RW-5 Applying Properties To A Well-Written Text

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Bring to the act of writing all of your craft, care,
devotion, lack of humbug, and honesty of sentiment.
And then write without looking over your shoulder for
the literary police. Write as if your life depended on
saying what you felt as clearly as you could, while
never loosing sight of the phenomenon to be

If something feels bad at you, it is bad.

(Thoughts on Writing, 2003)

The organization of ideas is invariably
one of the aspects in writing which is often
highly valued. The overriding principle of
effective and well-written text is the writer’s
knowledge of the fundamental properties of
text-organization, coherence and cohesion,
language use and mechanics.

These properties show interplay of
both the physical aspects of
organization and deeper textual
aspects. A well-written text is built
around effective paragraphing, on
coherence and on established
A well- organized piece of writing is
not only clear but also logical and
aesthetic. Existence of
organizational markers and
coherent flow of ideas are typically
the focus of evaluation of writing.
-strong organization constitutes proper
paragraphing and logical order of
presentation of ideas.

- dividing a text into paragraphs
- essentially a unit of thought not
of length
- organizing ideas
Ostrom (1978)
He averred that paragraphing is
a way of making visible to the
reader the stages in the writer’
Although the length of paragraphs
vary, most guides suggest that you
adapt paragraph length to your
topic and audience. It is also
noteworthy to point out that length
as well as the appearance does not
define a paragraph.
The unity and coherence makes the
In journalistic styles, one-sentence
paragraph is used.
Hence, paragraphing is determined
by rhetorical situation.
Blakesley and Hoogeveen (2008)
The form, length, style, and positioning
of paragraphs will vary depending on
the nature and conventions of the
medium (print or digital), the interface (
size and type of paper, screen
resolution) and the genre.
The rhetorical situation should always guide
your use of paragraphing. When you
understand paragraph conventions, your
audience and purpose, your rhetorical
situation, and your subject matter, you will be
in the best position to decide how to use
paragraphs strategically and effectively to
teach, delight or persuade with your writing..
To make your paragraph reader-
friendly, break up the mass of
words and use appropriate signals
as you make a new point.
Basics to a well-organized paragraph
1. Each paragraph must be build around a single idea termed as
the “controlling idea”
2. Create a topic sentence which is generally written as opening
sentence of paragraph
3. An appropriate technique from a variety of ways of developing
a paragraph must be employed to develop a key idea
4. In order to achieve unity, appropriate connectives between and
within paragraphs must be used

Formula of a well- structured paragraph:

STTC (single idea, topic sentence, appropriate technique and
- facilitate textual continuity
- used in discourse analysis to
describe the properties of text
- refers to the rhetorical aspects of
writing which include developing
and supporting the argument (thesis
statement development),
synthesizing, and integrating
readings, organizing and clarifiying
- grammatical aspects of
Coherence and cohesion are
connected but cannot be used
Coherence means the overall understandability of
what you write or say. When writing an essay,
coherence involves: summarizing the argument of the
essay in the introductory paragraph; presenting ideas
in a logical sequence; putting separate major points
into separate paragraphs and beginning each
paragraph with a topic sentence following by
supporting sentences. It is based more on the logic of
ideas and how they are presented.
- degree to which sentences are
connected so that the flow of ideas
is easy to follow. To achieve
cohesion, you have to use cohesive
devices, which are certain words or
phrases that serve the purpose of
connecting two statements.
Cohesion has nothing to do with content but
rather on whether the paragraph has well
connected or merely a group of unrelated
sentences. It helps locate meanings and
accommodate the understanding of a
conversation. It serves as a glue that holds
the structure.
Addition Again, also, and then, besides, first, further, finally, furthermore, in addition, in the
first place, last, moreover, next, second, still, too
Comparison Also, in the same way, likewise, similarly
Concession Granted, naturally, of course
Contrast Although, and yet, at the same time, despite that, even so, even though, however, in
contrast, in spite of, instead, nevertheless, on the contrary, on the other hand,
otherwise, regardless, yet
Emphasis Certainly, indeed, in fact, of course
Example or After all, for example, for instance, in fact, in other words, in short, it is true, of
illustration course, truly, thus
summary All in all, altogether, as has been said, finally, in brief, in conclusion, in other words,
in particular, in short, in simpler terms, in summary, on the whole, that is, to put it
differently, to summarize
Time sequence After a while, afterward, again, also, as long as, at last, at length, at that time,
before, besides, earlier, eventually, finally, formerly, further, furthermore, in the
Read this.
The ancient Egyptians were masters of preserving dead people’s
bodies by making mummies of them. Mummies several thousand
years old have been discovered nearly intact. The skin, hair, teeth,
fingernails and toenails and facial features of the mummies were
evident. It is possible to diagnose the disease they suffered in life,
such as smallpox, arthritis, and nutritional deficiencies. The process
was remarkably effective. Sometimes apparent were the fatal
afflictions of the dead people: a middle-aged king died from a
blow on the head, and polio killed a child king. Mummification
consisted of removing the internal organs, applying natural
preservatives inside and out, and then wrapping the body in layers
of bandages.
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the topic sentence?
2. Are the sentences flow clearly
related to the topic sentence?
3. Is the entire paragraph unified?
4. Does it contain irrelevant details?
Now, read this.
The ancient Egyptians were masters of preserving dead people’s
bodies by making mummies of them. In short, mummification
consisted of removing the internal organs, applying natural
preservatives inside and out, and then wrapping the body in layers
of bandages. And the process was remarkably effective. Indeed,
mummies several thousand years old have been discovered nearly
intact. Their skin, hair, teeth, fingernails and toenails and facial
features are still evident. Their diseases in life, such as smallpox,
arthritis, and nutritional deficiencies, are still diagnosable. Even
their fatal afflictions are still apparent: a middle-aged king died
from a blow on the head; a child king died from polio.
Read the paragraph and comment on how the idea are presented.
Paragraph 1
The hotel is famous. It is one of the most well-
known hotels in the country. The latest
international dancing competition was held at
the hotel. The hotel spent a lot of money to
advertise the event. Because the hotel
wanted to gain international reputation. But
not many people attended the event.
Paragraph 2
The hotel, which is one of the most well-known
hotels in this region, wanted to promote its
imge around the world by hosting the latest
international dancing completion. Although
the event was widely advertised, not many
people participated in the competition.
Paragraph 3
The latest international dancing competition
was held at the hotel, which is one of the
most well-known hotels in this region. The
hotel spent a lot of money on advertising the
event since it wanted to enhance its
international reputation; however, it failed to
attract many people.
Rewrite the paragraph to make it more coherent. Use appropriate transitional expressions.

The Human Resources department is

developing a plan to increase employee
retention. Three employees resigned from the
accounting department last month. We had to
hire temporary staff to fill the positions until
new accounting staff could be hired. Many
important accounting tasks went unfinished.
Employee retention has become a top
priority for Human resources.
- as a writer, it is important not only
to think about what you say, but how
you say it.
- choose the right language for the
right audience
Major Issues with appropriate
1. levels of formality
2. in-group jargon
3. slang and idiomatic expressions
4. deceitful language and
5. biased language
Levels of formality
- writing in a style that your
audience expects and that fits your
purpose is key to successful writing.
In-Group Jargon
- jargon refers to specialized language used
by groups of like-minded individuals. Only
use in-group jargon when you are writing for
members of that group. You should never use
jargon for a general audience without first
explaining it.
Slang and idiomatic expressions
- avoid using slang or idiomatic
expressions in general academic
Deceitful language and
- avoid using euphemisms(words that
veil the truth, such as collateral
damage” for the inintended
destruction of civilians and their
property) and other deceitful
Biased language
- avoid using any biased language
including language with a racial,
ethnic, group, or gender bias or
language that is stereotypical
Characteristics of Effective
1. Concrete and specific
2. Concise
3. familiar language
4. precise and clear
5. constructive
6. formality of language
1. Concrete and Specific
-descriptions which creates tangible images
with details that readers can visualize
He is a bad roommate
He is lazy and discourteous
He is untidy and clean
He doesn’t clean up his own messes
He leaves his dirty dishes on the kitchen
2. Concise
- ability to express the desired
message in as few words as
- straightforward and to-the-
3. Familiar language
- language that readers
easily recognize and
understand because they use
it on a regular basis
The presently assigned paper
necessitates an eloquently articulated
analysis of the existentialist perspective
as it pertains to contemporary living.
You should adumbrate the points which
represent the sene qua non of your
Individuals who maintain a diet of high
fat content are exposed to an increased risk
of developing atherosclerosis, which is a
build-up of fat deposits on the inner walls
of the arteries. This condition can reduce or
cut off the flow of blood in the arteries
serving the major organs of the body. This
can lead to poor health.
4. Precise and Clear
-accurate; exact
- appropriate
Your Thoughts!!
The following are actual headline printed in
news paper
1. Include your children when baking cookies
2. Safety experts say school bus passengers
should be belted
3. Killer sentenced to die for second time in
ten years
4. eye drops off shelf
5. Constructive
- potentially negative
message in a positive
6. Formality of Language
- it should match the formality of
the situation and the relationship
between the writer and the reader
very formal
Very Formal
Exceedingly large segments of the population are expressing
their discontent with medical practitioners who appear to be
more engrossed in amassing financial assets than in providing
efficacious care to people with health disorders.
A large number of consumers are complaining about medical
doctors who are apparently more interested in making money
than providing effective health care.
A lot of people are unhappy with their doctors who only seem to
care about how much money they make, and not about giving
their patients good care.
4. Mechanics
- technical aspects of
- spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, etc
Think of the most pressing
environmental issue. Make a position
paper on that issue.

Computerized, 150 words

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