• A wave of blood being pumped into the arterial circulation by the contraction of the left ventricle
• Middle three fingertips are used for palpating all pulse sites except the apex of the heart; a stethoscope is used for assessing
apical pulses & FHT
Pulse Deficit – difference between the apical and radial counts taken simultaneously
To measure pulse deficit you will need (2)two people; one to check apical pulse while the other checks another pulse site.
*Pulse is taken one full minute. The rate of the radial pulse is subtracted from the apical.
*The difference is the pulse deficit.
***The pulse deficit is charted/recorded - A84/R68 ;Pulse Deficit = 16
@Respiration – act of breathing
Pulmonary ventilation –(breathing) movement of air in and out of the lungs
Inspiration –(inhalation) act or breathing in
Expiration –(exhalation) act of breathing out
External respiration – exchange of O2 and CO2 between alveoli and blood
Internal respiration – exchange of O2 and CO2 between blood and tissue cells
1. Costal/thoracic breathing – involves external intercostal muscles and other accessory muscles; Observed thru upward and
outward movement of the chest
2. diaphragmatic (abdominal) breathing – involves contraction & relaxation of the diaphragm
IV. BLOOD PRESSURE or Arterial blood pressure: pressure exerted on the walls of arteries when the blood is
pumped out of the heart
- Force of the blood against the
arterial walls
- Measured in millimeters of mercury
Since blood moves in waves, there are 2 BP measures:
1. Systole – the highest pressure; pressure of the blood as a result of contraction of ventricles (Heart at________)
2. Diastole – the lowest pressure; pressure of the blood when ventricles are at rest (heart at ______)
Pulse pressure – difference between the systole and diastole
• Hypertension – above 140/90 mmHg
• Hypotension – below 90/60 mmHg
• Orthostatic Hypotension – decrease in Bp when changing position
@Korotkoff’s sound –schematic diagram
@Factors that control Blood Pressure
1.Cardiac Output – amount of blood ejected from the heart per contraction
2. Blood Volume – adult has about 5-6 liters of circulating blood
3. Elasticity of arterial walls – yields upon systole and retracts upon diastole
Assessment Findings:
1. hypertension – dx made when the ave of 2 or more diastolic readings on 2 visits subsequent to initial
assessment is 90 mmHg or higher or ave of multiple systolic BP readings is higher than 140mmHg
2. hypotension = systolic pressure is consistently between 85-110 mmHg