Chapter 2 - Forecasting
Chapter 2 - Forecasting
Chapter 2 - Forecasting
The art and science of
Current factors or
Past experience in similar
Uses of Forecasts
Plan the System
- long-range plans for new products and services
4. Trend projection
5. Linear regression Associative Model
Actual demand line
A Average demand
over four years
Random variation
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Naïve Forecast – the forecast for any period
equals the previous period’s actual value
Naïve Approach can be used with:
a stable series (variations around an average) : The
last data point becomes the forecast for the next
seasonal variations : the forecast for this “season” is
equal to the value of the series last “season”.
trend : the forecast is equal to the last value of the
series plus or minus the difference between the last
two values of the series.
EXAMPLE: Using an appropriate naïve method, predict orders for
the following day for each of the 3 products of a commercial
bakery that has recorded sales (in dozens) as shown below:
Day Blueberry Cinnamon Cupcakes
Muffins Buns
1 30 18 45
2 34 17 26
3 32 19 27
4 34 19 23
5 35 22 22
6 30 23 48
7 34 23 29
8 36 25 20
9 29 24 14
10 31 26 18
11 35 27 47
12 31 28 26
13 37 29 27
Historical data typically contain a certain amount of
random variation, or “noise”.
Averaging techniques smooth variations in the time-
series because the individual highs and lows in the data
offset each other when they are combined into an
Forecasts based on an average tend to exhibit less
variability than the original data.
Averaging techniques include:
1. Moving average
2. Weighted moving average
3. Exponential smoothing
Moving Average
Technique that averages a number of recent actual values,
updated as new values become available
Ft = MAn = ----------- , where
3 55 62 60 + .40(65 – 60) = 62
4 58 59.2 62 + .40(55 – 62) = 59.2
5 64 58.72 59.2 + .40(58 – 59.2) = 58.72
6 ? 60.83 58.72 + .40(64 – 58.72) = 60.83
1. Trend Projection
2. Trend-Adjusted Exponential Smoothing
a) Linear A Linear Trend Equation has the form:
b) Parabolic yt = a + bt , where
c) Exponential t = specified no. of time periods from t = 0
yt = Forecast for period t
a = value of yt at t = 0
b = slope of the line
Linear Trend Equation
The coefficients of the line, a and b, can be computed from historical
data using these two equations:
n ty - t y y
b = ---------------------
n t2 – ( t)2
y - b t
y y
a = -------------------
t b = t
where: a
n = number of periods
y = value of the series 0 t
Example: Develop a line trend equation for the
following data. Then use the equation to predict the
next two values of the series.
n ty - t y
Period (t) t2 Demand (y) ty b = n t2 – ( t)2
1 1 44 44
2 4 52 104 9(2,545) – 45(488)
= 1.75
= 9(285) – (45)2
3 9 50 150
y - b t
4 16 54 216
a = n
5 25 55 275
= 488 – 1.75(45) = 45.47
6 36 55 330
7 49 60 420
y = 45.47 + 1.75 t
8 64 56 448
y10 = 45.47 + 1.75 (10) = 62.97
_______ 81
_________ 62
_________ 558
t = 45 t2 =285 y = 488 ty = 2,545 y11 = 45.47 + 1.75 (11) = 64.72
Trend-Adjusted Exponential Smoothing
Variation of exponential smoothing used when a time series
exhibits trend.
Simple exponential smoothing fails to respond to trends as
it will exhibit a severe lag from the actual data points as the
period t increases (as shown in the table below).
Month Actual Demand Forecast for Month t (Ft) w/ =0.40
1 100 F1 = 100 (given)
2 200 F2 = 100 + 0.40(100 – 100) = 100
3 300 F3 = 100 + 0.40(200 – 100) = 140
4 400 F4 = 140 + 0.40(300 – 140) = 204
5 500 F5 = 204 + 0.40(400 – 204) = 282
Trend-Adjusted Exponential Smoothing
The idea is to compute an exponentially smoothed average of the data and
then adjust for positive or negative lag in trend. Thus, the new formula is
Forecast including trend (FITt)= exponentially smoothed forecast (Ft)
+ exponentially smoothed trend (Tt)
With this model, estimates for both the average and the trend are smoothed.
This procedure requires two smoothing constants, for the average and for
the trend. Then, the average and trend are computed for each period:
1 12 6 21
2 17 7 31
3 20 8 28
4 19 9 36
5 24 10 ?
2 Models of Seasonality
1) Additive Model – seasonality is expressed as a
quantity, w/c is added or subtracted from the series
average in order to incorporate seasonality.
2) Multiplicative Model – seasonality is expressed as a
percentage of the average (or trend), w/c is used to
multiply the value of a series to incorporate
Multiplicative Seasonal Model
is more widely used in business than the
additive model
entails computation of
a seasonal index (when time series has
seasonality and trend is not present), or
a seasonal relative (when data has both
trend/average and seasonal components)
Steps in Making a Forecast Using a
Seasonal Index (Data w/o Trend)
Mon 50 505
Friday Relative = (1.36 + 1.40 + 1.33)/3 = 1.36
Tuesday Relative = (0.84 + 0.89) / 2 = 0.87
CYCLES are patterns in the data that occur every several years.
[Forecasting them is difficult because it is very hard to predict the
turning points that indicate a new cycle is beginning.]
The best way to predict business cycles is finding a leading variable
with which the data series seems to correlate. Examples are
Birthrates “lead” college enrollments by about 18 years, so changes in
birthrates is a good predictor of swings in enrollment.
Housing construction permits are excellent leading variable for household
appliances and services.
are related to the quantity being predicted. This approach is more
powerful than the time-series methods that use only the historic
values for the forecasted variable.
1. Regression Analysis
2. Correlation Analysis
Associative Forecasting Techniques
The essence is to develop the best statistical relationship between the
variable of interest or being forecast (w/c is the Dependent Variable)
and the related variables that can be used to predict values of the
variable of interest (called Predictor Variables).
For example, the sales of IBM PCs might be related to IBM’s
advertising budget, the company’s prices, competitors’ prices and
promotional strategies, and even the nation’s economy and
unemployment rates. In this case PC sales would be the dependent
variable and the others would be called the independent variables.
The primary method of analysis is known as regression. It is a
technique for fitting a line to a set of points.
a) Simple Linear Regression – linear relationship between 2 variables
b) Curvilinear Regression – non linear relationships are present
c) Multiple Regression – involves more than one predictor variable
Linear Regression Analysis
A straight-line mathematical model to describe the functional relationships between
independent and dependent variables.
Simple Linear Regression : to obtain an equation of a straight line that minimizes
the sum of squared vertical deviations of data points from the line.
This least squares line has the equation: Computed
y Relationship
yc = a + bx
yc = predicted (dependent) variable
x = predictor (independent) variable
b = slope of the line
a = y-intercept
n xy - x y 0 Predictor variable
b = n x2 – ( x)2 y
y - b x
a = n y
_ _ b= t
or y - bx
n = no. of paired observations 0 The line intersects the y-axis where y =a. the slope of the line = b. x
Linear Regression Analysis
Example : Nodel Construction Company renovates old homes in Orono,
Maine. Over time, the company has found that its dollar volume of
renovation work is dependent on the Orono area payroll.
The following table lists Nodel’s revenues (in hundred thousand dollars) and the
amount of money earned by wage earners (in $ dundreds of millions) in Orono
during the past six years. A linear relationship was found after plotting the data,
so management wants to establish a mathematical model to help predict sales.
Sales, y Payroll, x x2 xy n xy - x y
2.0 1 1 2.0 b = n x2 – ( x)2 =
3.0 3 9 9.0
2.5 4 16 10.0 6(51.5) – (18)(15.0) = 0.25
2.0 2 4 4.0 6(80) – (18)2
2.0 1 1 2.0
________ 7
________ 49
________ 24.5
_________ y - b x
a = n or
y = 15.0 x = 18 x2 = 80 xy = 51.5
_ _
The least squares line, therefore, is yc = 1.75 + 0.25x y – b x
or Sales = 1.75 + 0.25 (payroll). So, if the local
chamber of commerce predicts Orano area payroll will be = 15 - .25(18)
$600 million next year, Nodel can estimate its sales to be 6 6
= 1.75 + .25(6) = 3.25 or Sales = $325,000. = 1.75
Linear Regression Analysis
Three (3) conditions for an indicator to be valid:
1) The relationship between the movement s of an indicator and the
movements of the variable should have a logical explanation.
2) Movements of the indicator must precede movements of the dependent
variable by enough time so that the forecast isn’t outdated before it can
be acted upon.
3) A fairly high correlation should exist between the two variables
Sales,y Payroll, x x2 xy y2
2.0 1 1 2.0 4.0
3.0 3 9 9.0 9.0
2.5 4 16 10.0 6.25
2.0 2 4 4.0 4.0
2.0 1 1 2.0 4.0
3.5 7 49 24.5 12.25
________ ________ ________ _________ _________
y = 15.0 x = 18 x2 = 80 xy = 51.5 y2 = 39.5
r= n (xy) – ( x)( y)
n ( x2 ) – ( x)2 n ( y2 ) – ( y)2
Forecast Forecast
Month Demand Technique 1 e e e2 Technique 2 e e e2
1 492 488 4 4 16 495 -3 3 9
2 470 484 -14 14 156 482 -12 12 144
3 485 480 5 5 25 478 7 7 49
4 493 490 3 3 9 488 5 5 25
5 498 497 1 1 1 492 6 6 36
6 492 493 -1 ____1 1 493 -1 1 1
___ ____ ___ ____ ____
-2 28 208 2 34 264
Check that each forecast has an average error of approximately zero.
MAD1 = e = 28 MSE1 = (e )2 = 208
= 4.67 = 41.6
n 6 n-1 6-1
MAD2 = e = 34 MSE2 = (e )2 = 264 = 52.8
= 5.67
n 6 n-1 6-1
Technique 1 is superior in this comparison because its MAD and MSE are smaller.
It is necessary to monitor forecast errors to ensure that the forecast is
performing adequately.
A forecast is generally deemed to perform adequately when the errors
exhibit only random variations.
Forecasts can be monitored using either of the following:
Tracking Signal – measurement of how well the forecast is predicting
actual values. It is computed as the running sum of forecast errors (RSFE)
divided by the corresponding value of mean absolute deviation (MAD), or
Tracking = RSFE = (Actual - Forecast ) , where MAD = Actual - Forecast
Signal MAD MAD n