Cream Products
Cream Products
Cream Products
Cream | Products 921
invisible to the naked eye until they have a sufficient size. heat-resistant spores may occur in UHT cream (see
At this temperature, feathering becomes perceptible and Enzymes Indigenous to Milk: Lipases and Esterases.
the whitening power of the cream decreases at the same Psychrotrophic Bacteria: Pseudomonas spp.).
time. After pouring the coffee cream from a small poly- The prolonged shelf life of UHT cream means that
styrene (PS) package into a coffee solution, clearly high demands are made on filling and packaging materi-
defined large white floccules can float on the surface, als. In contrast to pasteurized cream, the UHT product
and this is not a result of feathering. These floccules are must be aseptically filled and packed. Therefore, the
dried particles from inside the package that were formed filling equipment and packaging materials have to be
during storage because PS permits substantial water vapor tolerant to water, steam, hydrogen peroxide, heat, and
permeability (see Packaging). UV light. Whether the whipping cream is pasteurized or
UHT heated, there are some common important factors
that must be taken into consideration. Light and/or
Whipping Cream oxygen may induce oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids,
leading to flavor degradation. The appropriate filling
The whipping of a traditionally pasteurized, continuously conditions should be selected to minimize the oxygen
and sufficiently cooled cream with a fat content of not less content in the package (with small headspace volume)
than 30% is unproblematic if a raw milk of good quality is and in the cream (see Packaging). Homogenized cream
used and the production of cream continues largely with- is particularly susceptible to the action of light. The
out mechanical stress. Each additional percent of fat up to sensitivity of cream to light depends also on the heating
40% reduces whipping time and results in a firmer foam. conditions. UHT heating causes sulfhydryl groups and
Quality defects of raw milk, nonoptimal processing, hydrogen sulfide to be released from -lactoglobulin,
a lower fat content, and, most of all, the demand for initially creating an intense cooked flavor (see
a prolongation of shelf life generally cause problems. Heat Treatment of Milk: Ultra-High Temperature
Raw milk contains enzymes with different activities Treatment (UHT): Aseptic Packaging; Ultra-High
and some of them are responsible for the development of Temperature Treatment (UHT): Heating Systems).
specific flavor compounds and defects in milk and cream. During storage, oxidation of these groups causes the
The native milk lipase, for example, is lipoprotein lipase cooked flavor to disappear and the strong reducing activ-
(LPL) that catalyzes the hydrolysis of triacylglycerols to ity inhibits the development of off-flavor compared with
free fatty acids. The activity of LPL is theoretically suffi- those likely to occur in pasteurized cream. A balanced
cient to cause rancidity in less than 1 min. However, antioxidative/oxidative action of sulfhydryl groups and
liberation of free fatty acids is prevented by an intact oxygen will probably help to ensure cream products of a
milk fat globule membrane. Since the fat globule mem- good sensory quality. But even if well-balanced condi-
brane protects milk fat against lipolysis, the milk must tions can be maintained, light transmission must be kept
be carefully handled to minimize damage to the fat glo- at a low level.
bule membrane. Homogenization of cream produces a UHT whipping cream is expected to have a shelf life
greatly enlarged area of milk fat covered with a new of about 3 months. But particularly during the summer
membrane. This milk fat is vulnerable to the action of period, consumers complain about quality defects.
LPL, and subsequent rancidity occurs if no immediate A short-lived warming up of a cream package to a tem-
pasteurization inactivates this heat-labile enzyme. perature of 30–35 C, as may occur during transport
Lipolytic rancidity is also induced by extracellular bac- without cooling, produces adverse effects after slow
terial lipases of Pseudomonas spp. and other Gram-negative recooling. It not only supports creaming during subse-
psychrotrophs. In many cases, these lipases are not inac- quent storage at 20 C, but may also lead to a distinct
tivated by pasteurization and may even be present in thickening after cooling before whipping. Although not
UHT cream (e.g., lipases of Pseudomonas fluorescens). all the fat is melted after the warming up, this ‘rebodying’
Extracellular proteinases of Gram-negative psychro- is caused by increased size of fat crystals during recooling.
trophs may be also very heat-stable and can show This results in partial coalescence without stirring pro-
activity even after in-bottle sterilization of cream. vided that the fat content is so high that the fat globules
Phospholipases, proteinases, and glycosidasas from psy- are very close together. A continuous storage temperature
chrotrophic Pseudomonas, Citrobacter, and Enterobacter may of 5 C delays creaming and the occurrence of sensory
act synergistically in damaging the fat globule membrane. problems when compared to storage at 20 C. The whip-
The aggregation of fat globules, which produces bitty ping time of the cream is extended as a result of cold
cream, has been linked to the specific activity of phos- storage, but it also results in an increased volume.
pholipase from Bacillus cereus. Psychrotrophic spore Whenever comparative studies or assessments of
formers in raw milk such as Bacillus spp., which cause whipping properties are carried out, standardized tem-
sweet coagulation, can survive pasteurization, and also perature and whipping conditions must be ensured, for
Cream | Products 923
which special regulations exist in many countries. stage of whipping. This stage is initiated by a steep
Usually, whipping time and overrun, and firmness and increase of power consumption of the whipping device.
leakage of the foam are measured. Most devices used to At the end point, probably only insufficient free fat glo-
test whipping are modifications of the one originally bules and small clumps remain in the serum phase for the
described by Mohr and Baur in 1937. It consists of two stabilization of newly formed bubble surfaces. The whole
hexagonal, cylindrically arranged wire baskets rotating process of foam formation results in a partly coalesced fat
at a constant speed. The cream, which is stored for 24 h globule network, which stabilizes the air cells, traps the
at 4 C, is whipped in standardized cooled (5 C) cups serum phase, and forms the characteristic stiff texture
until there is no appreciable increase in the load (Figure 1). This applies to pasteurized or low-pressure-
required to turn the blades. Percent overrun is calcu- homogenized (max. 3 MPa) UHT whipping cream with a
lated as the volume difference after and before whipping, fat content of about 30% and with or without viscosity
divided by the volume of unwhipped cream and multi- raising additives. Prolonged whipping would result in too
plied by 100. An overrun of not less than 80% is large clumps of fat globules leading to rupture of bubble-
desirable. Firmness can be equated with the length of enclosing lamella, initiation of bubble coalescence, and a
time needed by a standardized plunger to penetrate the reduction in overrun. The irreversible phase inversion
foam to a defined depth. When using a texture analyzer, into a greasy water-in-oil emulsion becomes visible as
the average force required to move the plunger at a butter granules.
constant speed within the foam yields a more sensitive Homogenization creates smaller and more stable fat
indicator of firmness. For determining serum leakage, a globules which are stabilized by an interface of adsorbed
formed square block (defined edge length) of the proteins covering an increased total surface area. Such fat
whipped cream is placed on a special sieve in a room globules that are in direct contact with air bubbles do not
of constant temperature and humidity. After 2 h, the lose their globule membrane so that no partial coales-
quantity of dripped liquid is measured. cence occurs. The secondary membrane exposes the so-
Development of the whipped cream structure depends
called calcium-sensitive regions of the micellar caseins,
on interactions between fat globules and between fat
increasing the reactivity of fat globules. The resulting
globules and air bubbles. This leads to the build up of a
foam structure is stabilized by casein on the surface of
matrix in which bubbles are stabilized, and the majority of
fat globules via calcium bridges. Its development and
globules are clumped. A prerequisite for effective whip-
stability are not comparable with that of nonhomogenized
ping of the cream is that part of the fat is solid and a space-
whipped cream (see Cream: Manufacture). Supporting the
filling network of mainly long and slender platelets is
formed within the fat globules. Hence, deep cooling and
a sufficient cooling time of the cream are indispensable.
The initial stage of whipping involves adsorption of
soluble whey proteins and -casein at the gas–liquid
interface. This protein layer is not strong enough to
stabilize a foam structure of large and still rather unstable
air cells. However, it makes it easier to incorporate more
air into the system until the maximum overrun is
achieved. This first stage corresponds more or less to
the formation of a protein foam. During the second stage
of whipping, the bubbles are reduced in size, and the
overrun remains approximately constant. In the end, the
proteins are going to be replaced by strongly hydrophobic
fat compounds of damaged fat globules. Induced by the
mechanical stress, fat globules with slightly protruding fat
crystals may collide with an unstable air bubble, and a
bridging process occurs. The vigorous flow results also in
a more frequent collision of fat globules with protruding
crystals which have lost segments of the natural mem-
brane, leading to conjunction of these globules via crystal
bridging and released liquid fat as ‘viscous glue’. This
partial coalescence results in an irreversible deposition
of single fat globules or fat aggregates at the hydrophobic Figure 1 Transmission electron micrograph of whipped cream.
air/serum interface. The highly dynamic transformation A, air cell; C, cut fat globule membrane with crystallized fat; F, fat
of free fat globules into clumps finally leads to the third globule; IF, impression of fat globule.
924 Cream | Products
surface layers with other surface-active substances (emulsi- A neck-plug resulting from ordinary creaming only can
fiers) decreases the formation of clusters and increases the be mostly redispersed by gentle shaking or even pouring,
tendency to clumping. Then homogenization at higher pres- whereas a more solid kind of plug is not redispersible and
sure may be applied. thus unacceptable to the consumer. An essential aspect of
Cream can also be aerated by means of suitable pro- this neck-plug is its fatty solid-like cohesive structure. So,
pellants resulting in an overrun of such aerosol products while creaming remains the prerequisite, considerable var-
in the range of 300–500%. The resulting microstructure iations in storage temperature, especially if accompanied
shows a clearly increased amount of fat globules, which by excessive mechanical agitation, may cause an appreci-
adsorb at the interfaces of air bubbles. Concurrently, able destabilization. The formation of a solid neck-plug
agglomeration of the fat globules and the corresponding may be similar in origin to the churning of cream into
network of different air bubbles is substantially reduced butter or to the thickening of whipping cream after a short
compared with regular whipped cream. The common warming up at 30–35 C and subsequent cooling to 5 C
structure is modified insofar as there is a reduction in (rebodying, see above). Finally, the oil-in-water emulsion
the dimensions of the lamellae between air bubbles. The is partially converted into a butter-like water-in-oil
very low level of partial coalescence and the high solu- emulsion. Other physical and chemical factors may also
bility of the propellants decrease the stability of such contribute to neck-plugging.
foam. At the bottom of the bottle, a slightly granular pre-
cipitate is occasionally observed. This deposit is
composed of calcium and citrate, and is a direct result of
Cultured Cream the addition of trisodium citrate. High ambient tempera-
tures during storage of cream liqueur accelerate the
During the manufacturing process of cultured cream production of such crystalline material. The extent of
(see Cream: Manufacture), incubation may take place in deposition can be reduced by lowering the amount of
the retail package or in a fermentation tank. One disadvan-
citrate, but at the same time this increases the probability
tage of in-tank souring is that the product will once more
of subsequent gelation and separation of serum. Hence, it
come into contact with the manufacturing equipment,
follows that the manufacturer has to assess carefully the
which seriously raises the risk of reinfection. Apart from
composition of and production process for cream liqueurs
that, the viscosity of the cream after fermentation decreases
(see Cream: Manufacture).
during mechanical treatment till packaging. Therefore, the
Finally, it must be taken into consideration that cream
necessity of adding hydrocolloids increases. Set-style
liqueur is basically unstable in the presence of lemonade
products have a markedly thicker consistency, but have
or acidic mixers, because casein coagulates at its isoelec-
a tendency to become slightly inhomogeneous during
tric point (around pH 4.6). The presence of traces of
the long fermentation period at ambient temperature.
tannins and polyphenolic compounds in added spirits
Direct acidified sour cream lacks the fine flavor of
cultured cream in the first 2 weeks after production. during the manufacture of cream liqueur may also
However, during the following shelf life, enzymes from destabilize sodium caseinate emulsions. When using
the culture can start producing an ‘aged’ flavor as a result white wine in the formulation of liqueur, the acidity can
of proteolysis. be neutralized by the addition of sodium hydrogen
Cream Liqueur
See also: Butter and Other Milk Fat Products:
The cream liqueurs that are commercially available Anhydrous Milk Fat/Butter Oil and Ghee; Milk Fat-Based
have typical shelf lives of several years when stored in Spreads; The Product and Its Manufacture. Cream:
sealed bottles under ambient conditions. Very occasion- Manufacture. Dehydrated Dairy Products: Milk Powder:
ally, however, defects such as the formation of a cream Types and Manufacture. Enzymes Indigenous to Milk:
or fat plug in the neck of the bottle can occur after Lipases and Esterases. Fermented Milks: Yoghurt: Types
prolonged storage. One explanation is that insufficiently and Manufacture. Heat Treatment of Milk: Sterilization of
severe homogenization conditions were used (see Cream: Milk and Other Products; Ultra-High Temperature
Manufacture). There is no analogy between the beha- Treatment (UHT): Aseptic Packaging; Ultra-High
vior of double cream in liqueur and pure double cream, Temperature Treatment (UHT): Heating Systems. Ice
for which even slight homogenization results in aggre- Cream and Desserts: Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts:
gation of the fat globules. By contrast, it is difficult to Product Types. Liquid Milk Products: Liquid Milk
overhomogenize a cream liqueur because the fat to protein Products: Pasteurized Milk. Packaging. Psychrotrophic
ratio is about 5, but about 25 in pure double cream. Bacteria: Pseudomonas spp.
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