Dairy Microbiogy Notes PPT11
Dairy Microbiogy Notes PPT11
Dairy Microbiogy Notes PPT11
Microbiology of Cream
Cream may be defined as "that portion of milk which is rich in
milk fat" or
o Sterilized (or Canned) Cream: Must contain not less than 23% fat.
• Sterilized half cream not less than 12%
o Sour Cream: Can be both thick and light, added with souring culture to
give sour taste and flavor.
• Culture is added to the cream which is heated to about 20° C for 10 - 14
• Heating produces lactic acid responsible for the sour taste.
• Light sour cream too is made in the same way, but has only 18% or less
milk fat.
• used in sauces and dressings, casseroles and cakes or served on
Cream Minimum fat content Use
Half cream Contains no less than 12% milk fat (Not sterilised) In coffee, pouring on fruit and desserts
Sterilized cream Contains no less than 23% milk fat (Cream is sterilised) On or in desserts
Cream Preparation
Heat Standardizati
Packaging Storage on
Storage and
Production on the farm:
Hygienic quality of milk is important because although
vegetative cells are killed by heat treatment but spores are
Cream should not be held for long and quality of skim milk
should be good.
Homogenization necessitates
• An extra treatment and so extra contamination
• May break bacterial clumps.
• Requires holding the cream at higher temperature(warm) for
a period.
Homogenization should take place immediately before the
final stage of heat treatment.
So final heating of cream “Increased surface area increases
action of lipase”
Heat treatment:
Pasteurization: LTLT 65°C / 30 min or HTST 74°C / 15 sec, 82°C
/ No hold UHT 140°C / 2 sec
The heat treatment applied for cream should meet the following
Old Cream
Rancid Flavors
Origin of taints
Abnormal milks – mastitis, late lactation, methods of feeding, weeds in
Failure to cool milk immediately after milking – which permits lipase and
other enzymes to act.
High counts in milk and / cream due to unhygienic production
Dirty cream separators and equipment failure to cool cream
Failure to cool cream
High temperature of holding during distribution and sale
Use of stale milk or if Cream stale when sold.
If taints are present immediately after separation they may be due to the
enzyme action on milk or Inherent to milk it self.
If developed after pasteurization of cream, may be due to Dirty equipment;
Thermoduric bacteria; High holding temperature
Testing of Milk
Tests are conducted at the point of sale for raw milk, raw
cream, pasteurized cream
1. Thermoduric bacteria
2. Lipolytic bacteria – tributyrin agar 5 days at 22°C
3. Caseinolytic -- caseinate agar 5 days at 22°C
4. Coliforms counts – high counts suggest dirty equipment
Specific organisms and
taints they produce
Number of organisms are responsible, due to
biochemical attack on proteins to produce peptones and
E.g. Proteus, gram negative rods; Some yeasts and
molds some associated growth is necessary like
Streptococcus lactis produces acid and then Rhodotorula
mucilaginosa produces bitter flavor.
Specific organisms and
taints they produce
Gm –ve, nonspore forming rods, attack proteins and fats
strongly but no effect on sugars
Ps. fluorescence - Greenish pigment and rancidity
Ps. fragi - Apple like ester taint
Ps. putrefaciens – Putrid odor
Ps. nigrifaciens - Black discoloration
Ps. aeruginosa - Opportunistic pathogen grow at 42°C ,
resistant to antibiotics and quaternary ammonium
Specific organisms and
taints they produce
Yeast: -
Yeasts are not very common because they are non-lactose
Few lactose fermenters ferment lactose, or sugar added in
whipped cream and cause yeasty and fruity flavor and obvious
gas resulting in foamy appearance.
Yeasts are acid tolerant and grow even after retardation of
bacterial growth
E.g.Torula cremorisTorula sphaerica
Candida pseudotropicalis
Specific organisms and
taints they produce
Aerobic spores: -
Important in sterilized cream clotted cream.
Sterilization / UHT process kills all vegetative cells and clears
way for spore germination and heating gives a shock to the
spores which stimulates germination.
B. cereus – survive pasteurization; grow at low temperature,
sweet curdling, bitty cream and proteolysis.
The other organisms are B. licheniformis, B. coagulans, B.
All produce bitterness and thinning in sterilized cream
Food poisoning: -
Cream is usually more severely heat-treated and so
less chances of food poisoning.
After heat treatment contamination is very serious but
not a problem if cream held < 5°C
Water contamination:
Important organisms are Pseudomonas,
If water is contaminated with sewage Salmonella –
source and other fecal types may be present
Microbiological tests
Test Property Measured
Pre-heating (35-40 °C) Grading
Separation Cream
35% Buffaloes
40% for Cows
82-88 °C/ No hold
Manufacturing of Butter
82-88 °C/ No hold
or Vacreation
Ripening 20-22°C
Ageing (5-10°C)
Rinse the churn by revolving for 10mins when 1/3 fully water
at 48.3°C
Wash with water with washing compound with ½ full
capacity at 60°C and rotate for 15-20min
Rinse with water at 87.8°C half full and rotate for 15min
Drain for 5min
Just prior to use, rinse with solution containing 200ppm
available chlorine.
Fruity Flavor: -
It is due to early phases of activity of lipoytic organisms
and the most common organisms are Ps. fragi, Ps.
fluorescens .
It results in ester like odour resembling apple, later
developing into intense fruity flavor.
Organism’s origin is water, feed and soil and so gain
through utensils and equipment
Straining Shrikand
Whole Lactic acid Dahi Whipping Lassi
Milk Fermentation Churning
Butter/ Makhan
Ghee Ghee
Methods of manufacture
Separation Cream Churning Butter milk
Whole Butter
Milk Ghee Ghee
Skim Milk
Lactic acid
Fermentation Dhai Straining whey
Methods of manufacture
5,00,000 90 250
Shrikand ----- 10 30
1. Quality of milk
The heat survival is due to heat coagulated proteins in
khoa act as insulators.
Open pan method involves alternative heating and
cooling so thermal effect is reduced.
The temperature of heating ranges between 62-68°C.
2. Production Hygiene:
Utensils – as source of micrococci, bacilli and other
Factors influencing micro flora
in Khoa
2. Production Hygiene:
A .Paneer: -
Moisture (not more than 70%), Milk Fat (not less than
Made from buffalo milk (5% fat)
Paneer made by coagulation with citric acid or tartaric
Paneer not much used in sweets more to make vegetable
Microbiology: -Sources of contamination are air, water,
utensils, cutting knife, muslin cloth, person handling
MBRT Test:
2 ml sample
7 ml Ringer’s solution.
1 ml Methylene blue.
Time taken
Grade 1 - >4.5 hrs
,, 2 - 2.5 - 4.0 h
,, 3 - 0.5 - 2.0 h
,, 4 - 0 h
International Commission On
Microbiological Specification For Foods
Ice cream standards
Through ingredients
4. Homogenization:
Homogenization pressure has little effect on microorganisms.
Bacterial clumps are broken up and in maximum in total count
may be observed.
Homogenizer must be kept clean and sanitized as it may
contribute to post pasteurization contamination of mix.
If it is carelessly cleaned, it may be a very important source of
coliforms and other bacterial contamination.
Homogenizer is a complex piece of equipment requiring
cleaning and sanitization.
5. Cooling:
Cools to below 4.4°C.
Small increase in total count may result from
contaminants in the cooler.
The sudden decrease in temperature has little effect on
the bacteria in the mix.
6. Ageing:
Changes are hydration of proteins and stabilizers; fats begin to
Contaminants are introduced from the vats used for ageing.
16-24h at 4.4°C has little effect on the bacterial count of ice
cream mix.
Under prolongation of storage can lead to the proliferation of
psychotropic organism with serious risk of mix spoilage
Coliform bacteria also may increase in numbers in ice cream
mix held at 8°C & above which may give rise to false
conclusions relative to post pasteurization contamination.
7. Freezing:
Mix is frozen to the proper softness and whipped to the
desired overrun by the incorporation of air.
Total bacterial count may be increased due to contamination
of equipment, disintegration of bacterial clumps during
Few organism are killed by the freezing process itself due to
mechanical damage caused to the bacteria by the crystals
Batch - -4 to –3°C /7 min
Continuous - -6 to –5°C /24 sec
When the ice cream leaves the freezer the bacterial standard
is, as it were, “locked-in”, as very little change in the
bacteriological population will occur for several months,
provided the ice cream is kept properly frozen.
Sal .typhosa – survive for 28 months at –20°C
Paratyphoid & Brucella – 4 years at –23°C
T.B organism - more than 30 months.
8. Packaging:
Packaging, molding and cutting of ice cream must be
carefully done to prevent contamination of ice cream.
Small molds used for specialty ice cream are often or
serious source of contaminate because of their reuse
without adequate cleaning and sanitization.
Hands of worker should be thoroughly washed and clothing
of worker should be fresh & clean.
Hardening and storage
5. The personal hygiene and habits of all in the factory – unwell - not
allow without full medical clearance.
Prevention and control:
7. Use stream of running, pure, cold water for cleaning scoops and
other serving equipment.
Cheddar cheese
Process and Microbiological changes
Milk standardized to a certain ratio of casein to fat (C:F) (0.68-0.72) or fat to solid
not fat (F: SNF) (0.33-0.46)
Pasteurization (71 ◦C for 15 s) cooled at 30 ◦C and delivered to making vats
Inoculated with starter culture of Mesophilic lactic acid streptococci
Streptococcus cremoris, Streptococcus lactis
After 20 min of inoculation rennet is added and 30-40min later coagulum is cut
into small cubes 5mm
Acidity of whey maintained at 0.10-0.14% lactic acid
Curd stirred in the whey and heated to 39-40 ◦C for 40-45 minutes (0.11-0.15%)
lactic acid
Stirring continues until firm (dry) and suitable for pitching and separation of
whey (0.15-0.19%) lactic acid; final stage in curd making
Maximum increase in Starter organisms takes place until this time
Hard Cheese without eyes
Cheddar cheese
Process and Microbiological changes
After separation from whey the curd (0.20-0.22% lactic acid) is cheddared
either by hand or by cheddaring system.
Starter bacteria continue to multiply and produce lactic acid at the rate of
approximately 0.10% every 20 min
Whey continue to drain from the curd which becomes elastic, smooth and silky
Eventually exhibits the characteristic ‘chicken breast’ texture(0.60-0.80%)
The curd is then milled and salt(2%) is added and mixed thouroughly to ensure
even distribution
Salted curd is delivered to cheese moulds and pressed hard(2-3 tonnes) for 15-
18 hrs
Hard Cheese without eyes
The microflora of cheddar cheese:
• Starter bacteria: Streptococcus lactis, Streptococcus cremoris and
streptococcus lactis sub-sp. Diacetylactis
• Non strarter bacteria:
• May survive pasteurization or gained access as post pasteurization
Lactobacilli, Pediococci, Leuconostoc, Staphylococci, Micrococci, Group D
Streptococci and Gram Negative rods such as coliforms, Pseudomonads and
• During cheese making the starter streptococci increase in numbers from
about 2.0 x 10^7 cfu/ml in the cheese milk 20min after inoculation to about 2
x 10^9cfu/ml in the curd at pressing.
• Greatest increase occurs in the first 3-3 1/2hr of the making process while the
curd is in contact with the whey.
• In period of salting (2-3h) the starter population is maintained or decline,
depending on the species and strains of starter bacteria.
Hard Cheese without eyes
Gouda and Edam cheese suffer may defects which spoil hard
cheese such as
Mould growth (mainly by Penicillium and Aspergillus sps.)
Development of off-flavors and
Bacterial Surface-
Ripened Cheese
Semi-soft Cheese (e.g. Limburger, Port du Salut)
This group of cheese contains a number of varieties which
are ripened largely from outside by the action of surface
All varieties made from sweet, rennet curds and are
ripened to some extent by proteolysis from starter
Characteristics brownish-red surface growth of Bre. lines
makes contribution to the ripening of some varieties and
affects the flavor of all of them
Bacterial Surface-
Ripened Cheese
Semi-soft Cheese (e.g. Limburger)
Made from Pasteurized milk with small amounts of starter
culture of lactic acid streptococci
Starter culture may be Str. lactis alone or Str. lactis and Str.
thermophilus and amount may vary from 0.1-0.2% for
Limburger to 0.8% for Port. du Salut.
Rennet (22ml per 100 liters) is added at 30-32 ◦C , the
coagulum is cut in 30-40min, and the curd particles are
heated in the whey.
Moisture content of different varieties is controlled by the
particle size and the temperature of the scald 35 ◦C for
Bacterial Surface-
Ripened Cheese
Semi-soft Cheese (e.g. Limburger)
After removal of whey, the curd is filled into suitable cheese
moulds followers and weights are placed on top of curd to
consolidate it , turned frequently for several days.
Immersed in the brine (23% NaCl) at 10 ◦C for 24h or dry
salted on surface for 1-2 days and wiped with cloths soaked
in brine.
Cheese are now placed on shelves in the ripening cellar.
Within few days characteristics brownish-red slime develops
on the surface and this is uniformly smeared over whole
surface to distribute the bacteria uniformly.
Bacterial Surface-
Ripened Cheese
Semi-soft Cheese (e.g. Limburger)
Size varies in these types of cheese
Important relationship between depth of cheese and
surface diameter is important, since too large diameter or
too great a depth can accelerate or delay ripening, cheese
could over ripe and bitter near the surface long before the
interior is ripe.
Role of Micro flora in Processing and Ripening
Starter bacteria:
• During manufacturing the lactic acid streptococci grow
rapidly, and development of acidity continues while the
curd is draining in the moulds
Bacterial Surface-
Ripened Cheese
Semi-soft Cheese (e.g. Limburger)
Starter bacteria:
• During manufacturing the lactic acid streptococci grow rapidly,
and development of acidity continues while the curd is draining
in the moulds.
• After 24h the pH may be about 5.0 but this varies with different
• Rate of acid development governs the rate of whey drainage
from the curd and thus final moisture content of the cheese.
• Affected by the numbers, activity of acid producing bacteria,
and by the room temperature.
• Rapid acid production, leading to a dry, over-firm curd or slow,
inadequate drainage leading to a wet, sour curd, result in cheese
which don’t ripen satisfactorily.
Bacterial Surface-
Ripened Cheese
Semi-soft Cheese (e.g. Limburger)
Surface flora:
• Within 2-3 days of manufacture, a whitish growth of aerobic,
salt tolerant yeast and Geotrichum candidum appears on the
surface of the cheese.
• Some days later when pH has been increased by their
metabolism, the brownish-red growth of Bre. lines appears
and surface becomes slimy.
• Brevibacterium linens is very actively proteolytic and the
extent to which its growth is allowed to develop depends on
the variety of the cheese.
• It is greatest in Limburger where cheese may resemble the
consistency of warm butter.
Bacterial Surface-
Ripened Cheese
Semi-soft Cheese (e.g. Limburger)
• In these cheese as the starter bacteria die out, the curd undergoes
varying of proteolytic and lipolytic changes associated with
enzymes from the starter bacteria and rennet.
• Function of the surface organisms esp. Bre. linens , is to
contribute, in a greater or lesser degree to the flavor .
• Their growth and contribution to cheese flavor is governed by
1. Moisture content of the curd, drier varieties such as Bel Paesa
and Monterey show less surface ripening and low flavor intensity
2. Area of cheese exposed during ripening, cheeses may be piled on
top of one another to prevent excessive growth of Bre. linens.
3. Temperature and duration of ripening
4. Removal of the surface growth
Bacterial Surface-
Ripened Cheese
Semi-soft Cheese (e.g. Limburger)
In Limburger the surface growth is responsible for many of the
changes in ripening.
G. candidum utilizes the lactate formed and increases the pH at
the cheese surface to enable Bre. Linens to grow.
The difference in pH from surface (6-7) to centre (5.4-5.7) suggest
that neutralization of the acid is associated with the products of
the surface flora rather than casein hydrolysis within the cheese.
Bacterial Surface-
Ripened Cheese
Semi-soft Cheese
-Most serious defects arising in bacterial surface ripened cheese is
failure to develop.
- Occurs if the surface of the cheese is too dry, or the humidity of
curing room is too low.
- Slow development of the smear allows unwanted moulds to grow
- Cladosporium, Penicillium, Aspergillus etc
Early blowing:
-If good quality pasteurized milk is not used all varieties may suffer
early gas formation by coliform organisms during draining and salting.
- This defect may vary in intensity from a few, small pin-holes to a
Bacterial Surface-
Ripened Cheese
Semi-soft Cheese
Late Blowing
- If curd after manufacture does not have a low enough pH (below
5.3) or high enough salt content the cheese are subject to late gas
formation by the growth of clostridia
- Excessive development of acidity by the starter bacteria during
manufacture may cause the pH of the curd to fall too rapidly or too far
Internal Mould-
Ripened Cheese
E.g. Gorgonzola, Roquefort and Stilton
Made from high acid, semi-soft curd and the process involves slow
acid development during long draining period.
These cheese are not pressed, instead curd is allowed to consolidate
under their own weight.
Salt may be added to the drained, acid curd before it is placed in the
cheese moulds (Stilton) or may be rubbed into surface of those
cheese where acid development takes place in the moulds
(Gorgonzola, Roquefort ).
Initially blue-viened cheese may undergo some proteolysis from the
starter bacteria and rennet enzymes
When they are pierced to admit air the blue-green moulds,
Penicillium roqueforti or P. glaucum spread through the cheese and
brings proteolytic and liplytic changes responsible for ripening and
Internal Mould-
Ripened Cheese
Cheese Making
Milk : For blue–veined cheese , high-fat milk desirable as lipolysis
plays an important part in flavor development.
Sheep’s milk extensively in France and mandatory for Roquefort and
Stilton but Gorgonzola made from cow’s milk and cream added if
fat content is low.
Most of the milk used is raw, as milk lipase aids fat hydrolysis in
ripening but now pasteurized and homogenized milk is been used to
overcome defects of raw milk of poor bacteriological quality.
This process helps to form a smooth curd with maximum moisture
retention, increases the surface area of the fat, promoting the
lipolytic action of P. roquefortii and accelerating typical flavor
Internal Mould-Ripened Cheese
Cheese Making
Starters: Mesophilic lactic acid bacteria
Growth and acid production of starter are essential for adequate
draining of curd.
Str. Lactis sub-sp. diacetylactis and Leuconostoc
Moulds: Blue-veined cheeses are characterized in appearance and
flavor by growth and development of blue mold P. roquefortii.
Cultures of P. roquefortii in liquid suspension are introduced
deliberately either to the milk before rennet is added or by spraying
on to the curd with the salt.
Cheese are pierced several times, during ripening to admit air to
enable the mold to grow and metabolize
Proteolytic and lipolytic activity within the cheese gives the cheese
their piquant character and flavor
Internal Mould-Ripened Cheese
Cheese Making
Closely associated with particular geographical localities for e.g.
- Stilton ; Made in farm house in the Vale of Belvoir in Leicestershire.
- Gorgonzola; Milan Italy
- Roquefort: 8th century Province Aveyron France
Basic principle of high acid development over a long slow drainage period: pH
of 4.5-4.7 is reached in 24h.
Slow acid development controls the expulsion of moisture from rennet curd ,
to produce a cheese with soft velvety body, flaky texture, low pH and
moisture 48-50%
Starter and rennet are added to the milk , after cutting, syneresis of the curd
is brought about by acid development only.
Curd are not scalded during processing and not pressed mechanically.
Curds filled into moulds, frequent turning ensures adequate drainage and
Internal Mould-Ripened Cheese
Role of Micro flora in processing and ripening:
Slow production of acid by the lactic acid bacteria makes it essential to use
good bacteriological quality.
Balance between acid production and moisture expulsion is vital any
acceleration or hindrance of acid development affects the moisture level in
the curd.
Salting of curd before moulding reduces moisture content or applied to
cheese helps to firm and harden the surface.
During salting the no. of starter bacteria are high 10^9 cfu/g but low pH and
increasing concentration of salt in the moisture of cheese inhibit these
But after 2-3 weeks few viable cells are found, no other bacteria are found
during ripening.
Actual mechanism of starter bacteria for ripening is not known, possibly due
to intracellular enzymes released and rennet bring proteolysis of casein in
the early stages of ripening and before the mold (P. roquefortii) grows.
Internal Mould-Ripened Cheese
Role of Micro flora in processing and ripening:
Characteristics process in the manufacture of the cheese is pricking,
piercing or stabbing the cheese to admit air, possibly mold spore, to the
Roquefort and Gorgonzola: Pierced at 2-3 weeks old
Stilton: 5-6 weeks old
A t the temperature (10-13°C) and humidity 96% of curing room P.
appears within 8-10 days.
Mould ramifies through fissures in the cheese and along the lines of
stabbings maximum in 30-90 days.
Maximum growth at the centre of the cheese where initially the salt
concentration of salt is lower.
Cheese are then wrapped in foil or moved to a cooler curing room to slow
down ripening during remaining maturation process.
Internal Mould-Ripened Cheese
Role of Micro flora in processing and ripening:
P. roquefortii is used as ripening agent due to its tolerance of salt and low
concentration of oxygen than other sps., added in huge number.
After ripening the oxygen content is reduced and CO2 is increased (P.
roquefortii withstand them better than other species).
Casein is hydrolyzed after mold develops and body of cheese becomes softer
and increase in amount of amino nitrogen (marked during 1st month of
ripening) but slowly continues throughout the life of cheese.
Proteinase activity is over a range pH 5.3-7 and optimum pH 6.
-pH of cheese rises from initial minimum of 4.7-4.5 at 24h to maximum of 6.0-
6.24 at 2-3 months; as a result of utilization of lactic acid by P. roquefortii .
- Subsequent fall in pH occurs when butyric, caporic, caprilllic and capric acid or
if other higher fatty acids liberated from fat by lipases produced by mold.
- -Lipases are active at pH, temperature and salt concentration found in
ripening cheese.
Internal Mould-Ripened Cheese
Role of Micro flora in processing and ripening:
- Throughout the making process and until a satisfactory rind or coat has
formed these cheese are vulnerable to infection by air-borne molds and flies.
- Formation of relatively smooth, impervious coat is necessary for protection
of cheese during ripening, coat may vary with type of cheese.
- Surface flora affected by pH, moisture, concentration of NaCl.
- Salt tolerant yeast develop first increasing the pH , so other mos can grow.
- Reddish-brown growth of Bre.linens may appear, and cheese acquires slimy
type of surface (e.g. American Blue)
- While cheese like Stilton, have drier surface
- Yeast, lactobacilli are found regularly, with aerobic spore former, pigmented
cocci and coli form occur irregularly in variable numbers.
- Type of coat is often characteristic of particular curing room.
Defects in Internal Mould-
Ripened Cheese
1. Gassiness:
- Gassiness is seldom troublesome due to low pH and high salt concentration
in the young cheese, combine with fairly low curing temperature provide
unsuitable conditions for growth of spoilage bacteria.
- Volatile fatty acids can be produced quite early during ripening, but if milk
is homogenized, are inhibitory to many bacteria and may assist in the
control of bacterial spoilage.
2. Failure to blue:
- Failure of P. roquefortii to develop properly and consequent low levels of
proteolysis and lipolysis, produces a cheese which is too firm and lacks
- Poor mold growth results due to excessive development of acidity in the
curd, leading to too close texture in the cheese or dry curd.
- Low humidity in making room also cause dry curd and affect acid
- Poor color of mold arise from species of Penicillium used or possible lack of
iron in milk.
Defects in Internal Mould-
Ripened Cheese
3. Over-bluing:
-Excessive mold growth may occur if cheese are pricked heavily and proportion
of O2 to CO2 is upset.
-A good blue color is achieved but volatile acids are used for the mold
metabolism and subtle flavor is not produced.
-Worst condition is musty, unclean flavor development.
4. Surface defects: Causes considerable losses.
-A black mold usually Caldosporium may grow on surface and stab-holes causing
musty flavor.
-Application of paraffin wax or Cryovac or Al-foil after satisfactory mold growth
is sometimes used to protect cheese.
5. Browning: Common defect associated with high pH (8.0-8.5) in cheese.
6. Slip-coat: In Stilton cheese and soft edges in Roquefort are defects associated
with moisture under the rind of the cheese.
Strong Proteolytic organisms like Proteus vulgaris and Str. liquefaciens were
found to be associated with slip coat other factors may be involved.
Soft cheese
Constitute a large group of varieties characterized by moisture
content of (48-55%) to high (55-80%) and consequent
Made from cream, whole milk, or whole milk standardized
with cream or skim-milk.
Curds may be formed by rennet and acid and if starters are
used they are mesophilic lactic streptococci.
Curd receive little or no cutting and little scalding.
Cheese are not pressed, any necessary drainage is done by
High acidity may develop in certain varieties.
Cheese made in small cylindrical, rectangular or logs shapes.
Some varieties are consumed fresh and have clean lactic acid
flavor with little break down of protein or fat.
Soft cheese
• Sweetened condensed milk
-Minimum milk fat: 8%
-Minimum milk solids: 28%
-Minimum milk protein in milk solids-not-fat: 34%
DFTQC Standard
- Minimum milk fat 8%
- Minimum milk fat with solids: 31%
- Minimum sugar content : 40%
US Standard (FDA) for SCM
Physical requirements
(a) Flavor. Shall be sweet, clean, and free from rancid, oxidized, scorched, fermented,
stale or other objectionable tastes and odors.
(c) Texture. Shall be smooth and uniform, free from lumps or coarse graininess.
There shall not be sufficient settling of the lactose to cause a deposit on the bottom
of the container.
(d) Body. Shall be sufficiently viscous so that the product upon being poured at
room temperature piles up above the surface of that previously poured, but does not
retain a definite form.
Microbiological limits.
(1) Coliforms, less than 10 per gram;
(2) yeasts, less than 5 per gram;
(3) molds, less than 5 per gram;
(4) total plate count, less than 1,000 per gram.
BIS Standard for SCM
Manufacturing of Sweetened
Condensed Milk
1.Raw milk:
The important criteria for raw milk selection are :
MBRT not less than 3.5
DMC Not more than 10^6 cfu / ml
No physical abnormalities such as blood, flakes, clots
No developed acidity (not more than 0.03% LA over natural acidity)
Sediment not more than 0.03 mg
The addition of sugar should not be considered as a substitute for
good sanitation, good quality milk or adequate processing practices
since sterilization process are not used.
Manufacturing of Sweetened
Condensed Milk
2.Fore warming:
With the increase in concentration the temperature of heat treatment
also vary. Total solids concentration varies between 12 and 25.
Temperature used varies between 82-100°C / 10-30mts. The temperature
and time used are sufficient to destroy all pathogenic microbes and all
other except most heat resistant ones. The z value should be nearly
Inactivates the natural enzymes of milk.
Necessary for satisfactory vacuum pan operation.
It is only means of destroying pathogenic organisms and is instrumental
in destroying spoilage organisms.
The bacterial enzymes lipases, proteinases are not inactivated.
Holding in HOTWELL: 90-105°C / 20 min. No drastic change in SPC and
the survivors could be spore formers, and micrococci
Manufacturing of Sweetened
3. Addition of sugar: Condensed Milk
Addition of sugar to the fore warmed milk before condensing. This
results in plasmolysis of some surviving microorganisms.
Addition before fore warming – offers protection for destruction of
Added to syrup (65% solution) – drawn into the pan towards the end of
Sugar is sucrose, stored in dry place, free from dust insect and rodent
contamination. Under unfavorable conditions, get contaminated with
mold spores, osmophilic yeasts and microbes that will produce acid and
Manufacturing of Sweetened
Condensed Milk
4. Superheating:
The temperature is raised to 70°C and held for varying time to obtain
desired viscosity of product. There is little effect on microbial quality
5. Condensing:
It is done in vacuum pan. Milk boils at 57.2°C at 25 inch vacuum, but
towards end temperature drops to 48.9°C in 3-4hr. Condensing is not
expected to reduce the microbial population significantly.
Vacuum pan should be cleaned very well. A possible source of
contamination may be vacuum pan heads. Milk deposits (sticky nature)
that quite difficult to clean may become source of contamination.
Recommended – Alkaline detergent 82°C at 14 inch vacuum followed by
acid detergent and 600ppm chlorine solution
Finishing – slightly over condensing and adjust with sterile water or
under condensed milk such a process is prone to post processing
Manufacturing of Sweetened
Condensed Milk
6. Forced crystallization:
Temperature is 30°C. Milk is seeded with lactose crystals and
vigorously agitated for 1hr, to force lactose to form fine crystals.
Added lactose is usually not heavily contaminated and SPC should
not exceed 10 to 15/g but can be sterilized by heating under vacuum
at 93.8°C to convert to α –anhydride form, grounded, canned and
sterilized at 130°C/1-2hr.
7. Packaging:
Filling operations should take place in a separate sanitary room in an
atmosphere of filled air at around 16°C.
Dust and insect contamination of stored cans and ends must be
Filling operation may be major source of micrococci, Yeasts and
Microbiological examination of SCM
SCM is not a completely sterile. Total count varies between few hundred
to 1,00,000/gm.
Microbes that can be observed include: Micrococci, Yeast and molds,
spore forming aerobes, coliforms which are due to contamination from
air and utensils.
Micrococci, spore formers ex: - B. subtilis may survive fore warming
Sampling of sealed cans: Thorough cleaning of cans, Testing the open
area with microbiocidal agent with alcohol, Use of sterilize opener, Care
in sampling of material prewarming carefully to 45°C to reduce viscosity.
Three tests are done usually:- SPC, yeasts and molds, coliforms.
First dilution is made gravimetrically (11gm/99ml) and then volumetric
dilutions (because the product is very viscous) other quality control test
are thermoduric count, tests for micrococci and staphylococci.
Type of Flora:
1. Micrococci: - Due to marked resistance to unfavorable conditions like
high osmotic pressure prevalent in the product. M.varians, M .candidus,
M. caseolyticus (Predominate) M. luteus M. freudenreichii
2. Staphyococci: - S. aureus, S. epidermidis
3. Coliforms: - present in very few numbers [3%] E. coli, Ent. aerogenes.
4. Aerobic spore formers: - Due to resistance to fore warming
B. subtitis (Predominate), B. cereus, B. mesentericus, B.stearothermophilus, B.
mycoides, B. pseudoanthracis
5.Anaerobic spore formers: - Cl. welchii, Cl. butyricum, Cl. sporagenes, Cl.
6. Streptococci: - Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus faecium, E. faecalis var
Type of Flora:
Causative organisms: - important species are Asperigillus sp and
Penicillium sp., A.repens, A.glaucus,Cladosporium sp., Catenularia
fulginea, certain actinomycetes
Buttons are composed of old mycelia and coagulated casein due to the
production of milk clotting enzymes (affecting casein stability) and are
colored white to brown.
Mold buttons are lumps of variable size, cheesy consistency and
whitish yellow to reddish brown colour.
They constitute firm self-contained units that do not re emulsify into
the body of milk.
Buttons are found on surface or subsurface of the product and molds
grow until the availability of oxygen in headspace is exhausted.
The button formation may continue even after cessation of mold
growth, presumably due to continued enzymatic action.
Signs: -
Lumps or buttons of dark brownish colour,
Disagreeable taste, stale odour accompanied by colour change, flavor
change and
Defects in body and texture.
Major source: -
Post processing contamination, because almost all molds are destroyed
by fore warming operation
Storage at high temperature
Presence of air in headspace of cans
Prevention: -
Filling cans fully
Vacuum packing
Storing below 16°C
Improving sanitation of plant
Prevention of contamination after fore warming
Inversion of stored cans at regular intervals.
Gas may develop suddenly in the product after 10 days to few weeks.
Concentration of the most disastrous defect
Signs: -
Gas cause bulging of cans, blowing of cans.
In extreme cases may break the cans or burst the barrels,
Extreme acidity, lumpiness and
Darkening of internal surface of containers
Organisms: -
Yeasts -- Torulopsis lactis condensi, T. globosa that ferment sucrose but
not lactose
Bacteria – coliforms, B. cereus, B. butyricus, B. coagulans, Cl. butyricum
Mechanisms: -
Sucrose is inverted by enzyme invertase that is generally produced by yeast cells
Sucrose glucose + fructose- C02+alcohol by yeasts and to C02+H2 by
The organisms are heat sensitive. So the post forewarning contamination is the
major reason.
This is more common in warmer months. The defect develops very slowly because
of slow growth rate of responsible organisms in the high sugar concentration.
Prevention: -
Avoid contamination with yeasts
Avoid contamination of sugar by protecting from dampness and from insects and
Clean sugar conveyers after each days use
Use concentration sugar syrup in boiling hot water
Sanitization of all equipment's
Avoid prolonged exposure to air
Containers are filled fully giving reasonable allowances for heat expansion
It is the most common defect and is due to Physico-chemical and bacterial origin.
Signs: -
High bacterial count
Disagreeable cheesy odor and taste
Increase in acidity
When thickened product is diluted with water and heated the curd separates
distinguish from heat or age thickening
Organisms: - Micrococcus pyogenes, S. aureus, S. albus, B. subtilis and Certain
Mechanism: -
This is due to the production of rennin like enzyme by organisms, which acts
on milk proteins.
When sugar contents are high, the growing conditions are rather unfavorable
and thickening proceeds slowly.
Predisposing factors: -
Contamination with defect causing organisms
Storage at high temperature
Low sugar ratio
Public health significance:
Microbial quality:
Microbial quality is of great concern because of vulnerable,
sensitive group of consumers.
Product is not of uniform quality because of variation in
Types of Dried Milk (Infant Milk
Microbial quality:
Microbial quality is of great concern because of vulnerable,
sensitive group of consumers.
Product is not of uniform quality because of variation in
quality of milk and conditions manufacture.
Spray drying - Milder heat treatment than roller dried milk
Roller drying - Severe heat treatment
Instantization - Wetting and redrying may survive as additional
opportunity for contamination.
Organisms used as index of hygienic quality are Staphylococci,
B. cereus, Coliforms and Enterococci
Micro flora of infant foods: