter costal space
c. In the right second inter costal spce
91. On the posterior surface of the d. In the left fourth Inter costal space
heart,the reflection of the serous e. In the right fourth inter costal space
pericardium around the large veins forms a
recess called? 95. In 60% of the individuals the SA node
a. Transverse sinus is supplied by the artery of the sinoatrial
b. Oblique sinus node a branch of right coronary artery the
c. Vertical sinus remaining 40% is supplied by which branch
d. Atrioventricular sinus of the left coronary artery?
e. Posterior Interventricular sinus a. A branch from Circumflex artery
b. Diagonal branches
92. When standing which structure is C. Perforating Interventricular branches
laying posterior to the base of the heart? d. Posterolateral branches
a. Body of T3 & 74 e. Left obtuse branch
b. Thoracic duct
c. Azygous vein

96. During light microscopic examination e. Type 2 alveolar cells

of a tissue,you note a vessel that has na
smooth muscle but a large amount of 99. Fetal breathing movements
connective tissues at its periphery.Which a. Occur regularly and continuously
of the following vessels are you b. Facilitate exchange of oxygen and carbon
examining? dioxide between mother and fetus
a. Arteriole c. Decrease as the time of delivery
b. Venule approaches
c. Elastic artery d. Are essential for lung development
d. Capillary e. Prevent aspiration of amniotic fluid
e. Large vein
100. The azygous vein:
97. During the thoracotomy a surgeon a. Passes through the oesophageal hiatus of
observe massive bleeding from the the diaphragm
branches of internal thoracic artery he b. Crosses over the right bronchus at t6
ligated the branches of Internal thoracic c. Drains into the left brachiocephalic vein
atery and secure hemostasis.Which one is d. Draint the lower eight intercostal spaces
not a branch of internal thoracic artery? e. Drains the inferior third ef the
a. Superior epigastric oesophagus
b. Musculophrenic
c. Anterior Intercostal 101. The thoracic duct is primarily
d. Posterior intercostals responsible for
e. Anterior perforating arteries a. Passing lymph through the thorax to the
subclavian or brachiocephalic vein
98. A premature female Infant is born b. Shunting blood between the aorta and
about 24 weeks after fertilization and pulmonary trunk in fetal circulation
develops rapid, labored breathing shortly c. Transferring blood betwten the right
after birth.She is Immediately transferred atrium and left atrium
to Intensive care where she is diagnosed d. Draining blood trom the Intercostal
with hyaline membrane disease spaces
(HMO),Which of the following is most e. Connecting the right and left lungs
likely deficient in the infant?
a. Alveolar ducts 102. Which of the folowing structure pass
b. Lung surfactant behind the medial arcute ligament of the
c.Termlnal saccules diaphragm?
d. Type 1 alveolar cells a. Subcostal nerve



b. Right phrenic nerve needle may be inserted in which of the

c. Sympathetic chain following locations?
d. Epigastric artery a. Above the upper border of the ribs
e. Vagal trunks b. Deep in the upper border of the ribs
c. Beneath the lower border of the ribs
103. The coronary sinus is found in the : d. Between the external and internal
a. Posterior atrioventricular groove intercostals
b. Anterior Interventricular groove e. Through the thoracis muscle
c. Posterior Interventricular groove
d. Anterior atrioventricular groove 107. During the dissection of thoracic
e. Sulcus terminalis cavity esophageal opening was seen in the
diaphragm it is present at the level of
104. The lungs receive their blood supply which thoracic vertebrae
from: a. 7th b. 8th
a. Pulmonary arteries c. 9th d. 10th
b. Bronchial arteries e. 11th
c. Circumflex arteries
d. Coronary arteries 108. A 54-year-old patient is Implanted
e. Pulmonary veins with an artificialI cardiac pacemaker.Which
of the following conductive tissues of the
105. If the SA node becomes damaged and heart had a defective functicn that
non-functional which of these is the most required the pacemaker?
likely to occur? a. Atrioventricular(AV)bundle
a. The heart will stop b. AVnode
b. The ventricles will contract but the atria c. Sinoatrial(SA)node
will stop d. Purkinje fiber
c. Another part of the heart possibly the AV e. Moderater band
node , will become the pacemaker
d. The heart will beat faster 109. Regarding the blood supply of
e. The atria will keep contracting but the heart,anterior interventricular artery is a
ventricles will stop branch of
a. Left coronary artery
106. A 32 years old patient has a tension b. Right coronary artery
pneumothorax that cab be treated with c. Marginal branch
needle aspiration to avoid an injury of the d. Circumflex artery
Intercostal neurovascular bundle the e.Posterior interventricular artery



110. Right horn of sinus venosus contribute c. Dust cell

to which chamber of heart d. Langerhans cell
a. Left atrium e. Microglia
b. Right atrium
c. Left ventricle 115. Which layer in an artery contains the
d. Right ventricle endothelium?
e. Common ventricle a. Tunica Intima
111. Arch of aorta ls formed from which b. Tunica media
aortic arch C. Tunica externa
a. First aortic arch d. Tunica Adventitia
b. Second aortic arch e. Tunica Intermedia
c. Third aortic aren
d. Fourth aortic arch 116. The proximal part of aorta is derived
e. Fifth aortic arch from:
a. 4th arch artery
112. The cartilages, muscles and b. Proximal third of bulbus cordis
connective tissues of respiratory system c. Truncus arteriosus
develops from d. Primitive ventricle
a. Ectoderm e. Sinus vinosus
b. Endoderm
c. Intermediate mesoderm 117. The most common intervertricular
d. Somatic mesoderm septal defect (VSD) seen clinically is
e. Splanchnic mesoderm a. Persistent truncus arteriosus
b. Membranous VSD
113.What type cf epithelium lines the lobar c. Common ventricle
bronchus? d. Foramen secondum defect
a. Pseudostratified ciliated epithelium e. Premature closure of foramen ovale
b. Simple squamous epithelium
d. Simple cuboidal epithelium 118. The hepatie sinusoides develops from
c. Stratified squamous epithelium which of the embryonic veins?
e. Transitional epithelium a. Vitelline veins
b. Umbilical vein
114. Respiratory macrophage is also c. Anterior cardinal vein
known as: d. Common Cardinal vein
a. Kupffer cells e. Posterior cardinal
b. Histiocyte



119. Clara cells are non-ciliated cells

present in lining epithelium of which
a. Bronchi
b. Respiratory bronchioles
e. Terminal bronchioles
d. Trachae
e. Alveoli

120. Epithelium which cover the true vocal

a. Stratified squamous non keratinized
b. Stratified squamous keratinized
c. Pseudostratified epithelium
d. Simple cuboidal epithelium
e. Simple squamous epithelium


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